DUI: Jimmy Dalton crashes into pole on way home from work

49-year-old Jimmy Dalton says he was driving home from work when someone “cut him off,” resulting in him wrecking into a utility pole at Shute Lane and Old Hickory Blvd. When first responders arrive, Dalton reeked of alcohol and was visibly intoxicated. He could not maintain his balance and had to have officers assist him in walking. Dalton refused all testing and was taken into custody, charged with DUI.

Allen Rogers has a failure-to-appear problem. Now free on a $25,000 bond for a petty citation

30-year-old Allen Rogers was issued a citation in May 2018 after police saw him run a stop sign at Chestnut and Hagan. When police ran his social security number, they found Rogers had a suspended license. Police explained that he couldn’t drive anymore, so he agreed to have someone with a valid license pick up his car, and he was issued a citation to appear in court in July. He failed to appear, and a capias was issued for his arrest. Later that month, he filed a motion to recall and reset to a September court date – for which he also failed to appear. He managed not to be picked up again for just over three years but was once again jailed on the charge in April of 2022 when he once again posted a bond and was released. He failed to appear for the subsequent August court date and was jailed on the outstanding warrant once again this week. He is now free on a $25,000 bond and scheduled to appear in court in June — for a charge that would have likely been dismissed had he simply gone to the first court date. Will he fail to appear next month? It’s a bet we’re willing to make.

Jacob Hall charged after traveling over 110 mph on I-40 with officer behind him

Police say 20-year-old Jacob Hall was traveling over 100 mph in a 70 mph zone in his Subaru Impreza on I-40 on April 16. A Metro Nashville Police officer began to follow him as they were slowed down by Nashville traffic. Once past the slow down, Hall once again sped up to 105 mph in a 60 mph construction zone, with the officer behind him. He eventually pulled over for a traffic stop near Exit 216 and was issued a citation for reckless driving.

Hector Lopez attempts to bite officer who arrested him for public intoxication

20-year-old Hector Lopez was jailed on Sunday after police saw him sitting on the ground covered in dirt. Officers could smell alcohol coming from his body as he stood to speak with them. The story Lopez told police wasn’t making sense, and he kept trying to lead officers to an apartment. Lopez was having difficulty standing still and was unsteady on his feet. He was taken into custody due to his level of intoxication, and on the way to booking, he attempted to bite Officer McCluskey.

Joshua Watson charged in assault of girlfriend, Tami Lee

34-year-old Joshua Watson was booked Wednesday after closing the door on his girlfriend’s ankle when she tried to leave the apartment on Hillside Court during an argument. Tami Lee told police that Watson blocked the door with his body, and when she finally got past him, he tried to shut the door to stop her from leaving and closed it on her ankle, leaving a laceration and bruising.

DUI: Catherine Altorfer King says she drank ‘mocktails’; real cocktails found in her car

47-year-old Catherine Altorfer King was booked yesterday after telling police she was having a stroke while drunk in her Mercedes. An officer was on foot patrol at Nashville Internation Airport when he saw a black Mercedes parked with a female behind the wheel that appeared to be in distress. When the officer approached her, all she could tell him was that she was 47 and possibly having a stroke, so he called for an ambulance. As they spoke, the officer could smell alcohol coming from her and noticed her watery red eyes. When another officer arrived on the scene, Altorfer admitted to drinking two 16oz mocktails before driving. Nashville Fire arrived, and Altorfer refused medical assistance. She agreed to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and was placed under arrest for driving under the influence. She agreed to the breathalyzer but gave three insufficient samples. During the search of her vehicle, police located an empty 16oz Clubtail can and two empty 12 oz bottles of Fireball.

Connor Hart says he smoked marijuana before getting half-naked in elevator, destroying lobby

23-year-old Connor Hart was booked Wednesday after trying to fight people and damaging property in the lobby of Kenect Nashville apartments. There were three emergency calls made in reference to Hart’s behavior. When police arrived, they saw damage to the lobby of the building. The victims did not wish to press charges but directed police to Hart, who was lying in the elevator shirtless, smelling of alcohol, and having large pupils. Officers asked him what he had taken, and he admitted to smoking weed with his friends. Police helped Mr. Hart up, and he was unsteady on his feet. He refused medical treatment and was taken into custody.

Joseph Waid charged with public intoxication after tumbling down embankment

27-year-old Joseph Waid was booked Wednesday after drunkenly falling down a wooded embankment. He was checked out by a medic unit and refused to be transported to medical care, pulling on door handles to get out of the vehicle. Police smelled alcohol coming from his breath, and he slurred as he spoke with them, making it difficult to understand. He was taken into custody and transported to booking.

Fort Campbell soldier Bradley Cheek charged in rape of Nashville woman while wife is pregnant

21-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Bradley Cheek is now charged with the rape of a Nashville woman who he was seeing while his wife is pregnant. We covered Cheek in April when he strangled his ex-girlfriend and now rape victim, telling her, “I’m 170lbs of pure muscle, and if I wanted to, I could destroy you.” Prior to that, we covered him in July 2022 when he assaulted his wife. The new rape charges stem from an April encounter in Nashville. Warning: graphic details in story.