Derrick Grace charged with pepper-spraying another man on Church Street

38-year-old Derrick Grace reportedly pepper sprayed another man outside of the post office on Church St. on August 30th. The other man, Quintin, told police he recognized Derrick from the gym, and he approached him to speak to him. After they spoke, Quintin said that Derrick got into his vehicle and reversed back to him. He said that Derrick called him back over, and he leaned on Derrick’s car. That is when Derrick pepper sprayed him, despite him dodging. Derrick told police that Quintin said, “He had that good on him,” then raised his eyebrows. When he acted like he did not hear him, he got into his vehicle, drove back over to Quintin, and rolled down his passenger vehicle. Derrick told police there were no threats and only wanted to speak with him. After talking, he said that is when he pepper sprayed Quintin and called the police. Quintin told police he wished to prosecute, and that is when Derrick was cited for assault. He was later booked on the assault charge on September 19th.

Madelyn Blevin jailed downtown after drunkenly fighting with a man and police officers

22-year-old Madelyn Blevin was fighting with a man on the sidewalk of 7th Ave when police intervened on September 21st. After being separated, Madelyn got into the police officer’s face and began cursing at them. She kept walking towards the male she was fighting with, and the police told her not to, so she continued to get in their faces. Police noticed a smell of alcohol on Madelyn as she refused to back off of them. They attempted to place her into custody, and she resisted by locking her arms, pulling, and walking away. She continued to pull away from the police, but they eventually were able to take her into custody and transport her to booking.

Amya Johnson kicks in front door of boyfriend’s house after seeing him with another woman

19-year-old Amya Johnson saw her boyfriend, Jayemus Daniels, with another girl, Jayemus told police, which caused an argument between them on July 7th at a residence on Baldwin Ct. He said Amya kicked in the front door after he went inside to avoid the argument. Police noted that there was damage to the door frame and that Amya wasn’t at the scene when they arrived. They attempted to contact Amya, but she said she had a video shoot to go to but would contact them later. She was arrested for the vandalism charge on September 20th.

Sara Lackova charged in assault of ex-boyfriend at Nashville AirBNB

23-year-old Sara Lackova spoke to police regarding an incident between her and her ex-boyfriend at an Airbnb At Burnham Apartments on Tuesday. She admitted to pushing her ex-boyfriend, Nicholas French, after he yelled at her during an argument and followed her back to the Airbnb. She pushed him because she did not want him inside the Airbnb. Nicholas told police that she refused to let him inside to grab his belongings and slapped him in the face. Video footage shows the two of them at the entrance, and Nicholas puts his arms up before Sara pushes him to keep him from entering. A witness across the street said they saw Nicholas with his arms up and Sara pushing him. Police noted scratch marks on Nicholas’ arm and believed it was from Sara.

Yolanda Morrison wields hammer during argument with husband

51-year-old Yolanda Morrison told police that she and her husband, Cecil Morrison, argued Tuesday. She said that the argument became physical when she decided to pick up a hammer to damage his vehicle. Ultimately, she said that it was not worth it and put the hammer down. Cecil told police that when she picked the hammer up he stood between her and his vehicle. At that time, he felt threatened by the hammer, despite Yolanda having physical contact with him. He said that he wished to prosecute, so police placed Yolanda under arrest for domestic assault.

Roderick Taylor charged in assault of the mother of his child

39-year-old Roderick Taylor showed up at his child’s mother’s apartment to see his son, where they argued, he told police, who arrived on September 19th. He said he awaited to see his son, who was still at school when he encountered Amanda Mallard, the child’s mother. He said they argued in the parking lot before she left, and he was still there when she returned. This time, they argued, and he followed her to her apartment, where he put his foot in her doorway to keep her from shutting her door.

He said he continued the argument with his foot in the door until he noticed she had brandished a knife. After he left her doorway, he said he returned to his vehicle. Police contacted Amanda, who was still in her apartment, and she told them that Roderick initially approached her as she left to pick up her child. She said he wanted to see his son, but they argued about him showing up unannounced and that the child was still at school. When she left and returned, she noticed that Roderick was still there. Roderick began banging on her car door, so she exited and took her two other children inside the apartment.

Later, she said that she had to grab batteries from her car and did not know that Roderick would still be there. He reportedly followed her to her apartment, stating, “Shut up, or I’ll hurt you,” until she got to the door, where he blocked her from closing it. She told police that she only brandished the knife because she feared Roderick attempting to enter the apartment further. He was determined to be the primary aggressor and taken into custody.

Alexander Campos charged with assault of woman inside Opry Mills Theater

22-year-old Alexander Campos was reportedly watching a movie at Opry Mills Mall theater with Grace Voss a couple of hours before police arrived for a sexual assault in progress. On July 9th, around 1:30 a.m., police arrived at the theater and spoke to Grace, who said she and Alexander were watching a movie around 10 p.m. While they were watching the movie, she said that Alexander put his arm around her, grabbed her thigh, moved his hand toward her genitals, placed her hand on his genitals, and fondled her inside her shirt.

All of these advances, she said, were met with her pulling his hand away and telling him that she did not want him to touch her. After she pulled his hand out of her shirt, he asked her if she wanted to leave with him. She refused, and Alexander began kissing her. Alexander also licked her ear, and she attempted to escape him, but he grabbed her by her throat, restricting her breathing for approximately sixty seconds. He said, “You like that, don’t you?” Grace tried texting her roommate for help with her Apple watch. She also went to the bathroom to try and call her roommate for help, but Alexander followed.

Out of fear that he would hear her due to his proximity to the bathroom, she did not answer the phone calls she received from her roommate. Shortly after, she exited the bathroom and returned to the theater with Alexander. Once the movie was over, she said that Alexander asked her to walk with him to his car in the parking lot. She refused and told him she did not drive but was waiting for her roommate to pick her up. He asked her to wait in his car; she told him he should just go and that she could wait alone. Alexander left, and her roommate arrived to pick her up; that is when the roommate contacted the police.

Michelle Hall assaults nurse at Metro General Hospital after losing consciousness at BNA

52-year-old Michelle Hall was transported to Metro General Hospital after losing consciousness at the Nashville International Airport during an arrest for public intoxication on Sunday. She was handcuffed to the stretcher inside an NFD ambulance that transported her after she requested medical attention. Officer Pallan was at the hospital with Michelle while Nurse Jamie Fisher took Michelle’s vitals and started an IV. While performing those tasks, Michelle, handcuffed to either side of a table, kicked at Jamie and struck her arm while being combative as the nurse was doing her job.

Robin Reynolds, 62, charged with reckless driving; 82 in a 55 mph zone

62-year-old Robin Reynolds was seen by police doing over 20 miles an hour over the posted speed limit on I-24 close to Shelby Ave on July 20th. At one point, he was clocked at 82 miles an hour and was weaving in and out of traffic, improperly changing lanes. He also followed too closely to a Ford Mustang, directly affecting the Mustang’s driving, and police conducted a traffic stop. He immediately pulled over, and police ran his license to identify him as Robin. He was issued a citation for reckless driving on July 20th and was booked on the charge on August 10th.