Dude, that’s not your Uber — Michael Derenzis arrested

32-year-old Michael Derenzis got into a car on Broadway that he believed to be his Uber rideshare. The driver notified him he was in the wrong vehicle, but Michael refused to exit. The driver flagged down a Metro Nashville Police Officer who ordered Michael out of the car, and he still refused. He demanded to speak to the Uber driver in the front seat – but there was no one currently in the front seat. Due to his extreme level of intoxication, he was taken into custody. On the way to booking, Michael began to speak to his friend, who was not there in the patrol car with him.

William Holden charged in brutal assault of Arden Belanger

21-year-old William Holden was jailed Tuesday on an outstanding warrant charging him with the brutal assault of Arden Belanger. The warrant details that Holden threw Belanger to the ground and repeatedly punched and kicked him until witnesses were able to pull him off of the victim. Belanger suffered a bloody nose, facial lacerations, and a sprained ankle as a result of the attack.

DUI: Elliot Bradford-Chesebrough jailed after drunkenly firing a rifle near his vehicle

26-year-old Elliot Bradford-Chesebrough was booked Saturday after allegedly firing several shots in the air with an AK-style rifle. Police were given a description of a male with long hair that was shooting in the air. They saw a male that matched the description getting out of the driver’s side of a truck with the key in the ignition. They immediately noticed alcohol on his breath when speaking to him. Through the driver’s side window, they could see an AK-style rifle sitting on top of a pile of items behind the driver’s seat but within arm’s reach. Officers also saw several boxes of Ammo scattered around the truck, including a box of steel-cased Red Army Standard .223 sitting on the driver’s seat. After seeing all this, the officers asked if there were any weapons in the vehicle, to which Bradford replied there was only a revolver. A witness on the scene said they saw him fire several rounds from across the street. Officers searched the area and saw and found several spent steel-cased .223 that matched the ammo in the truck. Bradford performed poorly on sobriety tests and was transported to booking without incident.

Shelly Sayles-Williams breaks daughter’s glasses in an argument over money

39-year-old Shelly Sayles-Williams was jailed after assaulting her daughter after an argument about money. Police spoke with Miguela Bartley, who said she and her mother argued earlier in the day over money. The argument seemed to have calmed down, and they went their separate ways in the home. Later, Shelly came into her room and started throwing things around, smashing things, and telling her she had to leave the house. Miguela tried to push her mother out of the room, and that’s when Shelly scratched her face and broke her glasses. The fight stopped when Shelly’s husband entered the room and pulled her off her daughter. Miguela then called the police and waited out front of the apartment for them. Officers saw her scratched face and broken glasses and took pictures of the injuries.

Tourist Scott Brown assaults his wife after a man hugged her at Kid Rock’s Bar in Nashville

55-year-old Michigan tourist Scott Brown was jailed on April 28th after pushing his wife when he saw another man hug her at Kid Rock’s on Broadway. Police spoke with Julianne Brown, who said she was dancing on the first floor when a random man came up and hugged her. Her husband saw this and got jealous. He pushed her with both hands, and she fell over. Witnesses told police they saw Mr. Brown push his wife. She had no visible injuries and didn’t need any medical attention. Mr. Brown was transported to booking.

Alejandro Menijivar Maldonado bites the mother of his ex-girlfriend during assault

22-year-old Alejandro Menjivar Maldonado was jailed on April 28th after assaulting Esperanza Pascual Perez during an argument about the relationship he had with her daughter. Police responded to Pettus Road and spoke with Esperanza, who said after the argument, Alejandro grabbed her by her hair, so she grabbed him back, trying to free herself. Then he bit her and punched her on her arm. She had visible bruising and swelling to her right arm, and Alejandro had no visible injuries.