Yute Sung punches woman in face multiple times during argument

70-year-old Yute Sung was involved in a domestic altercation with Ly Chin at a residence on Moss Creek Court on August 30th. Once officers arrived, they saw Chin bleeding from her nose and that she had a bump on the side of her head. Chin claimed that she received those injuries from Sung punching her multiple times. Chin told officers that he started during an argument with Sung over a lost ring. When officers made contact with Sung, he admitted that he hit Chin. Sung stated that he hit her because of the argument that they were having. Sung was then taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

Andnevin Huff passes out in truck, tells police if he did breathalyzer tests it would “show crazy numbers”

32-year-old Andnevin Huff was seen passed out in a white pickup truck near the intersection of Fatherland and South 6th Street on August 31st. Once officers made contact with Huff, they reported that he was not responding but that he was still breathing. While being checked out by medics, Huff refused any medical attention, so he spoke with officers. Huff told officers that he had been drinking, which was backed up by his mannerisms and slurred speech. When Huff was read his Miranda Rights, he made several statements about drinking with a woman who lived nearby. When Huff was asked about taking a blood test, he told officers that if he did do the test, it would “show crazy numbers.”  After being read implied consent, Huff refused to take any chemical tests. While Huff was being taken into custody, medics advised that they had found a handgun under Huff’s seat. Huff was then transported to booking and charged with implied consent violation, driving under the influence, and possession of a firearm while under the influence.

Spencer (Samuel) Barnhill jailed after stealing bike from Vanderbilt University Residential Hall

On August 31st, at 6:11 a.m., 27-year-old Spencer (Samuel) Barnhill was seen stealing an electric scooter from the Morgan House Residential Hall on the Vanderbilt University campus. Campus surveillance footage showed Barnhill using Fiskars branded bolt cutters to cut a cable lock off the scooter and then steal it. Barnhill then left the bolt cutter at the scene of the crime. Through investigation, officers found that Barnhill was homeless, and his prints matched the ones on the bolt cutter. Barnhill was later found at the intersection of Blakemore and 23rd Avenue South riding a bicycle that morning and carrying a long set of bolt cutters.

On September 2nd, officers were dispatched to the Vanderbilt Stevenson Center for a person who was possibly intoxicated. When officers arrived, they located Barnhill leaning over his knees with his head on the ground. It was then found that Barnhill had outstanding warrants out of Hickman County. Barnhill was then taken into custody for 2 counts of criminal trespassing and possession of burglary tools.

Marissa Godorov “goes crazy” on ex-boyfriend after breaking up with him at The Doubletree Hotel

36-year-old Marissa Godorov had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Clay Biran Meyer, at The Doubletree Hotel on 4th Avenue North in the early hours of September 1st. Before officers arrived, dispatch advised them that Godorov called the front desk, stating that her Meyer had just hit her, and she was scared. When the police arrived, they spoke with the hotel staff. They stated that Godorov had come up to the desk, telling them she did not want officers involved because she feared that Meyer would hurt her. Then, officers spoke with Godorov, who said that she and Meyer were downtown after she had broken up with him the day before. She added that he had gotten too drunk again. She went into detail, stating that once they returned to the hotel, they started arguing about Meyer’s drinking habits and their relationship issues.

Godorov further explained that Meyer started recording her. She attempted to take his phone from him, which led to him pushing her off the bed. Then, when the police spoke with Meyer, he told them that when he and Godorov returned to the hotel, she started “going crazy on him.” Meyer stated that he started recording her because he was scared that she would call the police and he would get arrested based on her story. Officers reviewed the footage, which showed Godorov yelling at Meyer before striking him in the back of his head. Officers also noticed fresh nail marks on Meyer’s right arm. Godorov was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

James Hayes smashes father’s head into brick wall after parents get order of protection against him

53-year-old James Hayes was caught after assaulting his father, William Hayes, on September 1st. When officers arrived, James had locked William’s wife outside. William’s wife and witnesses stated they could see James assaulting William through the window, including throwing him into the wall and dragging him across the floor. This all happened during a domestic-related break-in and an active assault. William’s wife had called the officers, stating that James had forced his way into their home. She stated that James began assaulting William after he told him they had an order of protection against him for a previous incident in August.

Afterward, the officers proceeded to knock on the door and announce themselves. James then came to the door with William’s blood on his shirt and temple. James claimed he lived at the residence, but William denied that, telling officers there was no record of James being tied to the home. Officers then ordered James to exit the house, but he refused to comply with their commands. Officers then attempted to place him in handcuffs. Still, James continued to resist, pulling away and actively struggling against their efforts to restrain him. After he was apprehended, it was discovered that William had severe cuts on his arms, back, and forehead. William informed the officers that he could also not hear out of his left ear. Officers then noticed that there was blood on the walls of the residence.

