Karess Thomas stole a brake job from Budget Brakes

27-year-old Karess Thomas was jailed on March 25th on an outstanding warrant for pretending she paid for her brake repair at Budget Brakes but actually left without paying for the service. Eddie Bounsana was the employee at Budget Brakes on Nolensville Pike that took care of Thomas. While the manager was pulling her car out of the garage, Eddie attempted to collect payment for her brake repair, totaling $528.67. Thomas told him that she had already paid the manager. Subsequently, the manager returned her car keys before Eddie could confirm the payment, and Thomas fled the scene in her car. Eddie provided the police with Thomas’ contact information, and the police confirmed it with her apartment rental office, and a warrant was issued for her arrest.

James Battle breaks sister’s glasses after slapping them off her face, per report

19-year-old James Battle was jailed on March 27th for allegedly smacking his little sister in the face after she asked him to pick his clothes up. Police responded to Chesapeake circle where they spoke to Battle’s sister who is a minor. The victim said that she had asked Battle to pick up his clothes and he got upset saying that they weren’t his. Battle then stepped into her personal space and started cussing her out, so she pushed him back to create space. Battle slapped his little sister so hard in the face he broke her glasses. When police questioned battle, he told them that those clothes were not his and that his sister didn’t put his laundry in a bag as he asked. He also stated that he was close to his sister but he didn’t touch her he only pushed her away as he leaned over her.

Erica Rosa takes Xanax inside holding cell while waiting on breathalyzer for DUI crash

25-year-old Erica Rosa was jailed on March 27th after crashing her 2020 Dodge Charger into several parked vehicles on 16th Avenue and fleeing the scene. Police checked surrounding areas and found Rosa on Buchannan Street matching the description from a witness. Rosa told officers that she was drunk but she wasn’t driving the charger. She didn’t have any shoes on her feet, but she did have shoes in her car. She told officers that she lived on Bell Road which was the destination pulled up on her GPS that was inside the car. When her car was searched, an open container of alcohol was found. Rosa agreed to a breathalyzer and later told police that while inside the breath testing room, she took a Xanax.

Keshon Woodard: sizzurp, weed, tramadol, oxycodone, fake tags, and a gun, oh my!

21-year-old Keshon Woodard was jailed on March 26th after police found several types of narcotics in his vehicle while he was parked at Victory Fuel gas station with fake temp tags. when officers approached Woodard, they saw an empty holster in his waistband and asked him if there were any weapons in the car. He replied “yes” and gave officers permission to go through his glovebox to find his car registration.

Officers opened the passenger side door and saw marijuana buds on the floor and a small plastic bag of marijuana under the seat. Officers found the gun and ran the serial numbers. The gun came back stolen out of Russellville Kentucky. Officers continued searching the vehicle and found two more bags of marijuana totaling 5.4 grams. There were five tramadol pills and one oxycodone pill tied up in a baggie. Officers found two empty bottles of promethazine syrup and one full bottle, two scales a box of sandwich bags, and another fake temp tag.

Woodard told police he doesn’t sell drugs but if he did it would only be to his friends and family. He told the police that he got the tags from the dealership he bought the car from. Once thoroughly searched officers were informed that 7 grams of marijuana were found on him inside the jail.

April Steele charged with felony burglary of $277 worth of merchandise from Walmart

36-year-old April Steele was jailed on Sunday morning on an outstanding warrant from March 1st after stealing from a Walmart on Nolensville Pike. A loss prevention employee witnessed Steele put makeup, food, jewelry, and clothes into a black bag in her cart. She was stopped by the witness and detained. Steele signed a trespassing agreement in 2021 and was in violation as she knew she was banned from that Walmart, making this a felony burglary charge. The total amount of Merchandise was $276.68.

California tourist Nathan Scheid charged with DUI in Nashville

34-year-old Nathan Scheid was jailed on March 29th after causing an accident that left another driver injured on Broadway. The victim of the accident was Dylan Miller, whose vehicle was turned over at the scene of the accident. Miller was transported to the hospital due to his injuries. When officers first saw Scheid, he was leaving his vehicle with items from within. Officers could smell the alcohol coming off of his breath when he told police that he had been drinking at two different bars downtown. He agreed to sobriety tests that he performed poorly on and was taken to booking.

Nashville pilot Joel Boyers, who was fired for being drunk, harasses former employer at airport

43-year-old Joel Boyers was charged with harassment on March 31st, after sending threatening messages to the employee that called the police on him for being drunk on the job at John Tune airport. Boyers owns a company that operates helicopters. He was arrested on February 4th at JWN by Nashville airport police for public intoxication by White Claw. Matt Osterman is the VP of Flight Operations of Contour Flight support, which provides aircraft ground operations at JWN. An employee of Contour witnessed Boyers intoxicated and disrupting the flow of business at JWN and called the police.

When Boyer was released from jail, he still harbored resentment for the Contour employee and started sending numerous harassing and threatening text messages to Osterman and other Contour management about his arrest. He demanded that Osterman fire the employee who called the police on him. On March 3rd Boyers threw a box over the fence at JWN addressed to “Chris” who was the employee who called the police. An explosive detection K9 was dispatched to check the box. A NASA jacket was inside the box. Boyer knew that Chris was interested in NASA’s space program. This was an apparent attempt to intimidate him.

A police report was filed regarding the box and a separate police report was filed involving harassing text messages from Boyers to one of his ex-employees that left the company after Boyer’s arrest. Since 02/04/2023 Boyers has shown up in the JWN lobby for no apparent purpose aside from harassing Contour flight Support employees. Osterman has blocked Boyers’ phone number but continued to receive the same harassing and threatening messages from different numbers. On Mar 24th Boyers was banned from JWN property and he sent more threatening texts from Osterman. Between 02/04/2023 and 03/24/2023 Boyers intentionally sent over 100 threatening and harassing messages to Osterman.

Tamario Reeves strangles his husband after he forgets their anniversary

27-year-old Tamario Reeves was jailed on March 30th on an outstanding warrant from December charging him with strangling his husband when he forgot their anniversary. Joseph Haggard told police that he and Reeves were at home when Reeves became upset that he forgot their anniversary the day before. He reportedly grabbed Haggard in a chokehold until he lost consciousness. Haggard awoke to his Husband kicking his back and torso. Haggard got up and ran away to where he met with the police. He had visible scrapes on his shoulders, a cut on his face, and trouble swallowing.

Nashville Police charge Ryan Murray with personal marijuana possession

32-year-old Ryan Murray was booked this week on a citation from January 4th after officers pulled him over for driving on and over the dotted roadway lines and blocking two lanes of traffic on the Korean Veterans Boulevard Bridge. Murray openly admitted that he had marijuana in the car, and his vehicle was searched. Officers located a baggie of marijuana in the center console and a pipe with residue in the sunglass holder.