DUI: Danielle Pigott rear-ends police vehicle

23-year-old Danielle Pigott was involved in a car accident at Korean Veterans Blvd. on November 11th. Officer Roel advised that when he was leaving the Music City Center parking garage, Pigott rear-ended his vehicle. Pigott admitted to consuming alcohol around an hour before the accident, consented to sobriety tests, and performed poorly. Pigott was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Christopher Kemp found drunk in parking lot, runs away from police

21-year-old Christopher Kemp was jailed on November 12th after officers observed him lying in the parking lot of the Horton Events Building on Lafayette Street. When officers approached Kemp and asked for his ID, he stood up and started walking away. They stopped him by restraining him, but he pulled away and ran into the middle of the intersection of 7th and Lafayette. When officers displayed their taser, Kemp finally complied. He had bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils, and sluggish speech and movements consistent with the use of narcotics. Officers also observed a bottle of beer beside him. A trespass waiver was already on Kemp’s file for that location, so he was taken into custody.  

Stephanie Lavalley drunkenly yells racial slurs at officers

28-year-old Stephanie Lynn Lavalley was drunk at One Hotel on the morning of November 12th. Officers were dispatched regarding a kidnapping and spoke with Lavalley, who was visibly intoxicated and repeatedly asked what happened to her baby, who she later said was in New Jersey. One of the hotel staff members spoke with officers and advised them that Lavalley walked up to her and said a man in a van attempted to kidnap her. The staff provided footage of the incident showing that Lavalley arrived in a minivan, walked away, turned around, ran back, got into the front seat, and spoke with the driver as he handed her his phone. Then, Lavalley exited the van, ran back again, and opened the doors to look for something; the driver walked over to her and spoke with her before she walked to the hotel staff. Officers asked Lavalley where she was staying and who she was with. Lavalley could not answer, so they placed her under arrest. Lavalley then began to yell racial slurs, telling the officers that they had small penises and that she would be laughing when their mother died. Then, she began to laugh maniacally in the back of the patrol car as she was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Ellie Bemrose drunkenly gets into someone else’s Uber on Broadway

21-year-old Ellie Bemrose got into an Uber that she did not request on Broadway in the early hours of November 12th. The driver flagged down the officers, and they escorted Bemrose out of the vehicle. Bemrose was visibly intoxicated as officers attempted to assist her in getting home. However, she did not have a wallet, a phone, or any numbers of family or friends. Bemrose was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Keaton Fedrizzi kicked out of The Valentine, drunkenly tries to re-enter multiple times

24-year-old Keaton Fedrizzi was drunk and disorderly at The Valentine in the early hours of November 12th. Officers spoke with security and were advised that Fedrizzi was kicked out of the bar and kept trying to re-enter after being told multiple times not to. Fedrizzi fell to the ground and was visibly intoxicated when officers approached. He was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Shane Averette found stumbling down Bank Alley drunk

36-year-old Shane Averette was found stumbling down Bank Ally in the early hours of November 12. Officers observed Averette almost fall over multiple times before nearly walking into traffic. Averette was visibly intoxicated when officers approached him, and he was not able to answer if he had any friends or family who could pick him up. He was declared a danger to himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication. He fell asleep multiple times as he was transported.

Colton Crawford drunkenly yells at officers, argues with family

27-year-old Colton Crawford was yelling at his family members in the late hours of November 11th in the middle of the intersection on Representative John Lewis Way. Crawford complied as officers asked him to exit the intersection, but he continued arguing with his family. Officers attempted to separate Crawford from the rest of the group, but he insisted on yelling at them. Officers chose to take Crawford into custody as he was visibly intoxicated and would potentially escalate the situation if he was allowed to continue arguing. Crawford was then charged with disorderly conduct.

Man says Filip Cukic brutally beat him in downtown Nashville

23-year-old Murfreesboro man Filip Cukic and another man were in a verbal altercation with a third person near 3rd & Broadway just before 3 a.m. Saturday. Officers are flagged down as the altercation turned physical. Corbin Felts and Nathaniel O’Neill both witnessed the escalating fight, as the pair began to brutally beat the victim, Eugene Buckley. The two witnesses pulled the two assailants away from the victim as they punched and kicked him in the head. The victim, who had a major injury to his face, stated he had confronted two men who were harassing a woman, and they brutally attacked him. The victim declined to press charges, and Filip was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct.

Luis Aguilar-Mejia brutally assaults citizen in downtown Nashville

23-year-old tourist Luis Aguilar-Mejia and another man were in a verbal altercation with a third person near 3rd & Broadway just before 3 a.m. Saturday. Officers are flagged down as the altercation turned physical. Corbin Felts and Nathaniel O’Neill both witnessed the escalating fight, as the pair began to brutally beat the victim, Eugene Buckley. The two witnesses pulled the two assailants away from the victim as they punched and kicked him in the head. The victim, who had a major injury to his face, stated he had confronted two men who were harassing a woman, and they brutally attacked him. The victim declined to press charges, and Luis was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct.

Gary Verrill jailed after urinating in parking lot in downtown Nashville

28-year-old Gary Verrill was jailed late Friday night after police observed him urinating in the middle of a parking lot near 4th & Broadway in downtown Nashville. He finished his business and was walking away when police intercepted him at 11:10 p.m. Verrill told officers, “Because no one was around, that makes it ok.” It was explained it was still a crime and that, combined with his level of intoxication, would land him in jail for the night.