Jeanne Anderson blows 0.203% BAC after crash, claims she didn’t drink any alcohol

67-year-old Jeanne Anderson was placed into custody after MNPD found her at the scene of a single-car accident after she told police she had not consumed any alcohol, performed poorly on a sobriety test, then blew a 0.203 BAC. On July 23rd, MNPD responded to Edmondson Pike for a single-car accident and found Jeanne. They described her as smelling strongly of alcohol with glossy, bloodshot eyes. She told the police that she did not drink any alcohol that day, then performed poorly on the sobriety test administered. Again, she told police that she had not consumed any alcohol that day, then they transported her to perform a breathalyzer test. Her first test did not have a sufficient sample, but the second test showed that she had a 0.203 BAC.

Brian Dominguez charged with underage DWI after crash on Briley Parkway

18-year-old Brian Dominguez was found off the Briley Parkway exit onto I-24 next to his car on the shoulder of the road with alcohol on his breath, a gun, and an “electric rig to inhale live THC resin” in his vehicle. On July 23rd Nashville Fire Department requested MNPD to respond to a possible driver under the influence on Briley Parkway. When they responded, they found Brian next to his car that had a wheel missing and described him as smelling strongly of alcohol. Through slurred speech, he told them that he was heading home after three shots of alcohol and admitted to owning the THC electronic rig, Glock 19, and a jar of THC resin found inside his vehicle. After performing poorly on his sobriety tests, he was placed into custody and transported to booking.

Robert Stone charged with slamming girlfriend’s head into kitchen table

33-year-old Robert Stone woke his girlfriend, the victim, Ashley Smallman, up and slammed her head into a kitchen table, per a police report. On July 23rd, MNPD officers were dispatched to 3rd Ave. for a domestic disturbance when they spoke to the victim, Ashley. She told the police that Robert woke her in bed and slammed her head into a kitchen table. Police noted a cut on her ear as well as other visible injuries on Ashley. When police spoke to Robert, he said that Ashley woke up and began attacking him. Police observed bruises on Robert’s arm but deemed him the primary aggressor due to the severity of the injuries on Ashley.

Kevin Brown indicted on rape and harassment charges

29-year-old Kevin Brown of Mississippi, on July 21st, bonded out of jail on an $85,000 bond after being indicted for two counts of rape and one count of harassment. It is alleged that the two counts of rape were committed on June 29th of 2022, and the harassment was on the same day and October 11th of 2022. The indictment was filed with the Davidson County Criminal Court Clerk on May 31st, 2023, and he was booked on July 14th.

Clarksville mother & daughter Darla & Morgan Knight jailed on felony aggravated robbery charges

56-year-old Darla Knight, owner of Yada on Franklin, and her 30-year-old real estate agent Daughter, Morgan Knight, were both charged with aggravated burglary when they broke into Morgan’s ex-boyfriend’s house, stealing and destroying his property, and emptying a bottle of lube on his bed.

Around 9:30 p.m. on July 20th, MNPD responded to a possible aggravated burglary at 24th Ave; when they arrived, they spoke to the victim, Raymond William Johnson III. Raymond told officers that he had camera footage showing a 2011 Black Chevrolet Suburban pulling into his driveway and then Darla and Morgan Knight exiting the vehicle. Officers reported Darla and Morgan were able to be identified via the footage without question, and the registration of the Chevy Suburban showed that it was registered to Darla Knight. The door was broken into as if someone punched the deadbolt, per the report. The footage shows Darla pointing to the camera as if she planned on committing the burglary without Raymond knowing, officers noted.

When police spoke to Raymond, he said that he and Morgan had broken up in June on amicable terms. He said that he had just recently started seeing another woman. Raymond showed police a text message that Morgan sent his mother stating that she saw notes in their house from the other woman, and that is why the relationship was over. Police found a note on Raymond’s chalkboard with Morgan’s signature under it reading, ” Do not call me or try to reach out. I hope you two live your best life. I only took what was mine.” During the investigation, police found broken picture frames, an entire bottle of lubricant poured onto Raymond’s bed, drywall damage, and all of Raymond’s schoolwork wiped from his computer, valued at over $16,000 for the semester. They took several items, including bedding and curtains, valued over $1,100 as well as caused over $880 of damage to other household items. Raymond’s Glock 19 pistol was also stolen with a value of over $2,000.

Rachael Hall grabs man by biceps, pushes him into a chair

37-year-old Rachael Hall was charged with domestic assault when her roommate stepped between her and another person arguing and she shoved the victim, Andrew Jones, into a chair. On July 22nd MNPD arrived at Ridge Hill Dr. and spoke with Rachael, Andrew, and another person about a domestic disturbance. All three described the same scene of Rachael arguing with the other person, Andrew tried to step in the middle, but Rachael grabbed him by the biceps and pushed him into a chair.

Gelber Alvarado Cux charged with assault during ‘fit of rage’

33-year-old Gelber Alvarado Cux was charged with domestic assault after his wife and brother-in-law told police that he assaulted them in a fit of rage due to allegations of assault toward their child. On July 21st, police responded to a domestic call and utilized a translator to speak to Kindy Azvcely, Gelber’s wife, who told them that she witnessed Gelber holding their child in a way to restrict the child’s breathing. She stated that she confronted him, and he denied it and became irate. A physical altercation occurred between him and his wife, she grabbed his shirt resulting in her falling, and he began to kick her. She escaped the house and ran outside to tell her brother, Erwin Iran, who spoke with Gelber. Gelber assaulted Erwin too. He denied the entire encounter to the police, yet they determined him to be the primary aggressor due to Kindy and Erwin’s account.

Eerin Phillips bites her father’s hand in attempt to retrieve keys

18-year-old Eerin Phillips was charged with domestic assault on July 21st when police arrived at Murfreesboro Pike to a call for possible burglary and found her father, Burmell Phillips, who stated that Eerin and her sisters assaulted him. Eerin told police that she bit her father’s hand in an attempt to get her mother’s keys back; police noted that they saw fresh bite marks on Burmell’s hand.

Justin Rashad assaults girlfriend over apartment key

27-year-old Justin Rashad was spoken to by police after they arrived at his and his intimate partner, Kamryn Pucket’s, address for a domestic call on July 21st. Justin told the police that they began arguing over a key to their apartment and how he wanted her off the lease. He said she refused to give him the key while they argued outside the leasing office. Admittedly, Justin stated that he tried to retrieve the key from her several times and pulled her necklace off after she said that she did not want anything that he had given her. Kamryn confirmed that she felt threatened for her life after he grabbed the necklace, grabbed her to get the key, and the argument escalated.

Joshua Watch charged with assault outside of Jason Aldean’s bar in downtown Nashville

22-year-old Joshua Watch was witnessed by police participating in a fight outside of Jason Aldean’s bar on Broadway on July 23rd. Police broke up the fight between Joshua and the victim, Antonio Maldonado, then Joshua fled. They spoke to Antonio, who said that an argument started inside Jason Aldean’s. They were all kicked out, and then the argument continued outside until Joshua shoved and began hitting Antonio in the face. Antonio positively identified Joshua Watch and said he knew him. Police chased Joshua, eventually catching him; he resisted arrest by not cooperating with the demands for him to put his hands behind his back before finally being placed into custody.