Kristen McAloon too drunk to fly at Nashville International Airport

Nashville International Airport officers identified 35-year-old Kristen McAloon after being called for her being irate due to being denied boarding her flight. Kristen was not cooperating with JetBlue airline staff when police contacted her. She told police she only had two beers at the airport through slurred speech. Police told her to leave the gate and that she would be escorted by a taxi because she was refunded for the flight for being too intoxicated. She began to yell and cuss, causing police to place her into custody for public intoxication.

Nikitah Skyy charged with broomstick assault at Franklin Pike party

22-year-old Nikitah Skyy posted a video of her hitting a woman in the head with a metal broomstick at a party on Franklin Pike on social media on August 14th, leading her to be arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Police were approached by the victim’s, Tyra Melton, friends at the party on August 11th when they arrived to a call of a fight involving a weapon. They said Tyra had been struck in the head, and police observed that she had severe bleeding from a cut on her head and seemed in extreme pain. At the time of this report, they said that Nikitah approached Tyra from behind and hit her, so they had no idea who hit her but could describe her. Tyra said that she ran away after being struck, and there was a small scuffle between her and Nikitah, but it was broken up by her friends. Four days later, they called the police again to report that Nikitah posted the video. Tyra stated that after she was treated on her own accord, the assault caused her to receive four stitches in her head.

John Nicklas charged in domestic assault of Bimbo, ex-girlfriend

49-year-old John Nicklas told police, “In the heat of the moment, I probably did lunge at her, but I never actually hit her” about a domestic assault on September 13th. Police spoke to his ex-girlfriend, Sharon Bimbo, at the Hampton Inn & Suites Nashville Airport on Donelson Pike, who said she and John argued while in a vehicle parked at the hotel. She told police that John spit in her face and attempted to hit her while she was in the back. Sharon showed police a video of John turning around in the vehicle and yelling at her. Also, the video showed John lunge at her and raise his hand as if to attempt to strike her. She said that she felt in danger for her safety at that time. He admitted to arguing with her in the vehicle. Police determined John was the primary aggressor and arrested him for domestic assault.

Kara Peters charged with threatening to stab ex-lover, sprayed him with air freshener

18-year-old Kara Peters’ ex-boyfriend, Lance Glover, told police she came to his residence on Timberlake Cir. for a conversation on September 13th. Lance and a witness inside the residence both said that Kara threatened to stab Lance with a pen after he asked her to leave. He said she hit him in the face and sprayed him several times with an air freshener before leaving. Kara told police that she did spray him but only in self-defense and said that nothing physical happened during the argument. The witness corroborated Lance’s story of her threatening and spraying him with the air freshener. Lance said he wished to prosecute, and police picked Kara up from Blue Lake Circle to arrest her for domestic assault.

Marcie Wiggin — too drunk to fly at Nashville International Airport

49-year-old Marcie Wiggin was reportedly passed out at gate B4 of the Nashville International Airport with her shirt half-way off and her see-through bra exposed, according to Airport Police. As officers approached to check on her welfare, they noted she reeked of alcohol. She had missed her flight, and officers attempted to arrange a taxi to take her to a hotel, but along the way, Wiggin became unable to walk or stand and fell onto the officer while slurring her speech and not knowing where she was going. She was eventually taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Atlanta Tourist Brian Gary jailed after partying too hard at Second Fiddle bar in Nashville

34-year-old Brian Gary was jailed after causing a disturbance at Second Fiddle bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville Thursday night. Security at the venue told police that Gary was so intoxicated he was falling into people. He was asked to leave and repeatedly refused. He told police he “wasn’t worried about it” when they repeated the demand to leave the property. He was given one last opportunity to walk away and was transported to booking when he refused.

Elijah Okesson charged with mushrooms and marijuana on Belmont campus

19-year-old Elijah Okesson was charged with drug possession on August 21 after staff at Belmont University searched his shared dorm room. Staff were notified of the smell of marijuana coming from the room and spoke to his Okesson, who emptied his pockets at the request of staff. A marijuana vape pen was produced, resulting in a full search of the room, per the school’s policy. Inside the dorm room were 28 grams of suspected marijuana in a backpack that reportedly belonged to Okesson, along with 28 grams of mushrooms, a digital scale, and a bond used with THC wax. He was issued citations for two counts of drug possession and drug paraphernalia. Okesson and was booked on the charges this week.

Belmont student Jackson Buch charged after staff found marijuana in dorm room

20-year-old Jackson Buch was charged with drug possession on August 21 after staff at Belmont University searched his shared dorm room. Staff were notified of the smell of marijuana coming from the room and initially spoke to his roommate, who emptied his pockets at the request of staff. A marijuana vape pen was produced, resulting in a full search of the room, per the school’s policy. Inside the dorm room were 31 grams of suspected marijuana in a backpack that reportedly belonged to Buch. He was issued a citation for drug possession and was booked on the charge this week.

Ariana Alexander charged with DUI and disorderly conduct after traffic stop for tint

22-year-old Ariana Alexander was seen revving her Lexus SUV’s engine at the intersection of Elm Hill Pike and Fesslers Lane by police on September 13th after midnight. Police reported that her window tint was too dark, and she accelerated quickly, not stopping completely for a red light, turning onto Murfreesboro Pike. She then sped above the posted 40 mph speed limit before the officer conducted a traffic stop.

Police approached Ariana’s vehicle, which smelled of marijuana, and her breath smelled of alcohol. Police reported that in plain view was a burnt marijuana cigarette, so they asked Ariana to exit the vehicle and perform sobriety tests. Ariana told police that she had one shot before the end of her work shift at 6 p.m. and smoked some marijuana the day before. Reportedly, she was loud, belligerent, and could not focus on the tasks she was told to do. Police detained her when she attempted to leave after she performed the tests. While she was detained, she began yelling at friends across the street to help her, yelled loud enough to stop patrons at the business across the street, and refused to stop screaming. She did not consent to any chemical testing. Police searched her vehicle, yielding an empty packet of aluminum foil, rolling papers, and a small amount of marijuana shake.

VIDEO: Brenten Jones climbs spotlight tower during Artic Monkeys concert at Ascend

26-year-old Brenten Jones entered a roped-off area and climbed a 40-foot spotlight tower at Ascend Amphitheater during the Arctic Monkeys concert on September 12th. The report states that two light operators in harnesses attempted to help Brenten down the tower, but he fought with them and refused to come down. After he eventually came down, police attempted to place him into custody, but he refused to comply with police, pulling his arms free during detainment. Brenten reportedly reeked of alcohol and was taken into custody.