Zackary Herder charged with attacking two bouncers at Losers Bar in Nashville

27-year-old Zackary Herder is charged with assault and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after two security guards from Losers Bar & Grill, Alan Evans & Garrett Hudson, reported to police reported they were attacked. Hudson had asked Herder to leave the location after he became disruptive, at which time he says Herder grabbed a glass beer bottle at attempted to hit him with it. As he was being escorted downstairs, Herder punched Evans in the face. Herder was detained when police arrived, and he reportedly confessed to the assaults.

Conor McNamara charged with late-night DUI just days after turning 21

Late Friday night, 21-year-old Conor McNamara crashed his vehicle onto the sidewalk on 4th Ave South just near the Nashville City Cemetary. McNamara freely admitted he didn’t have a valid license to drive and that he consumed “one beer” about fifteen minutes prior to driving. Officers say he performed poorly on field sobriety tests and blew a 0.098% BAC on a breathalyzer.
Conor is the son of Sean McNamara, the owner of McNamara’s Irish Pub.

Julia Fellows deemed too drunk for downtown Nashville

Security from Honky Tonk Central on Broadway in downtown Nashville alerted officers working the Entertainment District to 22-year-old Julia Fellows who had fallen onto the ground as she exited the bar with her mother. Officers called for NFD medics to respond to assist Fellows and assess her injuries, however, she repeatedly kicked at police and medical personnel, refusing any and all assistance. Her mother stated she was unable to control her in her current state of intoxication and also couldn’t take her home in her current state. Due to her extreme level of intoxication, officers transported her to booking and charged her with public intoxication.

Noel Saad says man told her to “go lay in the road” while drunk in downtown Nashville; she obliged

27-year-old Noel Saad, who was recently arrested in Clarksville after being found so drunk outside of a bar that she couldn’t properly walk was arrested again this weekend, in Nashville. Just before 11 p.m. Saturday, officers working the Entertainment District Initiative noticed her in an extreme state of intoxication and laying in the middle of the intersection at 5th & Broadway. She refused to move, stating that an unknown male told her to “go lay in the road”.

Jamie McMaster kicked out of two downtown hotels for flipping tables, attempting fights, and trying to pull fire alarms

Metro Nashville Police Officers responded to the Westin Hotel in downtown Nashville after 34-year-old Jamie McMaster was reportedly attempting to fight other guests and threatening to pull the fire alarm for the building. As officers arrived at the location, security from the JW Marriott had also arrived to inform them he had flipped over a table at their nearby hotel, too. McMaster was taken into custody for public intoxication, and he stated he didn’t recall what had happened since the left a bar on Broadway earlier in the night.

Tristan Cummings kicked out of Kid Rock’s bar after grabbing & touching other patrons

Security at Kid Rock’s Big Ass Honky Tonk Rock n’ Roll Steakhouse says 25-year-old Tristan Cummings was kicked out for being unruly inside the bar. Bouncers received multiple complaints about Cummings grabbing and touching other patrons inside the bar and a large disturbance was developing. Metro Nashville Police arrived and took Cummings into custody for public intoxication. Cummings disclosed he had about 8 drinks while inside the bar.

Old man shoots at neighbor in prestigious Nashville neighborhood — Stephen Marstiller

On Sunday afternoon in the wealthy Forest Hills area of Nashville, 73-year-old Stephen Marstiller told his wife, Jeanie Marstiller, to grab his gun from the barn. Marstiller had been in an argument with a nearby neighbor, Robert J. Blake, who was walking in the creek along the rear of the property. The two had gotten into a fight and “grappled” near the creek, arguing over whether the creek itself was Marstiller’s private property while his wife recorded the incident on her phone. After the fight was over, the senior citizen took his .22 rifle to a bridge further down the creek and fired upon the neighbor, missing him by approximately three feet. Officers retrieved a total of three shell casings from the bridge, where Marstiller admits he fired a “warning shot” at the man.

Officers seized his gun and took him into custody, and he was home on a $12,500 bond just over two hours later.

DUI: Amber Collins found asleep behind wheel after nearly causing multiple crashes

A concerned citizen followed a red BMW driving by 27-year-old Amber Collins to a convenience store on Haywood Lance, concerned for her safety as she was reportedly swerving in and out of traffic and nearly caused multiple accidents. When police arrived, Collins had pulled into the parking lot of the gas station and fallen asleep at the wheel of her BMW, which was still running and near the gas pumps. After she was awoken she remained incoherent and was unable to answer questions. Inside the vehicle, officers found an open Smirnoff Vodka bottle, which was half empty.
She was charged with DUI.