William’s wife told the officers that before their arrival, James had attempted to wipe the blood off the walls. William then claimed that after he told James about the order of protection, James immediately became violent. William stated James then smashed his head into a brick wall and continued to assault him. William’s wife said that she got James outside and closed the door, but he forced his way inside and continued to assault William. During the assault, William’s wife escaped outside, and James locked her out. James then prevented William from escaping as he continued to attack him. James was then transported and was later charged with resisting arrest, false imprisonment, aggravated assault, and aggravated burglary.

Tamia Watkins hits ex-boyfriend & threatens to kill him during argument over their children

28-year-old Tamia Watkins had a domestic altercation with her ex-boyfriend, Aaron Maurice Valdez, at Comfort Inn & Suites on Collins Park Drive late September 1st. Valdez told responding officers he had come to see his kids for the weekend. He explained that Watkins was going back and forth with him regarding whether he could keep the kids another night. Valdez said it started as a verbal dispute outside the parking lot, but Watkins told him, “You do not know me. I will hit you!” Watkins then made a motion as if she were going to hit him. Then, Valdez added that she proceeded to say, “I will kill you,” placing him in fear for his life. Valdez informed officers that he and Watkins do not have a custodial agreement. The police spoke with Valdez’s girlfriend, Linda Orozco, who stated she had not heard anything since she was inside. However, she said she saw Watkins make a punching motion at Valdez. Then, officers spoke with Watkins, who was visibly intoxicated. Watkins told officers that she never made any threats. The police report stated that Watkins hit Valdez, and during the scuffle, she struck their son in the mouth. Watkins was taken into custody for domestic assault on September 2nd.

Paul Zerbe drunkenly walks around knocking on doors at Motel 6

42-year-old Paul Zerbe was seen publicly intoxicated after knocking on people’s doors while at Motel 6 on Cartwright Street on September 1st. When the officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Zerbe. They asked him if he had a room at the motel and why he was downstairs, knocking on people’s doors. However, Zerbe refused to answer questions, could not keep his balance, and stumbled on the second-floor balcony. Zerbe also admitted to the officers that he was intoxicated and could not remember things. Due to Zerbe being a danger to himself, he was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Daniel Green sprays wheelchair-bound roommate in face with bleach during altercation

73-year-old Daniel Green had a domestic altercation with his roommate, Sharon Jackson, at their Rio Vista Pike residence on August 30th. When officers arrived, they observed Jackson with a towel over her face and spoke with Kendall Press, a witness. She stated that Green had sprayed her mother, Jackson, in the face with bleach and had been in the bedroom yelling ever since. Jackson told the police that after she used the bathroom, she exited with her hoveround wheelchair and faced Green. She stated this led to a verbal dispute that escalated when he sprayed her with the bleach.

Green told officers he had been having issues with Jackson, who was supposed to leave the property on September 1st. Green further explained that during his and Jackson’s argument, she attempted to enter his bedroom after he had warned her not to. He said that after she tried entering, he sprayed her with bleach to defend himself. Green stated that Jackson then threatened to assault him with plywood and blocked him from closing his bedroom door with her foot. Green then struck her foot with a wooden stick so he could shut the door. Jackson was transported to the hospital for medical treatment. Then, Green was deemed the primary aggressor and taken into custody for domestic assault.

Janet Melo vomits on herself in patrol car after getting too drunk at Honky Tonk Central

28-year-old Janet Melo was seen acting disorderly while at Honky Tonk Central on Broadway on September 1st. Officers were alerted by the security staff at the bar to a situation involving a woman who was drunk and disorderly. Upon arrival, the officers observed that Melo’s boyfriend, Fredy Higuera Carillo, was already in custody. Officers also noticed Melo herself was engaged in an argument with the security staff. According to the security staff, Melo had assaulted several members of the staff after she and her boyfriend were asked to leave due to their excessive intoxication. Melo had refused to leave and became physically aggressive, striking the staff. Additionally, the officers noticed that Melo had bloodshot and watery eyes, slurred speech, and could not maintain her balance. Melo was placed under arrest, and while being transported, she vomited on herself multiple times. Melo was later charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

Fredy Higuera Carillo becomes extremely aggressive after passing out in Honky Tonk Central bathroom

23-year-old Fredy Higuera Carillo was seen publicly intoxicated while at Honky Tonk Central on Broadway on September 1st. Officers were flagged down by security staff from the bar regarding a drunk and disorderly man. When officers arrived on the scene, they noticed Carillo was already detained and in handcuffs. Officers then spoke with security, who stated that Carillo and his girlfriend, Janet Melo, were both asked to leave. Security added that they found Carillo passing out and vomiting in the bathroom. Security informed officers that when Carillo was asked to leave, he became extremely aggressive and combative with staff. This led them to handcuff him so he would not assault anyone else. Carillo was then taken into custody by police and charged with disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

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