Thomas Nocito drunkenly attempts to drive random car after telling police he was being followed

60-year-old Thomas Nocito was jailed after showing signs of impairment on August 26th. Officers were dispatched to Sentral SoBro Apartments regarding a possible robbery. When the police arrived, they spoke with Nocito, who said he was driving home from a jewelry store and noticed another vehicle following him. Nocito explained that after he saw this, he parked his car in the apartment complex’s parking lot, where officers found him, instead of pulling into the parking garage. Nocito went into detail, stating that multiple people exited the vehicle that was allegedly following him and displayed a firearm. When the police started questioning Nocito, he changed his story numerous times. Nocito then became upset as officers questioned him and refused to complete a police report. During their interaction, officers noticed he had scrapes on his knees. Police asked Nocito what had happened, and he responded that he had fallen. Officers observed Nocito showing signs of impairment, speaking with slurred speech that was difficult for them to understand. Then, Nocito admitted to officers that he had two shots of vodka a few hours before driving. While speaking to officers, Nocito tried entering the vehicle he was standing next to with car keys that police noticed weren’t for that vehicle. Nocito admitted that the car he was next to was not his and that his car was actually parked in the parking garage. Nocito was then deemed a danger to himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication on August 27th.

Matthew Thomas caught trying to light glass pipe at Public Square Park

34-year-old Matthew Robert Thomas was seen trying to light up a glass pipe at Public Square Park on July 9th. The police report stated that when Thomas observed officers, he tried to hide the pipe. Then, when officers asked him what was in his hand, he handed them a glass pipe. Thomas was cited for the occurrence that day. Thomas was later booked on the citation of drug paraphernalia on August 24th.

Christian Fotachwi assaults security guards and attempts to trespass at LinQ Social Kitchen

31-year-old Christian Fotachwi was seen assaulting security guards and attempting to trespass at LinQ Social Kitchen on Lafayette Street on August 26th. When officers arrived on the scene, they observed Fotachwi being combative with the security team at Linq Social Kitchen. The security team had to use force to get him on the ground and put him in custody. They informed officers that Fotachwi would not leave the premises after being asked several times to leave. Fotachwi allegedly refused to pay to gain re-entry even though he had been told before leaving that he would have to pay to get back in. When Fotachwi returned to the location, he told security he was not paying since he had already spent money earlier to get in. Security claimed that upon telling Fotachwi he could not go in, he tried to push past them. Security then had to use force to remove him. Security wrestled Fotachwi to the ground, falling into cars and outside equipment. Fotachwi was then taken into custody and charged with criminal trespass and assault.

Danny Pilkington caught at Matt Rife show after rape victim alerts medical staff with handwritten notes

28-year-old Danny Pilkington assaulted a person he met on Snapchat on August 23rd at the Knights Inn Hotel. The victim contacted law enforcement and informed them she had met Pilkington online. The victim explained that they texted each other through Snapchat sporadically. While they texted, they had planned to attend the Matt Rife show at the Bridgestone Arena on August 24th and stay at the Knights Inn while they waited. While they were in their room, hours before the show, Pilkington started pulling the victim onto the bed. The victim attempted to get away from him, but Pilkington pushed her back onto the bed, on her back. Pilkington proceeded to force the victim into non-consensual sex. The two then went to the Matt Rife show at Bridgestone Arena. While they were there, the victim suffered from a medical event, so she was treated at a medical station. The attending medical personnel reported that she could tell something was wrong with the victim, so she started passing handwritten notes to her. During the exchange of notes, the victim wrote, “He forced me to have sex with him at the hotel, and I told him to stop, and he told me no,” MNPD was notified. The victim was promptly transported to the Vanderbilt ER. The victim suffered from several injuries, including a small liner abrasion on her neck and left collarbone and bruising on her right leg and thigh. Pilkington was later transferred to MNPD headquarters, where he was informed of his Miranda Rights and interviewed. While speaking to officers, Pilkington described the sexual encounter as rough but consensual. Pilkington stated that while they were having sex, she told him that she was ready to stop. Pilkington told officers that when the victim told him to stop, “he gave her 2-3 more pumps.” Pilkington was later transported to booking and charged with aggravated rape on August 25th.

Carlton Shelley caught gooning to security guard in Nashville Downtown Detention Center

34-year-old Carlton Shelley was seen masturbating to Danielle McClain, a security guard, while at the Nashville Downtown Detention Center on James Robertson Parkway on August 4th. McClain reported that on that day, she was conducting a security round. McClain explained to officers that she notified all inmates they needed to be dressed when she did the security round. McClain stated that when she walked past Shelley’s cell, he was on his bunk with no pants on. McClain added that Shelley also had his boxers pulled down and had his genitalia exposed. She claimed that he was in plain view and was masturbating. McClain also informed officers that Shelley also told her, “Every time you do a round, I am going to have my D*** out.” Shelley was already in custody for unrelated charges and was also later charged with indecent exposure.

