Martin Goins free on pre-trial release after 29 pounds of marijuana found in his luggage

On October 12th, Detective Leuders and his canine officer, Power, were doing a luggage check when they received the luggage from Southwest Airlines flight 3709 out of Phoenix. Power reportedly gave the narcotic sign on a blue, medium-sized HiPack. The tags on the luggage stated it belonged to 20-year-old Martin Goins, who originated in San Francisco. At the same time, it’s alleged that the canine had also indicated on a very similar suitcase that belonged to Brandon Wilkins. After a male claimed the bag, investigators intercepted the man, identified as Wilkins, and he stated he owned the other bag. Goins eventually walked over to attempt to claim his bag.

Police asked both individuals if they would consent to bag searches, and they did. The officers found 29 pounds of vacuum-sealed marijuana that was wrapped in clothing. Both Wilkins and Goins were taken into custody and charged with intent to distribute marijuana.

Nadia Dixon jailed after burglarizing multiple cars at Centennial Hospital

Late Wednesday night, officers were called to Centennial Hospital because someone was seen “casing” vehicles around the property’s parking lots and moving toward the parking garage. It’s alleged that 18-year-old Nadia Dixon was found by security guards and officers inside Alyssa Wilson’s vehicle. The rear passenger side window was broken, and the steering column was removed. When questioned, Dixon stated she said it was her friend’s vehicle and she had lost the keys, but she did not know the victim’s name. 

A little later, police were notified by another hospital employee that they had found a cell phone that wasn’t theirs inside of their vehicle. Police state this indicates the defendant was in multiple cars in the garage, with a hammer allegedly being found with the defendant. Due to being placed in multiple vehicles in the garage, Dixon was arrested and booked the same day.

Victoria Cohen combined Xanax and alcohol before arrest at Nashville International Airport

On October 11th, Airport Police Officer Wright was dispatched to Nashville International Airport regarding a call of a woman wearing a burgundy sweatshirt and a red hat going back through the C/D exit after leaving the secure area. Officer Wright observed 23-year-old Victoria Cohen matching the description and asked her why she went back through the exit doors, she was not able to answer the question, so she was placed under arrest for violating airline security rules. Cohen’s boyfriend was waiting by the exit and told police that he told Cohen that she could not go through the doors, but she insisted. Cohen admitted to consuming alcohol and half a Xanax while being escorted to the patrol car. Cohen consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly, then was charged with public intoxication.

NY Tourist John Demarco jailed for public intoxication at Nashville International Airport

On October 11th, officers were dispatched to pick-up zone 7 at the Nashville International Airport regarding a possible intoxicated person walking out into traffic. When officers arrived, 38-year-old John Demarco was observed sitting on the bench at pick-up zone 7. Demarco showed visible signs of intoxication and admitted to consuming alcohol when speaking to officers. Demarco was given opportunities to contact family or friends to pick him up but could not operate a cell phone and was told to sit down because he was unsteady on his feet, but he refused. Officers placed Demarco under arrest for public intoxication and found an open bag of CBD gummies in his shorts when placing him into the patrol vehicle.

Terri Sutherland shatters wine glass on boyfriend, covering them both in glass & wine

Sutherland was jailed early Tuesday morning after throwing wine from a glass at her boyfriend during an argument at their home on 9th Avenue. Sutherland admitted to throwing the wine at him but explained that “she wanted to splatter him a little bit.” Allen Thompson stated, “Last night, she got really out of control. She threw a glass of wine at me; most of it went over my head, but then she threw the glass and hit my arm. It didn’t cut me or anything, but it broke into, you know, a hundred pieces.” Sutherland told police that she didn’t intentionally break the glass, and it broke when she was bringing it down from throwing the wine out of it. Based on her admission and Thompson’s statement, Sutherland was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

What in the Jerry Springer Episode? — Porsha Brown charged with theft of car and purse

