Soldier David Wingard couldn’t handle his alcohol in downtown Nashville

24-year-old U.S. Army Soldier David Wingard was kicked out of Legends Corner in downtown Nashville early Sunday morning and refused to leave the venue. Officers assisted him outside, but a short time later, he returned and was sleeping on the back patio. Officers approached him a second time and determined him to be highly intoxicated. He was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Florida teen Walt Scarborough caught underage drinking w/fake ID outside of Kid Rock’s bar

19-year-old Walt Scarborough was drinking an alcoholic beverage on the sidewalk in front of Kid Rock’s Bar in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Sunday morning. When officers approached and informed he he could only drink inside, Scarborough became confrontational and “stepped up” to officers.” They verified his ID was fake, and he was actually only 19-years-old, as he was carrying his actual ID on him, too. He was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Morgan Mills “falling into the arms of men she did not know” at Kid Rock’s bar in Nashville

Police say 29-year-old Morgan Mills was so drunk she was “falling into the arms of men she did not know” at Kid Rock’s Bar in downtown Nashville early Saturday morning. She was too intoxcated to care for herself and could not provide anyone to contact to assist her. She also couldn’t remember where she was staying. After refusing medical treatment, she was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

DUI: Kierra Dies admits she’s drunk & flips off officer during arrest

19-year-old Kierra Dies flipped off officers before her arrest. Kierra was involved in a collision at exit 204A, where luckily, no one was injured. When the officer arrived, Dies stated, “I’m drunk, and I rear-ended him” She admits to having one beer. The empty beer can was located on the floor of the passenger’s side. Dies smelled of alcohol and had bloodshot watery eyes and slurred speech. She was placed under arrest after performing poorly on all field sobriety tests, but not before flipping off the officer, yelling obscenities, and cursing him out without ever confirming a yes or no to consent to submit a blood sample for testing.

Matthew Jones — too drunk for downtown Nashville

41-year-old Matthew Jones was taken into custody after officers observed him kick over a sign in front of Redneck Riviera, a bar located on Broadway. Jones was then grabbed by a bouncer and identified. He was unsteady on his feet, reeked of alcohol, and his eyes were bloodshot. Once Jones was detained, he told officers that he did not know where he was staying and didn’t know if he had been with anyone else earlier in the night and could not get a ride from anyone. Officers took him into custody for his own safety as he was highly intoxicated and had nowhere to go.

TSU Police wakes up sleeping man at Riverfront park to arrest him — Jonathan Counts

TSU Police Officer William Bottoms says he found 35-year-old Jonathan Countsasleep at Riverfront Park in downtown Nashville just before 6 a.m. on a Wednesday morning. He charged him with criminal trespass, noting the park closed at 11 p.m. It is unclear why TSU Officers were patrolling Riverfront Park at 6 a.m. and the department has not responded to inquiries about this story.

Caroline Hager hides GPS tracker in child’s sock, assaults father of child during custody exchange

22-year-old Caroline Hager faces multiple charges after police say she placed a GPS tracking device her child’s sock prior to a custody exchange in January. The child’s father, Colton Jolly, later found the device and confronted Caroline with the device in his hand during the next custody exchange. She reportedly attacked and assaulted Colton in an attempted to retrieve the device from him. She fled the scene, and a summons was issued for her arrest. The Wilson Conuty Sheriff’s Office refused to serve a summons until a judge issued new warrants for her arrest. She was taken into custody this week.

Fredrick Smith charged in bathroom assault of the mother of his children

37-year-old Fredrick Smith is charged with the domestic assault of the mother of his children, Elocin Nuleaf. She says that in January, she came to his house, and as she used the restroom, she observed her children were in the bathtub by themselves. She then stopped to bathe the children, at which time Smith came into the bathroom and reportedly grabbed her by the wrists. She says she was pulled and pushed around the bathroom and pressed against the vanity. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and he was booked on that warrant this week.

Dylan Stephens charged with selling alcohol to a minor at Roze Pony

32-year-old Dylan Morgan Stephens served a $13 ‘Pretty Pony’ cocktail (that’s Street Pumas Vodka shaken with clarified strawberry, lemon & topped with sparkling rosé, in case you were curious) to an undercover person “Manuel” using an ID that stated they were 20 years old. The undercover TABC operation occurred at the Roze Pony on Harding Pike on a Wednesday afternoon in January. She was booked on the citation this week, charged with underage alcohol sales to a minor.