Arpita Sarkar charged with DUI after crash; says she had “two glasses of champagne”

28-year-old Arpita Sarkar was on the side of Highway 70 next to her damaged Toyota Camry that was involved in a car accident that the police responded to on July 10th. Nashville Fire Department told police that Arpita was intoxicated and she was on her phone and crying. Police described her as smelling strongly of alcohol and belligerent during the interview. She told police she had two glasses of champagne roughly three hours before the crash and then went to Domino’s. When they asked her about the accident, she said she did not know how it occurred but could barely stand.

The other vehicle involved in the crash was driven by Brenda Linares, who had an injury to her left arm, and the passenger of her vehicle, Dylan Hooker, had a cut on the back of his head. Dylan said that after the accident, he exited the vehicle to take pictures of the damage, and Arpita began yelling at him and then smacked his iPhone 14 out of his hand, causing it to hit the ground and shatter.

Witness Jacob Church followed behind Arpita before the accident and showed dash cam footage of Arpita moving into oncoming traffic and colliding with Brenda’s vehicle. Arpita was transferred to St. Thomas West Hospital for her leg injuries and was administered a modified sobriety test. Police reported that she could not comprehend the test and was yelling due to her high level of intoxication. She was issued a citation for DUI because she needed to be at the hospital for over 3 hours. She was booked for the charge on August 7th.

Tourist Travis Carden charged after refusing to leave downtown hotel

41-year-old tourist Travis Carden was reportedly asked several times to leave the Hilton Nashville Downtown by staff. Police observed Travis at the hotel, and Travis himself corroborated the staff’s complaint. There is a valid trespassing waiver for the property with MNPD. Carden, who is from Monongahela, PA, was cited for trespassing on August 21st and was booked on the charge on September 15th.

Tourist Logan Smith says he was just “trying to poop” when police arrested him for trespassing

22-year-old Logan Smith told police that the construction site on Adams St., owned by Cousins Property, should not be private property when he was detained for trespassing. Assistant Property Manager Erica Corrales and Charles Spradley’s workers spoke to police and said that Logan passed on the property on September 14th. They said he did not work there and was asked to leave and not return. They said he left, but they saw camera footage of him returning during the weekend and then returning again on September 18th. Logan argued with the officers about how the criminal trespass shouldn’t apply to him since he was out of state after admitting to coming to the property “to poop.” He continued to say that he did not think it should be private property because it was next to a brewery. Police arrested him for trespassing and transported him to booking.

Paul Bailey reportedly assaults his husband when asked to get a job

43-year-old Paul Bailey was awoken, he told police, by his husband and became upset when he thought his husband broke a family portrait when they arrived at his residence on Leo Ct. He admitted to placing his hands around his husband’s throat for approximately five seconds but did not apply pressure. He also told police that he was remorseful for his actions. Police spoke to his husband, Kyle Bailey, at Turley Dr. earlier, who said that Paul got angry with him when he asked if Paul was going to get a job. At that time, Kyle said, Paul grabbed him by the neck in a headlock and constricted his airway for several seconds. Police noted redness on Kyle’s neck. Also, while at Turley Dr., police spoke to Paul’s mother, who said that she heard the commotion and then entered the room where the two were. She said that she saw Paul place Kyle in a headlock and hit him. Paul was placed into custody for aggravated assault.

Jeremiah Hurt jailed after driving stolen car in Belle Meade

18-year-old Jeremiah Hurt was in a stolen 2001 Honda Accord at Harding Rd and Davidson Rd intersection, seen by Belle Mead Police Sgt. Cloxton and Officer Linane in the early hours of Monday morning. The estimated vehicle value, the officer reported, was $5,000. They stopped the vehicle close to Lynnwood Blvd off Harding Rd. They found Jeremiah in the driver’s seat and asked him to step out while they contacted dispatch. He told the officers that it was his mother’s Cangla Hurt car. Police confirmed that the vehicle was indeed stolen, so Jeremiah was detained, and police found the registration in the vehicle’s glove box. The vehicle was registered to Alers Graciano, and the passenger of the vehicle, Lamont Hurt, said that they “found it.”

Leighton Allen charged with DUI after drinking sangrias in downtown Nashville

34-year-old Leighton Allen was illegally parked in a lane on Broadway near 12th Ave early on September 15th. Once she began moving again, his lights were not on, so police conducted a traffic stop. Police described Leighton as visibly intoxicated, and he said that he had sangrias earlier that night. He was asked to perform sobriety tests and showed signs of intoxication. While police read him the implied consent form, he yelled over the police, and a sober driver picked up the passengers from Leighton’s vehicle. The officer obtained a search warrant and served it at General ER for Leighton’s blood.

Brandin Ochs jailed after disorderly behavior at Jason Aldean’s bar in downtown Nashville

40-year-old Brandin Ochs was found by police outside of Jason Aldean’s bar early Saturday morning, refusing to leave. Police were told he removed a sign from the sidewalk and refused to find safe transportation home due to his extreme level of intoxication. He refused the taxi that the police offered to get him and had visible indications of intoxication. The officers arrested him for public intoxication due to his refusing to leave and for his own safety.

Joseph Friday charged in assault of girlfriend; pushing her, shattering a bowl, bruising her

26-year-old Joseph Friday told police, who showed up at his and his girlfriend’s apartment at Crossroads at the Gulch Apartments, that they argued over her cheating on him. He told police that he did not have any physical altercation with her, Alissa Bloom, but admitted to slapping popcorn out of her hand. Also, he said that Alissa attempted to break down a door while they argued. Alissa told police that during the argument, Joseph pushed a laptop into her, knocking the bowl of popcorn out of her hand, shattering the bowl, and bruising her hand. Police noted the shattered bowl and the bruise on Alissa’s hand. She told police that he also slapped a cell phone across her face. The officers determined Joseph to be the primary aggressor and arrested him for domestic assault.

Donovan Medina drunkenly asks to be arrested; officer obliges

22-year-old Donovan Medina told police officers to take him home when he flagged them at 18th Ave and Chet Atkins Pl. on September 15th. Police described him as having a strong odor of alcohol on his breath, and was unsteady on his feet. Also, Donovan was not wearing any shoes or a shirt. He was yelling random things while police attempted to speak to him, and when asked if he wanted medical help, he asked to be arrested instead. Officers fulfilled his wish and charged him with public intoxication.