Michaela Richards bites MNPD officer in the leg, attempts to assault others during arrest

Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville early Sunday morning were flagged down for a fight near 2nd & Broadway.25-year-old Michaela Richards had approached a vehicle in the roadway and punched the window. Witnesses say she then shoved another female on the sidewalk. Officers say they “corralled” her and took her into custody for public intoxication. While waiting for entry into the jail, Michaela bit an officer on the leg, causing an injury, attempted to bite two more, kicked an officer in the face, and attempted to headbutt an officer. 

Tourist Daniel Leja puts security manager in headlock during Honky Tonk Central brawl

40-year-old Daniel Leja was in a group of “unruly and intoxicated” patrons at Honky Tonk Central in the early hours of Saturday morning who were fighting and causing a ruckus. Security manager Cameron Moores left his office to assist the staff on the floor, and while directing patrons to leave, he was placed in a headlock by Leja. The other staff took Leja to the ground and detained him until police arrived.

Laura Titus says she smacked husband, Justin, who was “irate and yelling” while drunk

60-year-old Laura Cooke Titus told police her husband, Justin Titus, was “irate and was yelling, so I smacked him across the face with my hand” at their Green Hills estate Friday evening. She explained they argued after both had been drinking alcohol, and the argument was about Justin’s drinking habit. She says the argument promptly stopped after she smacked him, and police responded to the scene.  

DUI: Lance Jennings drives wrong way on downtown street after a “quarter pint of vodka”

26-year-old Lance Bryan Jennings was driving his Infinity G37 the wrong way down a one-way street in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Saturday morning. A traffic stop was conducted, and it was immediately apparent that Jennings was intoxicated. He stated he drank “a quarter pint of vodka,” prior to driving. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and blew a 0.171% BAC on a breathalyzer. 

Musician Nate Lupi charged after shattering Rippy’s glass door in downtown Nashville

22-year-old Nashville musician Nate Lupi was jailed on felony vandalism and public intoxication charges late Friday night after staff from Rippy’s Honky Tonk say he shattered their glass front door with his foot as he was being ejected from the bar for disorderly conduct. Lupi told police he consumed three shots of tequila inside immediately prior to the incident. 

Jason Mcintire charged in attempted murder of his brother during home renovation dispute

47-year-old Jason McIntire was arrested Tuesday afternoon and charged with the attempted murder of his brother, Brian Patrick Mcintire. According to the police, Jason and his brother were renovating a house on Shihmen Ct in Antioch when he got fed up with being berated by his brother for his work renovating a shower. He went outside to calm down, but after walking around for a period of time, he grabbed his .357 revolver from the company box truck and went back inside to his brother began berating him again, and Jason fired two shots at close range. At least one of the two shots struck the victim in the upper abdomen. There was a brief scuffle over control of the gun, and two more shots were fired. Once Jason regained control of the gun, he went back outside and put the gun back in the truck. A third person, Rhonda Ellis, was working with the Mcintire Brothers, told police she didn’t witness the altercation but did find the victim lying on the floor moaning afterward, and Brian told her it was Jason who shot him.

Cianna Wright charged in assault of juvenile sister; smashes her iPad

18-year-old Cianna Wright is charged with the domestic assault of her juvenile sister after their mother told police that Cianna was undoubtedly the primary aggressor in the family fight. The mother walked in to witness Cianna slam the victim’s iPad on the counter, causing it to shatter. As the mother attempted to calm them both, Cianna began to grab her sister’s hair and punch her. Cianna fled the home before officers arrived and was booked on the outstanding warrant this week.

Terry Waters takes off his belt and “whoops” his girlfriend during assault

20-year-old Terry Jerome Waters reportedly walked in the front door of his girlfriend’s home on Prince Avenue on December 12th while she was doing her hair. She said he immediately yelled, “Bitch, you be lying,” as he took off his belt. She asked, “What are you going to do, whoop me?” and whoop her, he did. Waters reportedly stuck her repeatedly with the belt and bit her on the arm before fleeing the scene. Officers documented injuries on the victim, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. He was booked into jail on December 15th.