Kayla Sanders charged with DUI after drinking at Friday night concert

23-year-old Kayla Sanders was jailed after driving through a traffic barricade while drunk at Franklin Pike and Norwood Dr. On Mar 4th, powerlines and tree debris were down in the roadway. Officers were at a fixed post with barricades up to prohibit driving onto the debris when a white 2016 BMW drove through the barricade. When officers asked Sanders if she saw the barricade, she stated that she only saw blue lights and slowed down when she saw the tree debris. She was headed towards Spring Hill after leaving her friend’s house. Sanders admitted she had attended a concert and had two beers two hours before the stop. She agreed to sobriety tests and performed poorly, and was taken into custody.

James Baker jailed after drunken argument with girlfriend in downtown Nashville

32-year-old James Baker was arrested for being belligerent with officers after an argument with his girlfriend in downtown Nashville. On Mar 5th, officers tried to de-escalate an argument between Baker and his girlfriend at 1st & Broadway. Baker then became irate and belligerent and started yelling at officers. He was unsteady on his feet, and officers could smell alcohol coming from his breath. Due to Baker’s behavior with his girlfriend and visibly intoxicated state, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Jeremy Barreto jailed after being drunk and disorderly at Opryland Hotel in Nashville

43-year-old Jeremy Barreto was arrested for fighting security after trying to force himself into a hotel room. On Mar 5th at Opryland Resort, Barreto was caught on surveillance cameras getting into a physical altercation with security after refusing to leave the hotel. Barreto was causing a disturbance in the hallway, trying to get to his wife and daughter, who were staying at the hotel. He had alcohol on his breath, red, watery eyes, and slurred speech. Barreto was booked for public intoxication due to the likelihood that his behavior would continue. Police were investigating a related domestic call when they encountered Barreto.

Micah Singley jailed after trying to get into his own vehicle in downtown Nashville

24-year-old Micah Singley was jailed after cussing at security guards when they wouldn’t allow him to enter a vehicle he claimed belonged to him. On Mar 5th, at the Music City Center garage, security stated that Singley tried to get into a car that didn’t belong to him and refused to leave the property. Singley stated that he had enjoyed two beers earlier that evening. Officers observed him sweating heavily, swaying back and forth, unsteady on his feet, and with the smell of alcohol on his breath. Singley pointed towards a Honda Accord, stating that it belonged to him. When officers checked, there was luggage inside with his name tagged on it, but he didn’t have his wallet, keys, or phone on him, and had no way to enter his vehicle. Officers asked Singley if he had a safe place to stay for the night, and he replied that he did not. He appeared to annoy the security guards unreasonably by refusing to leave, raising his voice, clenching his fists, and cursing at them. Officer decided that because Singley didn’t have a safe place to stay and his frustration with security, he posed a threat to himself and others and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Jordan Robertson passes out in bushes at Nashville Airport due to 3 p.m. drunkenness

37-year-old Jordan Blake Robertson was found slumped over the sidewalk inside the Nashville Airport employee parking lot Sunday at 3 p.m. by Airport police who were conducting routine patrols. Robertson was visibly intoxicated and was told to leave the property. He agreed and walked toward the employee bus stop, about 100 feet away, where he again stopped. He finally made it the final 200 feet to the exit of the lot, where he stated he was from Virginia and was visiting friends. He then made it out of the employee parking lot and passed out in the bushes about 50 feet away. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Ellen Girmai, 18, threatens to kill her father when he won’t allow her friends over

18-year-old Ellen Girmai was arrested for threatening to kill her father after he wouldn’t let her have friends over. On Mar 3rd, officers responded to a call on Pinebrook Tr. for a domestic dispute. Girmai and her father, Haddish Woldegioris, were reportedly arguing because he wouldn’t let her have friends over. Girmai became angry and “got in her father’s face,” saying not to tell her what to do and that she would kill him. Haddish believed that Girmai would harm him and feared for his safety. Girmai was taken into custody.

DUI: Julio Reyes-Rodriguez runs over traffic cone, causing ‘catastrophic’ oil leak

21-year-old Julio Reyes-Rodriguez was arrested after driving into a prohibited area and causing a catastrophic oil leak to his vehicle. On Mar 4th, a tree knocked down power lines onto the road. Officers created a road closure with crime scene tape and cones. Mr. Reyes-Rodriguez drove his car through the cones and tape getting one of the power lines wrapped around his car, and a cone stuck under it, causing a massive oil leak. Despite all the visible warnings Reyes-Rodriguez only stopped when an officer approached him. Instead of speaking with the officer, Reyes-Rodriguez started backing up his car, getting further tangled up in debris. When he finally stopped and spoke, officers saw several opened and unopened beer bottles in the car. Officers observed alcohol on his breath, bloodshot watery eyes, and a lack of balance. He admitted that he had five drinks and agreed to a sobriety test which he performed poorly on, with several indicators of impairment.

A Nashville wedding celebration Audrey Allen will never forget (if she remembers it)

45-year-old Audrey Allen was celebrating her wedding anniversary with her husband in downtown Nashville Friday night, and police say both were intoxicated. When first responders encountered her, she was lying on the sidewalk at 3rd & Broadway due to her state of extreme intoxication. She was located into a UTV for transport to the medical stating area but soon became belligerent and non-compliant. He husband, also drunk, tried to reason with her, but she refused to comply with any requests from anyone. She admitted to drinking “four beers” and refused to exit the patrol car once at booking. Audrey went deadweight to the ground and asked officers to “just kill me now.” It took several officers to get her into the intake room, where she rolled off the bench and threw herself to the floor.