Derrinae Douglas punches man in throat after breaking into his room

Police responded to an incident at Stonewood Apartments on December 5th and met with Brandon Blevins, who showed officers a video of 20-year-old Derrinae Alacia Douglas punching him. During an argument, she attempted to get into his room while he was attempting to keep her out and demanding she leaves. She eventually got into the room and when she realized she was being recorded, punched him in the throat.

DUI: Lisa Choate crashes into parked cars, flips Hyundai Elantra upside down after drinking & smoking

Police say 60-year-old Lisa Choate crashed her Hyundai Elentra into two parked vehicles before flipping it entirely upside down in the middle of Morrow Road on December 4th. She was unable to explain how the crash occurred but did admit to drinking two 100 ml 99-proof Long Island Tea bottles and smoking marijuana prior to driving. Officer located multiple empty bottles inside her purse and outside the car. During a search, officers also located marijuana inside three plastic bags, a plastic container, and in a metal pipe. Choate would later blow a 0.159% BAC on a breathalyzer.

Jerico Roland charged in vandalism, upset his mother won’t return his firearm

Several months ago, LaShawn Roland took a firearm away from her 20-year-old son, Jerico Roland, after an incident. On December 4th, Jerico verbally argued with his mother when she refused to return the firearm. She says her son began to throw items around inside their Lenore Street home in East Nashville. Amid the items damaged was the LG monitor for her work computer. Due to the domestic nature of the vandalism, officers took Jerico into custody.

Nery Chajon Franco kicks wife in face while she’s on the toilet; then attacks his son

Laura Salazar Gonzales says she was sitting on the toilet when her 35-year-old boyfriend, Nery Chajon Franco, came into the bathroom drunk and kicked her in the face. She says the argument was about who should pick up the children from school. As she fled from the toilet, Nery reportedly followed her while yelling and threatening to kill her. He chased her and her two youngest sons through the front yard, grabbed her hair from behind, and yanked her onto the ground. She says he punched her in the face multiple times and strangled her.

Another of their sons came out of the home and attacked his father with a knife sharpener to try to stop the attack on his mother. He swung at his son three times and missed each time. When officers arrived, Nery attempted to flee and jumped a neighbor’s fence.

Ovalla Jobe, 65, charged with striking her brother with her car

Mose Jobe says his 65-year-old sister, Ovalla Jobe, drove toward him and used her car to strike him in his left leg. The incident reportedly happened in January when Ovalla was having her vehicle dropped off at her brother’s house. For a reason that wasn’t disclosed, she began to get into a verbal argument with one of her brothers, Mose. He says he was several yards away when she drove toward him in her vehicle and struck his left leg. She fled the scene, and Mose was transported to the hospital. A warrant was issued for her arrest, and she was booked on that warrant this week.

Marco Takla was handcuffed at Hustler Club Nashville – but not in the way he wanted

22-year-old Marco Takla caused a disturbance at Hustler Club Nashville in the early hours of Friday morning, and security called Metro Nashville Police for assistance. Officers arrived to find Marco Takla arguing with security, who had asked him multiple times to leave the property. Officers gave him the opportunity to walk away and off the property, at which point he began arguing with the police officers. He was taken into custody and charged with criminal trespass.

Booster Chevala Southall caught at Rivergate Mall, tells police who was helping her

Police responded to the Hollister inside Rivergate Mall Thursday afternoon, where security had 26-year-old Chevala Southall detained. During an interview, Southall admitted that she and a male she knew as “Trey” came into the store and staged nearly $2,000 in merchandise in preparation to steal it. They then left the store and drove the vehicle to the nearby breezeway, where they could run out of the store and into the car. The pair of boosters then re-entered Hollister and began to bag the clothes they had staged, and security was able to stop Southall as she ran out the door. The clothing in the bags she was fleeing with totaled $1,743.00. Trey fled the store, and Southall provided police with the information she knew about his identity.

A throuple wasn’t enough for Kaylum Futrell; he cheated with another person & it got wild

21-year-old Kaylum K. Futrell has been in a throuple relationship with both Carisa Murrell and Keyonia Stewart, and on Thursday they were all three at Stewart’s apartment, along with other friends. Someone at the gathering informed the two women that Kaylum just wasn’t satisfied with dating two women at the same time and had been cheating on them with a third, which he confirmed. The two women announced they were ending their relationship with him, and the throuple erupted into an altercation. Kaylum pushed Stewart out of her own apartment; he later stated it was so he wouldn’t hurt her.

A neighbor, Crystal Evans, heard the commotion and announced she was calling police. Kaylum then reportedly opened the door and assaulted Evans and her juvenile children, who were all outside. He then grabbed the branch of a tree and attempted to damage her vehicle, and then turned the branch on Evans, assaulting her with it, striking her in the head. During his arrest, Futrell spat on an officer.

Unlicensed Archangel Security Guard Anthony Sloan charged with drugs & gun at BNA

Airport Police made contact with 28-year-old Anthony Sloan, who was manning a controlled gate at an outside construction area of the Nashville International Airport for Archangel Protective Services. During the conversation, Sloan reportedly had a strong odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle he was sitting in. Inside the vehicle, officers found 2.4 ounces (68 grams) of loose marijuana flower in the back seat within a large plastic bag which the officer believes was the type used to package marijuana by the pound. A handgun was located in a bag in the front seat, along with a scale. The Tennessee Department of Commerce says Sloan applied for an unarmed security guard’s license on September 15th, which was denied based on a material misstatement on his application.