Tyler Workman charged after rowdy night at Rippy’s Honky Tonk in downtown Nashville

25-year-old Tyler Workman was reportedly aggressive toward staff at Rippy’s Honky Tonk in downtown Nashville Saturday night and eventually assaulted a staff member. Bouncers then restrained and detained Workman and flagged down Metro Nashville Police. Officers attempted to place Workman in handcuffs, and he pulled his body away and resisted arrest. He was eventually taken into custody and transported to booking.

Shaley Morales kicked out of Nudie’s Honky Tonk but refused to leave

Bouncers at Nudie’s Honky Tonk on Broadway in downtown Nashville flagged down Metro Nashville Police officers to advise they had a female detained for trespassing after they located her in the alley behind the bar. Earlier in the evening, the woman, identified as 21-year-old Shaley Morales, was on the rooftop and was asked to leave due to her extreme level of intoxication. She was later found in the alleyway and continued to refuse directives to leave the property, and was jailed for criminal trespass.

MNPD Officer placed “in fear of assault” when Jonathan James puts arms on him on Broadway

Metro Nashville Police Officer Connor Hosey says he was assisting a citizen with taking a photograph just after 2 a.m. on Broadway in downtown Nashville Saturday when 24-year-old Jonathan Pierre James came up and placed his arms around the neck of Hosey. While observers say it looked like horseplay, the Metro Nashville Police officer says he felt in fear of bodily injury and had Officer Caulder place the North Carolina tourist under arrest for assault.

William Haywood Routon charged with DUI after 3 IPAs — fell asleep behind the wheel

Metro Nashville Police were flagged down near West End and Cherokee Ave just after 11 p.m. Monday in response to a man asleep behind the wheel of a vehicle at a stop sign. The man, identified as 46-year-old William Haywood Routon, had just woken up and sped away at a high rate of speed, according to the woman who was flagging them down. Officers caught up with Routon as he drove toward his family’s $3 million estate on Ebenway Drive. He admitted to drinking “3 IPAs at a friend’s home” prior to driving and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. He was transported to booking and charged with DUI.

Micaela Kirkwood charged with DUI — says she can’t even do field sobriety tests when sober

Nashville Police say 27-year-old Micaela Kirkwood was swerving wildly in and out of lanes on Rosa Parks Blvd and driving up the center median early Monday morning. As officers conducted a traffic stop, the smell of a “sweet alcohol” was coming from Kirkwood and her vehicle. She admitted to drinking wine, but calmed it was hours earlier, and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. At one point, she stated: “I can’t even do this sober!” during field sobriety tests and was wobbly on her feet. She was transported to booking and charged with DUI.

Kristen Gaines charged in assault of girlfriend in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police say 34-year-old tourist Kristen Gaines locked herself inside a bathroom of a downtown residence Sunday while threatening to kill herself. She eventually exited the bathroom, and when her girlfriend, Heather Hobby, asked her what was wrong, she reportedly lunged at her, grabbed her, and tossed her over the couch, at which point she began to hit and scratch the victim. Police documented a partial recording of the incident, along with injuries and a torn shirt on the victim.

Fort Campbell Soldier Hunter Fairweather kicks bouncer after Broadway Battle Buddy knocks him down

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville late Saturday night responded to a fight at Nudie’s Honky Tonk on Broadway. They encountered 22-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Hunter Fairweather and his friend, Ironne Coley, who were in an argument with bouncers at the location. Fairweather reportedly kicked the bouncer, Deangelo Ridloy, after Coley knocked him to the ground. Officers documented injuries to the victim and watched a video of the assault.

Fort Campbell Soldier Ironne Coley beats downtown bouncer at Nudie’s Honky Tonk

Late Saturday night, the top floor of Nudie’s Honky Tonk reached maximum capacity, and security staff positioned themselves at the bottom of the steps to prevent any more patrons from entering that level. As 24-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Ironne ‘Ron’ Coley attempted to go upstairs, he was stopped by bouncer Deangelo Ridloy, and the two began to argue and cause a large disturbance. Coley then punched the bouncer in the face, knocking him to the floor. Coley then jumped on top of the bouncer and began to beat him. Coley’s friend, fellow soldier Hunter Fairweather, then also assaulted the bouncer while he was down. Police observed a video of the assault and documented multiple injuries on the victim.

Tourist Dale Stalley smacks booty of male bouncer at Kid Rock’s bar during disagreement

46-year-old tourist Dale Stalley was told he needed to leave Kid Rock’s bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville early Sunday morning after he was being disorderly at the location. Bouncer Everett Libolt says Stalley smacked him on the ass and told him he wasn’t going anywhere while threatening to fight him. He then got in the bouncer’s face attempting to strike him, and more security helped to detain Stalley.