Amarian Oglesby pepper sprays ex-boyfriend who “whooped his ass”

20-year-old Amarian Oglesby was booked on an outstanding warrant from August 1st, when he assaulted his ex-boyfriend, Anton Burns, on Claiborne Street after he told him he didn’t want to be with him anymore. Burns told police that Oglesby became angry and began to grab onto his shirt and put his hands on him. Anton explained that he fought back and “whooped his ass,” which led Oglesby to spray him in the face with pepper spray. Anton’s eyes were swollen, red, and sensitive to light. There were also traces of spray inside the home, enough to cause the officers to keep coughing.

Paige Bond assaults husband; hurts child during dispute

21-year-old Paige Bond was booked on Saturday after assaulting her boyfriend on Moss Trail. Jason Morris advised that he and Ms. Bond had gotten into an argument after she woke up in a bad mood and began throwing things in the spare room where they were sitting. Mr. Morris stated that he was sitting on the floor by a computer desk, holding their 9-month-old child, when Ms. Bond started kicking and throwing boxes. Mr. Morris said Bond came from behind him, wrapped her arm around his back, and covered his face, trying to get their child from him, so he bit her arm to get her off. While doing this, Mr. Morris was getting up from a seated position, and the baby’s head struck the computer desk. Mr. Morris then took the child and left the apartment. Police observed a red bump on the baby’s forehead and determined Ms. Bond to be the primary aggressor.

Khalid Habib argues with his mother; assaults brother during altercation

20-year-old Khalid Habib was involved in a domestic dispute with his brother, Rasheed Habib, at Hidden Creek Dr. on November 4th. Rasheed spoke with officers as they arrived and advised them that Khalid had assaulted him and that he was inside their house with a bat, arguing with their mother. Officers observed Khalid with the bat and attempted to calm him down, but he was very defensive and refused to go into detail about the incident but admitted that he and his brother fought. Their mother advised officers that Khalid was dealing with mental health issues and that she witnessed him assault his brother. She told Rasheed to leave for his safety. Officers deemed Khalid as the primary aggressor and placed him into custody for domestic assault.

Christian Potts lunges at his sister and bites her face

48-year-old Christian Potts was involved in a domestic disturbance with his sister, Tami Lee, at Hills Side Ct. on the night of November 6. Officers were called by a concerned neighbor who stated they heard screaming coming from the residence. Officers then arrived and spoke with Lee, who officers observed to have dried blood on her lips. Lee advised them that nothing had happened and that the screaming might have come from her or Potts. Potts then came up to the door yelling, telling officers that the swelling on Lee’s face came from her ex-boyfriend, who had hit her the night before. Then Lee admitted that the visible injuries on her face and lip were from Potts lunging at and biting her. Potts was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: 80-year-old Tommy Riggs hits parked car at Shooters Bar

80-year-old Tommy Riggs backed his vehicle into a parked car in the parking lot of Shooters Bar on November 6th. Officers observed Riggs exiting out of the driver’s side as they arrived. Riggs was visibly intoxicated as he advised officers that he had consumed two vodka cranberry drinks before driving. He consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Riggs was read implied consent, Mirandized, and then taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Nashville ANTIFA activist Corey Lemley jailed after selling Fentanyl & cocaine to police

33-year-old ANTIFA activist Corey Lemley is jailed in lieu of a $238,500 bond after a weeks-long drug investigation came to a close Monday when detectives executed a search warrant on his Barclay drive home at 10:30 a.m. Family members directed detectives to Lemley’s bedroom, where they discovered a loaded Sig Saur P365 9 mm handgun, 1 gram of white powder concealed in a dollar bill, and 4 grams of a white powder substance concealed in a hallway closet adjacent to his bedroom, which tested positive for cocaine and Fentanyl. 72 grams of marijuana was also stored in a shoe box in his closet. 

In late October, An undercover detective called Lemley’s known cell phone number and asked to purchase drugs, at which time Lemley directed him to his Barclay Drive home. Once in the driveway, cash was exchanged for 30 grams of a cocaine/Fentanyl mix, later providing probable cause to obtain the search warrant for the home.

Calliyah Beauford attacks Dylan Maple, punches his head & stomach

20-year-old Calliyah Beauford was booked this week on an outstanding warrant from October 26th after TSU Campus Police conducted a follow-up regarding an argument that happened the day before. Dylan Maple told the police that he and Calliyah were arguing when she started hitting him in the head and body. Maple said he grabbed her by the shoulders to stop her from hitting him, but she slipped, fell to the ground, and began hitting him in his stomach. According to Calliyah, the two argued until Maple kept grabbing and slamming her on the ground. She said she fought back in defense when he pushed her into the TV. She was determined the primary aggressor and a warrant was issued for her arrest.

Joseph Lindsley threatens to shoot bouncers while taking his clothes off in downtown Nashville

43-year-old model Joseph Lindsley was jailed on Sunday evening after officers were flagged down at Ole Smoky for an individual who was screaming in the middle of the street, threatening to shoot security. The security team had already detained Mr. Lindsley, and he refused to speak with the police. The security advised that Mr. Lindsley was drinking in the bar for a while before he finally left, but he returned, asking security to help him find his vehicle. He then became aggressive, told them he was going to shoot them when they told him they couldn’t help him, and began taking his clothes off. The security determined it was best for them, the patrons, and Mr. Lindsley if they detained him. Officers then arrested Mr. Lindsley as he was unable to care for himself.