On October 10th, officers responded to Erica Brooks’s residence regarding an alleged carjacking. Brooks states that 33-year-old Porsha Brown assaulted her in front of her house and stole her 2016 Kia Optima with her phone inside. Brooks’ daughter stated she was tracking the phone and that Brooks’ boyfriend, Leonard Rucker, may have been involved. Her daughter told officers that the phone was pinging around the perimeter of TSU campus. Officers observed a black Cadillac SUV around the pinging location, ran the license plate, and it returned to be registered to Rucker. Officers conducted an investigative stop and spoke with Rucker, who stated that he had Brooks’ phone in his vehicle. Rucker told officers he was at his uncle’s house when Porsha Brown told him she liked his car, and then he let her drive it around. Rucker states that Brooks pulled up to their location and became irate before getting into a scuffle with Brown, and during the incident, Brown got into Brooks’ car and drove away.

Officers were directed to Rucker’s uncle’s house and were able to locate Brown. Brown told officers she was driving around with Rucker before they arrived at his house, where Brooks came outside screaming at her, so she locked the car door. Brown stated Rucker must have unlocked the car door because Brooks opened the door and hit her in the face twice before walking to the Kia Optima, telling Brown, “I got something for you.” Then, Brown stated she was afraid that Brooks might have a gun or pepper spray, so she followed her to the car, pushed her out of the way, got in, and drove away. She stated she felt like she was getting jumped. Brown directed officers to where she left Brooks’ vehicle. Officers confirmed the vehicle belonged to Brooks and took Brown into custody. Brooks’ driver’s license was in Brown’s purse, and she told officers she kept the license for an address so she could return the vehicle. Brooks confirmed that Brown was the person who stole her car and that her purse was still missing. When officers asked Brown about the purse, she initially lied, stating she did not know, but eventually told officers where the purse was after changing her statement three times.

Rachel Badgley assaults boyfriend; kicks him out of the car and makes him walk home

Officers were called to a 3rd Avenue North apartment on October 10 for a domestic disturbance, where they found 26-year-old Rachel Badgley and her boyfriend, Edwin Villalta. The victim states that his girlfriend initiated a physical altercation while they were in her car in Antioch before she made him get out and walk home to their apartment, roughly 10 miles away. Despite the suspect stating that the victim choked her, officers noticed visible injuries only on the victim. Due to the injuries to the victim’s neck and no evidence to the contrary, Badgley was taken into custody the same day for domestic assault.

DUI Arrest: David Callis falls asleep behind wheel of Tesla on interstate

On the night of October 10th, officers were dispatched to I-40 W regarding a car stopped in the middle of the roadway. Officers arrived and observed a black Tesla stopped in the middle of the interstate while other cars were trying to avoid hitting it. 63-year-old David Callis was reportedly sleeping in the driver seat of the Tesla when officers approached. Officers woke up Callis, who stated he was on the way to a friend’s house and consumed one or two drinks of bourbon about an hour and a half prior to driving. Callis consented to sobriety tests while officers moved his car to the side of the interstate. Callis performed poorly on the sobriety tests and was placed under arrest. Callis took a breathalyzer test that resulted in a 0.162% BAC, more than twice the legal limit.

Matthew Studer threatens to kill mom when he’s denied college tuition

Officers responded to a domestic disturbance at Trail Cir. On the night of October 6th. Prior to officers arriving, 32-year-old Matthew Studer became upset with his mother, Kelly Studer, when she denied paying his college tuition and sent her two texts stating, “Kelly, just to warn you, sleep with one eye open” and “The next time you’ll see Matt’s significant life moment, it’ll be in the courtroom.”

Matthew also made two Facebook posts stating, “Well, she better sleep with one eye open; either that or my 33rd birthday will be spent underground; I dare anyone to call the cops.” In the second post, he posted his mother’s address, her vehicle, and her place of employment before ending the post, saying, “Take her out by any means.”

Kelly Studer told officers she was afraid of what Matthew might do when he returned after she saw the post. Matthew returned to the scene from college and immediately began to walk away and drop all his belongings when the officers asked to speak with him. Matthew Studer was determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for harassment and resisting.