Yurii Kolomiiets charged with grabbing underage girls buttocks at Nashville Walmart

25-year-old Yurii Kolomiiets was detained by Walmart loss prevention after inappropriately touching a juvenile. Police arrived at the Nashville Walmart around 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday to review video footage of the incident. The footage showed Yurii walking up behind a juvenile female, grabbing her buttocks, then walking away while staring at her. The juvenile said she did not consent to this. Her mother, who was present, stated that she and her daughter wished to prosecute. Yurri was placed into custody for sexual battery.

Bryce Owens charged in possession of child pornography via Snapchat

25-year-old Bryce Owens was charged with sexual exploitation of a minor via Snapchat. On Tuesday, Bryce spoke to the cops and confirmed that Snapchat banned his Snapchat account for “trading explicit behavior.” The account possessed six different sexual videos involving minors. Bryce told police that during a conversation with an unknown person, he was sent a video of a prepubescent female being sexually abused by a man. Also, he admitted to receiving another sexual video involving a prepubescent boy.

Darrell Willard jailed by THP troopers after sleeping on sidewalk in downtown Nashville

31-year-old Darrell Willard was passed out on the sidewalk at Church Street and 3rd St intersect. Off-duty THP troopers saw Darrell passed out on the sidewalk. Downtown Ambassadors on the scene said they could not get him to wake up verbally, and Trooper Walker woke him by doing a sternum rub. He smelled of alcohol and looked intoxicated, and he was unsteady on his feet. Darrell refused EMS treatment and was placed into custody because he was a danger to himself.

Texas tourist Simon Reyes jailed after drunken fight outside

38-year-old Simon Reyes was seen wrestling with another man outside Red Door Bar by police. MNPD officers were across the street from the fight dealing with a disorderly individual when they saw the fight between Simon and another man. Police rushed over to stop the fight and placed both parties in handcuffs. Neither said that they wanted to prosecute, but police could smell alcohol on Simon’s breath and his slurred speech. Simon requested EMS transport to General Hospital and was later booked for public intoxication.

Michigan tourist Julian Hall jailed after rowdiness at Jason Aldean’s bar

23-year-old Julian Hall told Jason Aldean’s bar security staff that they were “lucky” that police placed him into custody. Before he was arrested, police were flagged down by security about Julian outside, causing a disturbance. They told the police that they denied him entry due to improper identification. The officers saw Julian arguing with security when he refused to leave the building’s curt ledge. Julian was warned several times to leave, or he would be trespassed from the business. He continued to yell, so police placed him into custody. While in custody, he said to security staff that they were “lucky,” insinuating an altercation would arise if he were not placed into custody.

Kearea Ward breaks through front door into home, claims it was the wrong house

33-year-old Kearea Ward used her shoulder to bust through the front door of the home of Connor Haseley and Ali Hutchinson just after 5 a.m. Sunday, setting off their ring doorbell alarm and waking them up. They called down to Ward to tell her to leave their property, causing her to flee the residence. Officers issued a BOLO, and nearby officers located Ward walking away from the neighborhood. She was taken into custody and during questioning admitted she pushed into the home, claiming she believed it belonged to her ex-boyfriend.

81-year-old Daniel Neyrete charged with BUI on Percy Priest Lake

81-year-old Daniel Neyrete was on a boat with a child under the age of twelve and told police that he had been drinking. MNPD officers were patrolling J. Percy Priest Reservoir around 10:30 p.m. on Saturday when they saw Daniel’s boat with no anchor light displayed. The officer stopped the vessel and saw a child without a safety vest on. When they spoke to Daniel, they said he smelled strongly of alcohol, and he admitted to drinking. Daniel performed sobriety tests on the officer’s vessel and showed several indicators of intoxication. He refused to give a blood sample and was arrested for boating under the influence.

Cristina Archila charged with DUI after crash on Briley Parkway

34-year-old Cristina Archila crashed into a barrier on the right shoulder of Briley Pkwy before admitting to having a couple of beers before driving. Police found Christina at the scene of the accident on Sunday. Police described her to have bloodshot, glassy eyes, slurred speech, and unsteady on her feet. She told police she had three beers before driving but later admitted to having five beers. She showed several signs of intoxication while performing sobriety tests and refused to give a chemical sample. A witness said that they saw Cristina swerving back and forth over the median line before crashing.

Dalton Williams charged with DUI after early morning crash in Nashville

30-year-old Dalton Williams stopped during sobriety tests and told police he would not waste their time after he crashed his car in Nashville early Saturday morning. Police found Dalton next to his vehicle, smelling of alcohol, on August 12th in front of a residence on Brick Church Pike. The residents of the house said that they saw Dalton exit the vehicle after the crash with a bottle in his hand. When police asked Dalton about the smell of alcohol, he said that he had not been drinking that night but did the day prior. Also, he said that he could not pass a breathalyzer, for he would probably blow a 0.14% BAC. However, he did agree to perform sobriety tests. He showed several indications of intoxication during the tests and stopped during the turn and point, and told police that there was no point wasting their time.

Fiona Rust bites and latches onto hand of relative, pulls out hair, after being denied alcohol

24-year-old Fiona Rust woke up, enraged, and attacked her blood relatives after feeling threatened. MNPD spoke to Fiona’s relatives on August 11th, the date of the incident, and they said that Fiona was intoxicated and passed out on the floor. The relatives are Alexander Hoskins, Kelly Mcnally, and Megan Mcnally; each told the same story of the incident. They told Fiona that she could not have any more to drink and she passed out on the floor. After they woke her up, she became enraged and attempted to attack Megan. Alexander then stepped between the two but had his arm shoved away, got to Megan, and hit her in the ribs and forearm. Fiona then turned her sights to Kelly, whom she lunged at, bit, and latched onto her hand. Kelly was pulled to the ground by her hair, and Fiona ended her rampage by returning to her room. MNPD officers spoke to a highly intoxicated Fiona, who said she felt threatened and admitted to assaulting the three relatives. Police reported a visible bite mark on Kelly’s hand and pulled-out hair.