Sharon Heaton found passed out in front of stranger’s apartment door she thought was her own

Metro Police say 24-year-old Sharon Heaton was trying to enter an apartment that wasn’t hers on Sunday. The actual resident of the apartment believed someone was attempting to break into their home and called 911. Officers arrived to find Heaton passed out on the ground in front of the apartment door. She eventually regained some awareness, but was still extremely intoxicated and was a danger to herself and others. She refused medical services, and with no one else to care for her, was booked into jail, charged with public intoxication.

DUI: Police knock on Jordan Rafferty’s door when she simply goes home after a hit-and-run

27-year-old Jordan Rafferty blew a 0.183% BAC on a breathalyzer when police eventually tracked her down and knocked on her door after she crashed her silver Mazda sedan into a flatbed construction vehicle on Murphy Road and fled the scene. Her car sustained “severe front end damage” and was located in the parking lot of her apartment complex with all airbags deployed. She claims someone at the scene told her to drive home and not worry about it. Witnesses at the scene say she fled the scene as quickly as she collided with the truck. Her Instagram story revealed her at a table with drinks at Otto’s Bar just before the hit-and-run. Rafferty admitted to having “a few glasses” of wine.

Jacob Riley flips kitchen table, comes at boyfriend with dining room chair

Michael Mills says he came home to find his 27-year-old boyfriend, Jacob Riley, heavily intoxicated and the home in disarray. The dining room table had been flipped over, and the living room furniture had been thrown around the room. Riley reportedly then spit in his lover’s face and attempted to attack him with a dining room chair. Officers arrived to find the above, plus dining room chairs thrown about, and Riley among the furniture in the living room.

Logan Dunphy cuffed after shooting off at Jenna’s Toy Box

Metro Nashville Police responded to Jenna’s Toy Box on Dickerson Pike just after 11 p.m. Tuesday and spoke with an employee of the adults-only store, 20-year-old Logan Dunphy. He told police he had been “robbed and jumped”, and claimed ownership of the Glock handgun on the counter, stating he fired several shots into the air. Officers reviewed security footage which showed a potential customer at the counter who abruptly runs out the door with unpaid merchandise. Dunphy gives chase to the parking lot where a fight occurs between him, the man with the stolen merchandise, along with three more people that were in a vehicle waiting for him. After getting knocked down, the employee retreats inside the store, and the vehicle drives off. As the vehicle flees out of sight, Dunphy pulls the Glock and discharges it into the air multiple times.

Arnelle Spearman charged in assault of girlfriend after coming home drunk, kicking in front door

Molly Conley says her boyfriend, 26-year-old Arnelle Spearman, came home drunk and kicked in the front door Tuesday evening. She told him to go stay at a hotel, and when he refused she called his mother. Via the phone, his mother asked him “Why do you want to be this drunk in front of your kids?” which only escalated the situation and he smashed the phone, destroying it, and grabbing his girlfriend by her shirt, tearing it down the center.

Kaden Shepherd charged in assault of father, Shawn Shepherd, yet again.

18-year-old Kaden Shepherd was arrested Monday for the 2nd time in recent weeks, charged with the assault of his father. Police say he is listed as the suspect in 7 additional domestic violence reports against his father, Shawn Shepherd, who owns Cleaning Up Nashville and Clean Clarksville. During this arrest, Kaden was calling his father provocative names (detailed in affidavit) as he headbutted him and punched him. Kaden’s older brother, Jackson, attempted to intervene and protect his father, but Kaden managed to shatter glass and injure his father during the fight.

Kristina McAllister charged after throwing chair through rear window of Pontiac Grand Am

35-year-old Kristina McAllister is was reportedly upset about her recent arrest for aggravated assault and her children being with DCS when she got intoxicated and tossed a chair into the read window of a car belonging to Larry Davis. When she didn’t achieve the desired result, she picked up the chair a second time and again smashed it into the rear window of his 2004 Pontiac Grand Am, shattering it. She fled the scene before police arrived and a warrant was issued for her arrest.

Kicked out of bar, tourist kicks at police car on his way to jail — Thomas Burns

Nashville Police say 47-year-old tourist Thomas Burns refused to leave Legends Corner bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville early Saturday evening after being bounced from the establishment. Officers say he was having trouble standing on his own and was acting erratically due to his extreme level of intoxication. As they were placing him into custody for public intoxication he began to kick at the patrol car in an attempt to avoid apprehension. He was placed in hobble restraints and transported to booking.