Ryan Rounsaville attempted to break down doors in neighborhood while intoxicated

Police say 31-year-old Southwest Airlines flight attendant Ryan Rounsaville was walking up and down Arthur Ave in the early hours of Saturday morning, banging on multiple doors and kicking them while screaming. Police received multiple calls that were initially believed to be attempted burglaries. Officers located Rounsaville and determined he was extremely intoxicated as he stumbled down the street. Rounsville believed he was in Arlington, Texas, and was transported to booking, charged with public intoxication.

Glen Orozco was ready to drunkenly fight officers in the middle of the road Friday night

Metro Nashville Police say 21-year-old Glen Orozco stood in the middle of the road at Fairview Drive & Revere Place late Friday night and refused to move out of the roadway. When officers approached him, he reportedly began to yell and was posturing aggressively as if ready to fight. He reeked of alcohol and was deemed a danger to himself in his current location and condition. Orozco was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Mikel Klean charged after firing shots from a vehicle in East Nashville

Police say 18-year-old Mikel Klean and a 16-year-old were inside a black Chrysler Sebring smoking marijuana in East Nashville when shots were fired from their vehicle, causing neighbors to call 911. Officers located the vehicle, after it initially fled from them, at a nearby residence, and as they knocked on the door, both teens fled from the rear of the home. Both quickly surrendered and were taken into custody. 10 grams of marijuana was located in the vehicle during a search.

Tourist Stacie Gibson charged in brutal assault of daughter in downtown Nashville hotel

51-year-old Stacie LeBeau Gibson is charged with the brutal assault of her adult daughter inside a downtown Nashville hotel room late Saturday evening. Caylie Gibson called 911 from the DoubleTree hotel to report she was being assaulted by her mother, who was punching her at the time of the call; the dispatcher confirmed the commotion. Stacie bit her daughter’s fingers and ripped her hair out. Officers arrived to find multiple locks of the victim’s hair on the floor, visible bald spots on the victim’s head, a deep cup on her forehead, a cut to her left cheek, scratches on her neck, and bite marks on multiple fingers. Staci told police she wasn’t sure who initially started the fight. Caylie returned a few punches in self defense.

Nashville Police arrest Kaley Lee as she’s attempting to ride in ambulance with sister

32-year-old Kaley Lee was jailed early Sunday morning in downtown Nashville after she pushed by police in an effort to get into an ambulance that was about to transport her sister. The two were outside of Legends Corner on Broadway in downtown Nashville when medics determined her sister needed to be transported and loaded her into an ambulance. Lee was adamant about riding in the ambulance with her sister, but Nashville Fire medics denied her request. She screamed for officers to “Let go of me!” as she attempted to be with her sister, and they took her into custody and booked her into the jail with an eight-hour hold for public intoxication.

Mark Northrup bounced from Honky Tonk Central after making woman uncomfortable

32-year-old Mark Northrup was reportedly making a woman uncomfortable at Honky Tonk Central on Broadway in downtown Nashville early Sunday morning. She alerted a security guard, who asked Northrup to leave the bar. The bouncer, Mark Thomas, says Northrup chest-bumped him before he escorted him to the door. Near the exit, Northup fell to the floor and grabbed the bouncer’s leg. Police were nearby and observed Northrup to be heavily intoxicated. He was charged with assault and public intoxication.

Austin Justice was (over) served in downtown Nashville

28-year-old Austin Justice was asked to leave Honky Tonk Central by a bartender late Friday night. When he refused, security became involved at attempted to escort him out of the venue. Not quite ready for his night to be over, Justice pushed the bouncer, Robert Flippen, in the chest and was detained after a brief struggle. Officers arrived at the scene and took Justice into custody. He was charged with public intoxication and assault.

DUI: Charles Young dazed and confused after crash on I-65 Sunday

Police say 24-year-old Charles Young of Oklahoma was either asleep or unconscious when they located him crashed out in a woodline along I-65 N at mile marker 75 in the early hours of Sunday morning. He reportedly reeked of alcohol as they assisted him from the driver’s seat of the white SUV. When asked where he was going, he stated, “to Franklin.” When asked where he was coming from, he stated, “8000 Mabel”, which is a street in Franklin. When asked if he had any alcohol to drink, he stated, “8000 Mabel.” When asked how many drinks he had tonight, he finally requested a lawyer, which was also his response when asked to conduct field sobriety tests and take a breathalyzer or blood test.

You can’t sleep off your drunkenness in the middle of the road — Wendy Butler arrested

25-year-old Wendy Butler and her friend were found lying in the middle of 11th Ave South in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Sunday morning. Officers attempted to get the Butler back to their hotel, but she was unable to communicate effectively, with none of her answers making sense, according to Officer Peyton Wheatley. Due to her state of intoxication and current location on the roadway, she was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.