Musician Kyler Sullivan had “too much” fireball before early morning crash

23-year-old Musician Kyler Sullivan crashed his car on Rockwood Dr. approximately 25 minutes after taking two shots of Fireball in the early hours of Sunday morning. Officers were dispatched to Rockwood Dr. at 2:15 a.m. regarding a vehicle crash and observed Sullivan standing beside his car as they arrived. Sullivan was visibly intoxicated and told officers he had “too much” when asked if he had anything to drink. Medics on the scene treated Sullivan, but he refused further treatment or transport. Officers asked how much Sullivan had to drink again as they Mirandized him, and he told them he took two shots of Fireball around 1:50 a.m. Sullivan consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Abanoub Khalil strangles ex-girlfriend after recording her dancing with her friends

27-year-old Abanoub Khalil began to record his ex-girlfriend dancing at a bar in Nashville with her friends on September 23rd. Khalil threatened to show the recording to her family and proceeded to grab and squeeze her neck. She pushed Khalil away and threw a drink at him to prevent him from further injuring her. Officers observed her neck to be sore, and she had slight difficulty breathing. Khalil was charged with aggravated assault/strangulation on October 24th and booked into jail.

Andre Payne charged in assault of girlfriend during argument about texts on her phone

22-year-old Andre Payne got angry with his girlfriend, La Chacia Blackman, over texts she received on the 20th of August. Officers were dispatched to Linbar Dr. for a call regarding a domestic disturbance. Blackman spoke with officers as they arrived and stated that she and Payne had an argument before he left the apartment. Payne came back shortly after searching for his phone, pushed his way into the apartment, and began to throw things around. Blackman said this was when she began to record Payne with her phone as he pushed her, causing her hand to hit the dresser, and then Payne left again. Officers observed an inch-and-a-half-long cut on Blackman’s palm. Payne was taken into custody this weekend for domestic assault.

DUI: Franklin Chavez rear ends car who didn’t go at green light

34-year-old Franklin Chavez purposely hit a car when it didn’t move at the green light Saturday night. Officers responded to Hickory Boulevard and Cedarmont Drive, where the accident occurred. Heba Dhea had already been transported to the hospital. There was a strong odor of alcohol coming from his vehicle and his breath as he explained that “the light was green, and the car didn’t move, so I hit him.” He performed poorly on sobriety tests, refusing to complete some because he couldn’t keep his balance. There were no open containers of alcohol, but Chavez admitted to drinking and was taken into custody.

Henry Flores-Marroquin charged with DUI after Antioch crash

26-year-old Henry Flores-Marroquin was jailed Sunday morning after causing a wreck on Bell Road. When officers arrived on the scene, Henry explained that as he was driving, another party pulled out in front of him, causing him to wreck. Officers noticed Henry had bloodshot eyes and was being very repetitive. He admitted to having two drinks and consented to sobriety tests. He performed poorly, and his vehicle was searched. Officers located several opened containers in the driver’s side door, floorboards, and passenger’s side floorboard. Henry was arrested and transported to booking, where he was charged with DUI.

Eric Kelnhofer jailed after throwing water bottle at wife during argument

40-year-old Eric Kelnhofer got into a verbal argument with his wife, Kristin Kelnhofer, over not “giving him space” on October 19th. Eric told officers that he ended up throwing a water bottle at his wife, which resulted in an injury above her left pinky. Officers observed the injury on Kristin’s hand, and since Eric admitted to throwing the water bottle, he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Jonathan Ruiz charged in assault of wife and mother-in-law

25-year-old Jonathan Ruiz was jailed Sunday morning after assaulting his wife and mother-in-law on Amaile Drive. Elena Garcia told police That Jonathan was upset because his wife Paola Garcia had called the police on him earlier that night. Elena heard her daughter yelling for help and entered a room where she witnessed Jonathan strangling her. When she tried to intervene, Jonathan hit her in the mouth, causing it to bleed. He then pushed Paola to the floor and started strangling Elena from behind with his arm, but she was able to scratch his neck and arms to get him to let go. Paola stated that her husband strangled her for a couple of seconds, causing her neck to hurt. Jonathan denied strangling anyone but was placed into custody based on the victim’s statements and injuries.

Melvin Lainez jailed after refusing to leave Wash N Roll during paycheck dispute

24-year-old Melvin Lainez went up to Wash N Roll, his former employer, demanding his last check on the morning of October 20th. The General Manager of Wash N Roll advised Lainez that his last check was sent to the address on file. Lainez never updated his new address with the company and became very aggressive after being told it would be a few days before receiving his last check. The General Manager called the police after Lainez refused to leave, and as officers responded, Lainez continued to tell them that he was not leaving until he was paid his money. Lainez was taken into custody for trespassing, and left without his money, after all.

Thomas Hardy allows store to be robbed in exchange for crack cocaine

57-year-old Thomas Hardy was working at the Mapco on Smith Springs Road and allowed three individuals to enter the store three separate times and steal $9,794.22 worth of merchandise without trying to stop them, call the police, or the store manager. The thieves stole from the front of the store and the employee-only back room. When the store manager, Ms. Heather Azevedo, arrived, she noticed that the merchandise was missing, and Mr. Hardy provided no answers about where it had gone. When she watched the security footage, she noticed that the three subjects conversed with Hardy as they walked past him while committing theft. Ms. Azevedo called the police with the suspicion that Hardy was acquainted with and conspired with the thieves when she heard him tell the subjects, “Come back again.” Mr. Hardy later admitted to officers that he allowed the subjects to steal from the store in exchange for crack.

Cassandra Thomas slaps boyfriend in face as he deescalates an argument

32-year-old Cassandra Thomas slapped her boyfriend during an argument Friday morning. Jamaal Finkley stated that he and Cassandra had gotten into an argument at their home on 14th Avenue, and she had been aggressively following him from room to room and demanding that he didn’t leave. He then went outside and sat in his car to calm down, but Cassandra followed him out front and slapped him in the face. Jamaal provided police with video evidence of the assault, and Cassandra was taken into custody.