Kirsten Almquist found drunk and staggering in a “fit of rage” outside Whiskey Row in downtown Nashville

33-year-old Kirsten Almquist was observed “staggering” on the sidewalk near 4th & Broadway on Friday in downtown Nashville. As an officer approached, she fell and took a seated position alongside the window at Whiskey Row. Officers made contact and described her as “in a state of rage” and reeking of alcohol. When asked if she had anyone who could care for her or retrieve her, she replied, “Yes, in Arizona!” She became verbally abusive and screamed obscenities at passers-by. She was then taken into custody and charged with public intoxication. Almquist was also arrested on the same charge in Virginia earlier in the week before visiting Nashville.

David Hansen charged with assault of girlfriend after leaving Nickelback concert

37-year-old David Hansen became upset with Sarah Forbes on the way home from the Nickelback concert on August 1st for walking too fast or too slow. Sarah told police the next day; she said that he verbally abused her on the car ride home and then continued once they got home. She said he then began throwing her clothes down the stairs and yelling in her face to get out of the house. David then grabbed her by her wrists, attempting to push her down the stairs, breaking her bracelet. At one point, she said that he had his full weight on her restricting her from escaping, and pinned her against the wall, where she hit her head. He attempted to drag her by her shirt out of the door, ripping it, but her head hit the door stop several times. Sarah also said that David threatened to throw her out of the window. Police observed marks consistent with her story and a bump on the back of her head. David was booked on August 11th.

Garrett Herrington jailed after getting lost in his own apartment complex

22-year-old Garrett Herrington was found Sunday on the fourth floor of the MAA Acklen apartments trying to find where he lived for “two hours,” according to police, who found Garrett in front of unit 406 after he told them that his unit was 553. Garrett had a cut on his hand and told police he got frustrated when he could not get into his unit, which he believed was 406. He appeared intoxicated, and several other residents said he was outside in the hallway, screaming and punching walls until his hand bled. He was taken into custody because he could not remember where he lived and caused a disturbance for other residents.

Tourist Tyler Schutte jailed after calling MNPD officer a b*tch in downtown Nashville

21-year-old Tyler Schutte was jailed in Nashville Sunday night after calling a Metro Nashville Police Officer a ‘b*/ch,’ while smirking and threatening to fight. Schutte approached Officer Dean Ferrari near 3rd & Broadway in downtown Nashville and was extremely intoxicated and had trouble standing without swaying. He asked the officer if he wanted “to make a bet,” and the officer declined. He responded by calling the officer a “b/*ch” while smirking and then made vague threats to fight. The officer told the other members of his friend group to assist Schutte in getting back to his hotel or to arrange for a rideshare, but they refused. Schutte was then taken into custody and charged with public intoxication. 

Jalan Armstrong kicks, punches, strangles girlfriend after she goes through his phone

25-year-old Jalan Armstrong allegedly struck his lover after she went through his phone. Whitney Gama, Jalan’s girlfriend, spoke to police after they were called to her and Jalan’s apartment at Easton Apartments. She told police that earlier that day, on August 10th, she went through Jalan’s phone, saw text messages from another woman, and confronted him about it. She said he snatched his phone from her and pushed her face into a pillow, causing her to struggle to breathe. Jalan then punched her several times in the face and head. Also, he threatened to hit her with his pistol, but she said she could not tell if he had it on his person. She said that she knew he owned one. Then, she said, he let her up, and kicked her in the legs when she attempted to leave, causing her to fall, but eventually left the room. During the altercation, Whitney was face timing a family member who could not see anything but thought they heard a gun cock. Police reported that Whitney’s lip was busted and had bruising on her face and ear. Jalan was placed under arrest due to her visible injuries for aggravated assault.

Cristian Robelto charged with stalking estranged wife

32-year-old Cristian Robelto was found in a parking lot by police after his estranged wife and another man called them on August 10th. Elizabeth Maffiold, Cristian’s estranged wife, told police that she told Cristian that she did not want any contact with him. But, she said, Cristian keeps showing up to her place of work, and there is a report of him being there on August 6th. Elizabeth said that she and another witness saw Cristian in his car in the parking lot near them that day, so she called the cops. He was placed under arrest for stalking.

Destiny Hollis-Cobb jailed for being a passenger during May NightRiderz street racer gathering

20-year-old Destiny Hollis-Cobb, the wife of Tyler Cobb, was seen at the “Night Riderz” event on May 20th close to the BNA Airport. She was a passenger while her husband spun around in the ‘pit’ at the event. Police said her husband is a “slider” and is known as a street racer and member of the street racing crew “Street Kings 615.” Tyler is also known to be an event organizer and was seen participating in the event with Destiny Hollis-Cobb. The event was at Airpark Center Drive East, where a large group of individuals stood close to the drivers that “slide” for the event. The officer reported that the culture of these events is the bystanders are to “get back or get smacked,” placing them in immediate danger. Also, if the vehicles lost control of the vehicles at their high rates of speed in the crowd’s proximity, it could cause serious bodily injury or death. Due to the large gathering of people all participating in criminal offenses, the actions are constituted as “riots.” A multitude of warrants for those participating in the May meetup were issued on August 3, and Cobb was booked on his outstanding warrant on August 10.

Tyler Cobb jailed for ‘rioting’ after participating in May street racer gathering

22-year-old Tyler Cobb, who police say is a member of ‘Street Kings 615’ crew, was seen with his wife at an illegal street racing gathering organized by the ‘NightRiders’ crew on May 20th close to the BNA Airport. Police described him as a “slider” and said he is known as a street racer; he even once used a U-Haul truck to slide in. Tyler is also known to be an event organizer and was seen participating in the event with his wife, Destiny Hollis-Cobb. The event was at Airpark Center Drive East, where individuals stood in close proximity while Tyler was observed “sliding” at high rates of speed. The officer reported that the culture of these events is the bystanders are to “get back or get smacked,” placing them in immediate danger. Also, if the vehicles lost control of the vehicles at their high rates of speed in the crowd’s proximity, it could cause serious bodily injury or death. Due to the large gathering of people all participating in criminal offenses, the actions are constituted as “riots,” and that’s what Cobb was charged with. A multitude of warrants for those participating in the May meetup were issued on August 3, and Cobb was booked on his outstanding warrant on August 10.

Ryan Keesecker charged with DUI after leaving SoundWaves with wife and child

28-year-old Ryan Keesecker was involved in a rear-end accident on Opryland Drive Sunday evening, and first responders alerted police that he was visibly intoxicated. His wife and child were passengers in the vehicle. Officers made contact with Keesecker, who admitted to consuming “two or three beers” at the waterpark they had just left. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and stopped multiple times during them to talk about his marching band experience. He was taken into custody and charged with DUI with a child. His wife, Destany Keesecker, was initially taken into physical custody but was later released.

Adam Bozeman jailed after fight in downtown Nashville

25-year-old Adam Bozeman was observed fighting with two other individuals in the middle of the intersection at 3rd & Broadway in the early hours of Sunday morning in downtown Nashville. He swung at one of the individuals with a closed fist and missed. The victim then stepped up and pushed Bozeman back onto the ground. As Bozeman started the altercation, he was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct. The victim didn’t wish to prosecute for the assault.