DUI: N’finity Tanksley drives into a building in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police say 23-year-old N’finity Tanksley drove her vehicle into the side of the building at 1201 Broadway in the early hours of Sunday morning before daylight. When officers arrived, she was still in the driver’s seat with the vehicle in drive, still pushing into the building while refusing commands to exit. She was removed from the wreckage by force and admitted to consuming “one shot” of liquor four hours before driving. Inside the car, officers found marijuana and an open shot of moonshine. She smelled of alcohol and later blew a 0.09% BAC on a breathalyzer.

Bossman Jason Miller charged after forcefully grabbing his girlfriend’s phone from her hands

Karen Lannette Beard says she was in her bed when her lover, 45-year-old “Bossman Jason” Miller, stood beside her and asked her to put her phone down, and she refused and continued to use her phone. He then reportedly grabbed the phone and pulled the phone from her in a struggle. As she reached up to retrieve her phone, she says she ripped his shirt and broke his necklace while scratching his chest. In return, he pinned her to the bed using his arms, and he called the police. Officers arrived and determined him to be the primary aggressor, and he was charged with domestic assault.

Lindsey Brewer admits to drinking wine & hard seltzer before DUI crash

36-year-old Lindsey Brewer told police she consumed two glasses of wine and one can of hard seltzer prior to crashing her vehicle into another vehicle on Edmonson Pike in the overnight hours into Sunday morning. Brewer was reportedly unsteady on her feet and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. She was transported to Metro General for a blood draw and then to booking, where she was charged with DUI.

Brittney Calhoun charged in “girl’s night out” DUI crash in East Nashville

30-year-old Brittney Calhoun told police she was “in town for a girl’s night and going to some bars” when they found her and a passenger crashed in East Nashville at 3:30 a.m. Saturday. She had driven her vehicle into two parked cars on the side of the road. Further questioning revealed that her drink of choice was Vodka & Red Bull, and she consumed “a couple” while at the bars. She says she blacked out and doesn’t remember any of the crash. Officers located two large Bud Light cans that were open and leaking alcohol into the driver’s side of the car, along with another opened bottle of alcohol in the front. She performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was charged with DUI. Her passenger was transported to Centennial hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Alison Krawczyk jailed after drunkenly interfering with arrest of Jack Beckham in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police had just chased Jack Beckham down Broadway late Saturday night and were placing him under arrest when 35-year-old Alison Krawczyk approached the takedown and repeatedly placed herself between the officers and Beckham. Officer Begley commanded that she step back and stay back, and she refused and continued to interfere with Beckham’s arrest. Due to her extreme level of intoxication and causing a disturbance, she was also taken into custody.

Jack Beckham bites officer during arrest on Broadway in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville police working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville late Saturday night say 24-year-old Jack Elliot Beckham refused to leave The Valentine on Broadway. They arrived to find Beckham unsteady on his feet and extremely intoxicated. He had been denied entry due to his level of intoxication and refused to leave the front area of the business, blocking other patrons from entering. As he was being taken into custody for disorderly conduct, Beckham began fleeing from police. Officers caught up with the Brentwood native and took him to…

Jarrod Allender was “crying hysterically” after 12+ liquor shots & 3 crashes in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police say 27-year-old Jarrod Allender was “crying hysterically” when they located him inside his Jeep Cherokee in the Music City Center parking garage in downtown Nashville. Allender had just crashed into at least three vehicles in an attempt to exit the garage. When asked how much alcohol he had consumed, Allender stated, “12-13 shots.” He would only suck on the breathalyzer nozzle instead of blowing into it, so that test could not be completed, and a blood draw was conducted at Metro General prior to being booked.

Bobbie Larkin stored drugs in backpack of 7-year-old son; charged under Haley’s Law

35-year-old Bobbie Larkin told her 7-year-old son to grab his backpack as they exited the vehicle during a traffic stop after police had observed her conducting a drug deal just moments before. Inside the child’s backpack, detectives located 4.6 grams of cocaine, Oxycodone pills, and ammunition for the handgun that was stored in the glove box. During the traffic stop, Larkin also gave police consent to search her home, which was 2 miles away. Detectives froze the home, and she was brought to her residence to sign the consent form. A search of the home resulted in the seizure of nearly one pound of marijuana, digital scales, Xanax pills, 2 grams of cocaine, and multiple firearms. Larkins is being prosecuted under “Haley’s Law,” which could result in a 15-25 year sentence to serve just on the child abuse charge.

DUI: David Pierre-Paul says he was “just driving straight, and it happened!” when he ran into utility pole

30-year-old David Pierre-Paul told police, “I was just driving straight, and it happened,” when he crashed into a utility pole on Hwy 70 South just after 3 a.m. last weekend. He continued to explain he had just come from Lucky’s 3-Star Bar, where he consumed two Paloma mixed drinks. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and later blew a 0.145% BAC on a breathalyzer. He was charged with DUI.

Asrorkhon Sultankanov charged after spitting on teen in Walmart parking lot rage incident

A 16-year-old Walmart employee says 41-year-old Asrorkhon Sultankanov punched his vehicle and spat on him twice in the Walmart parking lot after he nearly collided with the teen’s vehicle as he barrelled through the parking lot. As the supposed adult nearly caused the collision as the teen was backing out of a parking spot, Sultankanov then exited his vehicle to confront the teen, who says the man then spat on him twice and punched his car in a fit of rage. The incident was observed on the store’s security cameras.