Caleb Wilson part of trio found in Jeep “completely filled with smoke” and a lot of drugs

19-year-old Caleb Wilson was one of three individuals inside a white Jeep Wrangler that were observed to be backed into two parking spots at an airport extended say hotel on Elm Hill Pike in the early hours of Thursday morning. Police described the vehicle as “completely filled with smoke” and, due to drug activity in the area, stopped to ascertain if they were guests of the hotel. As they approached the vehicle, it was apparent the smoke was from marijuana, which was also admitted by all three. Inside the vehicle, officers located a scale, sandwich baggies, tin foil with burnt residue, multiple CBD bags, 230 grams of marijuana in three separate bags, 12 grams of Fentanyl, 2.3 grams of crack cocaine, 8 grams of cocaine, and $3,700 in cash. All three requested their lawyers and were transported to booking to be processed. Officers seized all items, money, drugs, and phones.

Marvin Hughes charged with marijuana, Fentanyl, crack, cocaine, & more…

21-year-old Marvin Hughes was one of three individuals inside a white Jeep Wrangler that were observed to be backed into two parking spots at an airport extended say hotel on Elm Hill Pike in the early hours of Thursday morning. Police described the vehicle as “completely filled with smoke” and, due to drug activity in the area, stopped to ascertain if they were guests of the hotel. As they approached the vehicle, it was apparent the smoke was from marijuana, which was also admitted by all three. Inside the vehicle, officers located a scale, sandwich baggies, tin foil with burnt residue, multiple CBD bags, 230 grams of marijuana in three separate bags, 12 grams of Fentanyl, 2.3 grams of crack cocaine, 8 grams of cocaine, and $3,700 in cash. All three requested their lawyers and were transported to booking to be processed. Officers seized all items, money, drugs, and phones.

Davis Madrigal found with Xanax after recklessly shooting at paper targets in direction of neighbor

19-year-old Davis Madrigal was one of four teens shooting firearms from a home on McCrory Lane in Nashville on May 24. They were shooting in the direction of a nearby home that faced Poplar Creek Road, where officers responded to a shots-fired call in progress at 7 p.m. The victims told police they were in their driveway when they heard gunshots and a whistling noise over their heads as the bullets flew past them, striking the branches directly above their heads. The victims took cover, and officers arrived and continued to hear gunshots from across the road. Officers tracked the gunfire to a home on McCrory Lane, where he told officers he was not aware there was a residence behind the paper targets. Madrigal had Xanax in his possession at the time of his arrest, and could not provide a prescription for the drugs.

Kyle Peebles jailed after recklessly setting up target practice, bullets buzzed over neighbor’s heads

19-year-old Kyle Peebles was one of four teens shooting firearms from a home on McCrory Lane in Nashville on May 24. They were shooting in the direction of a nearby home that faced Poplar Creek Road, where officers responded to a shots-fired call in progress at 7 p.m. The victims told police they were in their driveway when they heard gunshots and a whistling noise over their heads as the bullets flew past them, striking the branches directly above their heads. The victims took cover, and officers arrived and continued to hear gunshots from across the road. Officers tracked the gunfire to a home on McCrory Lane, where Peebles admitted to firing at paper targets toward Poplar Creek Road and being an owner of one of the firearms used. The teenager was found with a vape pen in his possession, which he continued to inhale in the presence of officers, and was additionally charged accordingly.

Tourist Tiffany Densch refuses to leave Honky Tonk Central after being bounced from bar

42-year-old tourist Tiffany Densch was causing a disorderly disturbance at Honky Tonk Central on Broadway in downtown Nashville on May 21 when security asked her to leave the bar. She continued to refuse to leave, even when Metro Nashville Police arrived after being flagged down by venue security. She was given another opportunity by officers and continued to refuse. She was taken into custody and charged with criminal trespass.

Alix Noizin drunkenly attempts to get into police cruiser downtown, upset he can’t get inside

24-year-old Alix Noizin was booked this week after he attempted to open the driver’s side door of a police patrol car in downtown Nashville. When he realized the door was locked, he started banging on the window. The officer got out and told him to stop. Noizin ran toward Acme Feed and Seed on Broadway and fell. Acme security detained him, and the officer took him into custody. When another officer arrived on scene, Noizon fell to his knees due to his drunken state. He had slurred speech and smelled strongly of alcohol.

MNPD shuts down neighborhood alcoholic drink salesman Xavier Nicholson

24-year-old Xavier Nicholson was booked this week on a citation after police saw him selling alcohol to passers-by on the streets of downtown Nashville. Officers witnessed Nicholson receive money for the alcoholic drinks and missed him a state citation. During the search of his person, police located a weed grinder with residue inside, a plastic weed container, and three packages of RAW rolling papers.

Alyssa Herbst charged with assault of her brother during Nashville trip

21-year-old California tourist Alyssa Herbst is charged with the assault of her brother while on a trip to Nashville this week. Alyssa, her husband Bryce Herbst, and her brother John King, were all walking back to their hotel from Titans Way just before 2 a.m. on May 24. The brother told police he got into an argument with his sister on the pedestrian bridge, and she punched him in the stomach and scratched him. Officers documented visible injuries to his chest and neck, along with a ripped shirt. Bryce confirmed the victim’s account of events, while Alyssa said she did not punch or scratch him. She was determined to be the primary aggressor and taken into custody.