Robert Hernandez can’t pay $1800 bar tab at Layer Cake; assaults bouncer

Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Initiative Saturday encountered 29-year-old Robert Hernandez who was unable to pay his $1,807.78 bar tab at Layer Cake on 3rd Ave. South and became belligerent when his card continued to be declined. Security stated they asked him to leave the establishment and he attempted to throw punches and landed one on a bouncer’s arm. Hernandez was charged with theft of services and public intoxication.

Soldier Maxim Donaher too drunk to drive, a friend took his keys, so he punched the friend & his car

25-year-old U.S. Army Soldier Maxim Donaher was drinking at the Red Door Saloon on Division Street and became so intoxicated that his friend who worked there took his car keys from him. Near the end of the evening, Donaher demand his keys to leave the bar, and the friend urged him to check into the hotel next door as he was not sober enough to drive. When he realized his friend was not going to return his keys, he went outside and began punching the friend’s car. The friend attempted to restrain him, and a fight ensued, but Donaher was eventually restrained until police arrived. The friend didn’t want to prosecute for the assault or the vandalism, but did want him removed from the bar. Officers asked the soldier to take an Uber or get a hotel room, both of which were refused. An arrest warrant states “he told the responding officers to just take him to jail and we obliged.”

Markus Higgs found unresponsive in downtown Nashville alley; assaults those helping him

In the early morning hours of July 1st, 29-year-old Markus Higgs was found unresponsive in an alley near 417 Broadway in downtown Nashville. As officers checked on his welfare, they could see he had slight breath movements in his chest, but either could not or would not answer any questions such as who he was, where he was, how old he was, or what he was doing there. Medics responded to the scene and assisted him to a stretcher when he suddenly swung at one of the first responders and began screaming at police and kicking at officers, making impact with Officer Wheatley’s chest. He was then cuffed, restrained, and transported to booking.

Luke Knight too turnt for Tootsie’s #PublicIntoxication

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville encountered 28-year-old Luke Peter Knight late Friday night as security from Tootsie’s had asked him to leave the location multiple times and he refused. Officers observed Knight to be heavily intoxicated and with slurred speech when he spoke to them. Due to his inability to care for himself and his level of intoxication he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Kelly Holmes charged in theft of ex-boyfriend’s dog

Cory Mascari says he was out of town on June 3rd & 4th and his roommate was caring for his dog. Just before 1 a.m. on June 4th a window sensor detected movement at his home, and shortly after his roommate called the police to report the dog had been stolen. Several days later, his ex-girlfriend, 33-year-old Kelly Holmes took the dog to Value Vet and asked to his the dog’s records transferred. The staff contacted the victim, to whom the dog was registered over a decade ago, and has been the sole owner, who then contacted the police to provide an update. The veterinarian’s office provided a video of the woman with the dog, who was his ex-girlfriend, who had not had access to the dog since they broke up in July of 2021. With the clear ownership history of the dog, a warrant was issued for her arrest.

Brittnie Dodson: drunk and disorderly at Nashville International Airport

As Nashville Airport Police were responding to a medical emergency call at gate C22 Saturday afternoon, and simultaneously there was a drunk and disorderly person call near the same area. As officers and medics were tending to the first call and speaking to the passenger, the person from the drunk & disorderly call, identified as 29-year-old Brittnie Dodson, began to stick her iPhone in the face of first responders, demanding to be escorted out of the area. An officer broke away from the medical call to escort Dodson to a taxi, however, she kept touching the officer while filming and weaving and wobbling while attempting to walk. After she started yelling obscenities across the airport she was eventually taken into custody and charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

Benjamin Alexander Eargle was so intoxicated he didn’t think he had been born yet

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative late Saturday night found 25-year-old Benjamin Alexander Eargle, who recently moved to Nashville, heavily intoxicated and napping underneath a vehicle in a parking lot. As officers and first responders attempted to assist Eargle, he explained he was in South Carolina, and the year was 1992. Eargle was born in 1996.

MNPD arrests man screaming “Allahu Akbar” in downtown Nashville — Timothy Taylor

Metro Nashville Police jailed 36-year-old Timothy Taylor after they say he was walking along Broadway in downtown Nashville Saturday night while screaming “Allahu Akbar” at tourists and others enjoying the city. The arresting officer states in an arrest report that Taylor was “disturbing surrounding individuals and making them nervous due to the constant screaming of “Allahu Akbar.” Officer Ronald Conner says he immediately placed him into custody after this behavior and notes that earlier Taylor was seen talking “with motorcycle club members” and was asked to move along after officers felt a fight was about to occur.

Samantha Freitas threatens to kick MNPD officers in balls if they don’t arrest her

Just before 3 a.m. Sunday morning, 35-year-old tourist Samantha Freitas approached a Metro Nashville Police officer near 2nd & Broadway and walked into traffic, and demanded to be arrested. She was told to get out of traffic and move on about her evening. She then became verbally aggressive and told the officers she would kick them all in the balls if they did not arrest her. Officers decided she was obviously too intoxicated to care for herself and took her into custody and transported her to booking.

Nashville Bishop Kenneth Dupree pulls gun on neighbor, threatens to “put her in an obituary”

Metro Nashville Police say security camera footage captured 65-year-old retired Bishop Kenneth Dupree pulling a silver handgun on his neighbor and pointing it directly at her while stating: “I will put you in an obituary and sh**t you, you M*-*-*F*-*-*g b*-*h.

The incident occurred after the neighbor, Jenine Di Conti, says Dupree was speeding through the neighborhood and nearly hit someone so she turned the garden hose, which was already in her hand, in the direction of the vehicle in an attempt to get his attention to slow down and watch out for the other person. After parking his vehicle, he returned to the neighbor’s home and made the threats, with her husband as a witness. He said she harassed him and “if it would be up to him, if she came to his property today, she would be laying in his driveway.” Police took Dupree into custody and transported him to booking. He had secured his firearm inside his residence before officers arrived.