Michael Fahey charged after pulling into path of motorcyclist

35-year-old Michael Fahey was reportedly driving a 2020 Ford Ranger on North Cumberland Hills Drive after midnight on July 8th. There was a stop sign for Michael, but police say he pulled into the path of a motorcyclist, who had the right of way, traveling east on N. Gallatin Pike. A collision occurred and caused severe bodily harm to the motorcyclist. He was booked on the charge of failure to yield, causing serious injury, on August 29th.

Perry Mcdaniel charged with rioting after attending slider meet-up event in Nashville

18-year-old Perry McDaniel was seen leaving Corporate Place by an MNPD officer working the street racer initiative in his 2012 Nissan 370Z on August 12th. He was one of the last approximately 400 vehicles from a racing event being held illegally at the property. The business was closed at 10:20 p.m. when Perry was seen, so there was no legitimate reason for him to be present, according to police. He was booked on the rioting charge on August 31st and was additionally cited for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

West Coast Real Estate Agent William Dengler jailed after not paying tab at Whiskey Bent Saloon

42-year-old William Dengler was stopped by Whiskey Bent Saloon security after his card was declined three times, and he tried to leave out the front door. Police arrived at Whiskey Bent Saloon after being flagged down by a bartender to investigate, and the business showed them a receipt for $62.10 that William owed. They said after he was stopped from walking out, he moved towards the back exit of the business but did not know if he was attempting to leave. Police spoke to William who said that he only had one card with him and did not know where his friends were. He was arrested for theft of services after he and the police waited outside for one of his friends to come to pay for his tab, but no one showed.

Police take down Jose Sandoval of “Most Active Boyz” street takeover group

20-year-old Jose Sandoval operates a social media business account for a street racing crew called Most Active Boyz and has hosted several street takeovers with his crew. On August 12th, he planned a takeover with several other “street racing crews,” which he made a flyer for and posted on the Most Active Boyz Instagram account. The crews went to several locations and hosted two street takeovers on Bell Road and Blue Hole Road in Antioch. Police say that behavior is considered riotous due to the nature of the danger it places the operators of the vehicles as well as the bystanders during the events of a street takeover. MNPD officers arrived at Nolensville and Elysian Fields and found that a street takeover was being hosted. Jose knowingly planned the takeovers ahead of time and did so with the use of the Instagram account that he runs. He was arrested on August 28th for the charge of inciting a riot.

Devin Orr jailed after violating an order of protection “trying to fix things”

21-year-old Devin Orr was invited by his ex, Ta’nia Mitchell, to her house to “fix things” on August 29th. Police arrived at the residence on Bell Rd after an altercation and found that Ta’nia took out a protection order against Devin earlier in the month, on August 9th. Devin told police that he was served the protection order on August 11th and was contacted by DCSO regarding the specifics of the order. Ta’nia showed officers text messages where she invited him over, where he arrived and violated the protection order.

Connie Stamps charged in felony assault of elderly husband at Summit Hospital

78-year-old Connie Stamps assaulted her recovering husband in Summit Hospital on April 4th. Earlier that day, a nurse heard yelling coming from Stephen’s room, where she saw Connie slap him while calling him “a stupid son of a b/*ch.” The nurse asked Stephen if Connie slapped him, and he nodded, “Yes.” Also, he said aloud, “She has been known to do that.” An officer was assigned to Stephen Stamps, Connie’s husband, for an adult protective service referral after the incident. The officer found that Stephen had undergone surgery for a brain bleed on March 23rd, a day after he was found unresponsive.

Austin Payne says he “suffered emotional abuse” from girlfriend; wanted her to feel it, too

26-year-old Austin Payne told the police, after his girlfriend called them, that they recently broke up and wanted to delete things off each other’s phones. Police arrived at their residence on August 30th to speak with Austin’s girlfriend, Hailey Bondia, who said Austin assaulted her. She said that after she told him she wanted to break up, they argued, and she deleted intimate photos of herself from his phone. Austin reportedly got onto her back while lying down, saying he would kill her, and hit her in the back several times, leaving two red marks. She agreed to let him delete pictures of himself from her phone, but instead, he was deleting texts between them because he knew that she would call the police. Once he realized the messages were still on her iPad, she said he chased her around the residence to grab her iPad and delete the messages.

She says he grabbed her by her shirt, dragged her outside, and threw her down the stairs, which caused redness to her knees and elbow. Austin told police that she trashed their apartment and wanted her to leave, so he physically carried her outside. Police placed him into custody, and he said that he had a video of the incident. While the police reviewed the video, Austin excitedly said, “We (the police) saw her back; It was not great. I am not trying to play it down, but it was a five-second hard slap.” They asked him about the slap, and he said that she emotionally abused him and wanted her to feel what he felt. Also, he admitted to hitting her back and causing the injuries. The video showed Hailey pulling Austin’s hair to get her iPad back. Hailey told police she wanted to prosecute, and Austin was arrested for domestic assault.

Police take down leadership of Night Riderz car group — Austin “Freshz” Scott arrested

Police say the 25-year-old leader of the “Night Riderz,” Austin Scott (known in the scene as “Freshz”, will not slide his own street car; however, he will get into the passenger seat and hold a Night Riderz Flag while fellow NR members spin in parking lots and intersections across the city. The locally infamous leader was arrested Tuesday on fifteen outstanding warrants related to rioting and inciting riots, which is how police are now classifying the car side shows and meet-ups in Nashville, filing charges against hosts, planners, drivers, and even spectators. Police say Scott actively participated in the events, including dropping new locations. Warrants detail every meetup and planned event, such as gatherings to celebrate the birthday of the leaders of other groups and “non-chill” spin-offs of Moore’s Meets large gatherings.

One of the many arrest warrants details a June 3 incident when police “observed Scott at a Night Riderz leadership gathering that occurred at Waffle House near Antioch and Harding Place. Throughout the Night, Freshz was coordinating the night’s riotous activities. He is the one who “drops addy,” new locations, times, dates, and where the events are going to be taking place via social media.”

DUI: Rachel Hardy blows over double legal limit — 0.1888% BAC

30-year-old Rachel Hardy was found to be the driver of a car that police located at the scene of an accident close to 8 p.m. on August 26th. She told police that she had one beer three hours before the accident. Police reported that her breath smelled of alcohol, and she had other signs of intoxication. She performed poorly on sobriety tests, showing more signs of intoxication, and blew a 0.188% BAC after being booked into custody for DUI.