Jonathan Agramonte — too drunk to fly at Nashville International Airport

41-year-old Jonathan Agramonte spoke to Nashville Airport Police Officer Redifer after he was reportedly drunk at gate C23. Officer Redifer described Jonathan as being visibly intoxicated. Jonathan was talking loudly and yelling at officers while they were trying to get him a taxi to a hotel. He disobeyed the officer’s commands to quiet down and leave the airport. The officer then placed him into custody for disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

Treshaun White jailed for rioting after doing donuts at street racer takeover event

25-year-old Treshaun White was reportedly seen at Bell and Blue Hole on August 12th, where a street racing event was being held. A video showed Treshaun doing donuts in his vehicle while people were close by standing and watching. Treshaun’s face was recognizable in the video, and he matched the car’s registration doing the donuts. Treshaun’s license was also reported suspended at the time of the recording.

Downtown bartender Brittany Ozment jailed after late-night DUI

28-year-old Brittany Ozment was standing at the corner of the intersection of Old Hickory Blvd and Rocky Lane when police spoke to her late Tuesday night. Brittany told them that her vehicle was involved in the crash that they responded to. Police reported that she reeked of alcohol, swayed while standing, and was unsteady on her feet while walking. She was told that she was placed under arrest for DUI and refused to do sobriety tests or provide a blood or breath sample.

Ohio Realtor Vademark Holser jailed after drunkenly threatening to “rape everyone” during drunken debacle

40-year-old Vademark Holser was denied entry to a bar on Broadway due to his level of intoxication, staff told police. They told police that after Vademark was denied entry, he refused to leave, forcing his way past security. Vademark was visibly intoxicated when police spoke to him, and they tried to give him a misdemeanor citation. But once he was in the patrol vehicle, he angrily told police that he was going to fight and rape everyone when he was released. Police then determined, due to his level of intoxication and threats, that he would be a danger to the public. He was taken into custody and transported to jail.

David Faill pulls gun on her ex-roommate

26-year-old David Faill’s ex-roommate called the police after he needed to return to the residence on Hermitage Dr. that he and David once shared to grab some items with his friend on September 11th. The ex-roommate, Cody Kless, told police that an order of protection against David was dismissed on September 8th, which police confirmed. He said that when he went to the residence, he looked up while he was on the floor and saw David. She had a weapon on her, and he could see straight down the barrel. Cody said it took her thirty to forty minutes to put the weapon away while standing next to the door. Reportedly, he did not feel safe to leave, and his friend corroborated the entire story. Police identified David through ARMS and placed her into custody for aggravated assault.

Night Riderz member Kristian Wilkins charged with rioting for car meet/takeover participation

21-year-old Kristian Wilkins could not escape when police responded to a street racer gathering on Trousdale Dr on July 8th around 10 p.m. Officer Wright made contact with Kristian, wearing Night Riderz branded clothing, a prominent local street racing crew. The MNPD has a Street Racing Initiative that investigates street racing events being riotous in nature due to the danger they pose to properties and persons. The police reported that the events often included fireworks, gunfire, and a pedestrian being struck by a car that was sliding. Also, they often obstruct, prevent, and avoid law enforcement efforts to stop their activities.

Frequent Fapper Montez Batts jailed after multiple indecent incidents

41-year-old Montez Batts reportedly stared at Madison Mason, walking her dog around 10 a.m. while sitting in his Chevy Malibu on 4th and Madison on April 22nd, 2022. She said that Montez rolled down his window while m*/sturbating to show her what he was doing seemingly. Madison said that he never left the vehicle but later drove off. The officer she reported the indecent exposure to found several other complaints involving a man doing similar things in a Chevy Malibu over the course of a couple of months. The registration was found to be in the ownership of Sharon Harris when the police first investigated, but after the tags needed to be renewed, they found that the ownership had changed to Montez Batts. He was brought into the police headquarters on December 8th of 2022, where police conducted a lineup, and Madison pointed out Montez as the man from the incident back in April. Montez fit the description of two other women, Jenni Melville, and Nicole Havill, in the area complaining that he pulled up to them in a Chevy Malibu with the same registration tag and began m*/turbating in 2022.

On September 9th, police were surveilling the Northside Market on 18th Ave around 10 p.m. when they saw a vehicle pull up with tags registered to Montez Batts. Montez’s license was revoked, and police saw him and a passenger exit the vehicle with what looked like a weapon in their waistbands. Once police found that Montez was a felon, they followed him out of the parking lot. They conducted a traffic stop on Simpkins St. Montez, exited the vehicle without instruction, and began walking toward the patrol vehicle. The officer engaged in a conversation with him until backup arrived. The officer then spoke to the passenger, asked him to step out of the vehicle, and removed the firearm from his person for the duration of the stop for safety. He told the police that he had no other firearm, and police placed Montez into custody.

Police found marijuana in his sock and a digital scale in his pocket. Inside the vehicle, they found a Glock 43 within arms reach of Montez’s driver’s seat. The passenger stated that the weapon was also his but could not tell the officers what model or caliber of the weapon. He told police that he bought his weapon from a gun store, but he bought the Glock 43 from a friend, which police advised could mean the weapon was stolen. The passenger changed his story to the Glock not being his. Police determined that Montez owned the weapon, causing him to have a weapon while being a convicted felon.

Saida Tiul charged in assault of her boyfriend, Justo Rufino Pop Pop

18-year-old Saida Tiul and her boyfriend, Justo Rufino Pop Pop, spoke to police regarding a domestic disturbance at their residence on McLendon Dr on September 8th. Justo told police that he was drunk around 2:30 that morning and attempted to enter his room when Saida became angry at him for drinking. He reported that to make her happy, he offered her a hug. Saida then refused to hug, hit him in the face several times, and scratched him. Justo said that he told Saida to stop, but she continued hitting him. When Saida stopped, she left the room to sit on the couch. He said that a witness, Marc Xcna, met up with him, and he had no further contact with Saida until the police arrived.

Marco told the police he overheard the incident from within his room and heard Justo ask Saida to stop hitting him. He said that he heard Justo tell Saida to get off of him, and then he left the room, so Marco went to check on Justo and saw that he was bleeding heavily from his face. Marco then brought Justo into his room to await the police. Saida said she was trying to sleep when Justo entered the room, drunk, and tried lying down with her. She said that Justo then grabbed her by the hair and began punching her in the face. When her nose began to bleed from the punches, she said that she began to fight back.

Police observed only a scratch on Saida’s bottom lip, which she did not comment on, but reported several scratches throughout Justo’s body as well as swelling to his eye and nose. They also found blood on the bedroom floor that Saida said was Justo’s, and Justo sought medical attention on the scene. Saida was deemed the primary aggressor due to Justo’s severe injuries and Marco’s account of the situation. Justo stated that he did not wish to prosecute, but police prosecuted on his behalf due to the injuries and domestic relationship.

Eric Scott indicted on rioting and reckless driving/endangerment charges

27-year-old Eric Scott was indicted by the Davidson County April Grand Jury for the charges of rioting, reckless driving, and reckless endangerment. On July 22, 2022, Eric knowingly participated in a riot, driving his vehicle in willful disregard of the safety of others or property, and placed the public at large in immediate danger by the operation of his vehicle. He was booked into the jail on these charges on September 8th.