Irvin Jones punches man multiple times after insulting his baby mama at LinQ Social Kitchen

36-year-old Irvin Jones was involved in an altercation with Ryan White and his baby mama outside LinQ Social Kitchen on August 24th. White contacted law enforcement and reported that while he was in line to get into LinQ, he and his baby mama approached Jones, who was a security guard. White reported that when he requested to get into the bar, he got into an argument with Jones. During the argument, Jones called White’s baby mama a “b*tch.” When White told Jones not to talk to his baby mama like that, Jones punched White in the face three times. Other security guards then carried out White, so he contacted 911. When officers arrived, they observed several bruises on White’s face as well as a swollen elbow. White claimed the swollen elbow came from being tackled by Jones. Officers were then provided surveillance footage of the incident. The footage showed White being physically assaulted by Jones after he stepped up for the mother of his child. Jones was taken into custody and charged with assault.

DUI: Dominic Mcclain caught with marijuana blunt after driving with no rear-lights

24-year-old Dominic Mcclain was caught after driving under the influence with no headlights while at the intersection of McGavock Pike and Lebanon Pike on August 23rd. Officers observed the vehicle’s missing rear lights and initiated a traffic stop. Upon approaching the vehicle, officers could smell marijuana emitting from Mcclain’s vehicle. When asked when the last time he smoked, he informed officers that he had smoked marijuana 45 minutes before driving. Officers asked Mcclain if that was marijuana they were smelling, and he admitted it was, saying “yes.” Officers then searched his vehicle, and while searching, they located a marijuana blunt on the floor of the passenger side. When asked, Mcclain admitted to officers that the blunt they found was the one he had just smoked before driving. Officers then requested Mcclain to perform sobriety tests, and he accepted. However, Mcclain performed poorly, showing numerous indicators of intoxication. Mcclain was then Mirandized again and admitted to officers once more that he had last smoked 45 minutes before driving. Mcclain then admitted that the substance he smoked was the marijuana blunt officers had found in his car. Mcclain was taken into custody for driving under the influence and unlawful possession of a controlled substance.

Adrianna Truman throws groceries at roommate during argument over leasing agreement

20-year-old Adrianna Truman was involved in an altercation with her roommate, Da’nyia Jones, at their Livano Trinity apartment on August 24th. Officers came into contact with Jones and spoke with her about how the incident started. Jones reported to authorities that the altercation began during an argument with Truman concerning their leasing agreement. During the exchange, Truman declared that she refused to cover Jones’ share of their leasing contract. Jones then mentioned that she didn’t want to share an apartment with Truman because Truman had once stolen her dog. Jones stated that, as she argued with Truman, she began to throw recently purchased groceries around the apartment. Jones added that Truman also flipped a small pink table and hit Jones in her hip. Jones advised that the destroyed groceries totaled around $100. Once officers came into contact with Truman, she was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

Ashleigh Custer fights girlfriend in street over car keys at Snow Tha Product concert

28-year-old Ashleigh Rae Custer had a domestic altercation with her girlfriend, Kaliea Delores Clark, on 3rd Avenue North late August 23rd. Responding officers located Clark and Nicholas Brandon Savona, a witness, at a 3rd Avenue North parking lot. Clark told the police that she and Custer were visiting from Indiana to attend the Snow Tha Product concert at the Brooklyn Bowl. Clark explained that Custer had left her ID in Clark’s car and wanted to retrieve it to enter the venue. Then, Clark said that she told Custer she just wanted to get food and head back to Indiana because the concert had already started. At this point, Clark stated that Custer was extremely intoxicated and started wrestling with her for her car keys. Clark explained that this led to a scuffle in the middle of the street, where Savona observed Custer biting and strangling Clark. Savona told officers that he and his wife were driving home from dinner when he saw Custer on top of Clark in the road. He added that he stopped his car and yelled at Custer to get off Clark. Then Custer reportedly got up and ran towards 2nd Avenue North. Officers searched for Custer for about an hour but could not find her. Clark did not want to press charges, but officers deemed Custer the primary aggressor and obtained a warrant for her arrest. Custer was taken into custody for domestic assault on August 24th.

Monikia Thompson destroys brother’s TV & PlayStation after learning he skipped school

On August 23rd, 21-year-old Monikia Thompson was involved in a dispute with her 16-year-old brother at their Robert Cartwright Drive apartment. Upon their arrival, officers spoke with Thompson’s brother. He explained that Thompson got mad at him when she learned he skipped school. He stated that during his interaction with his sister, she grabbed his TV and PlayStation. Thompson’s brother said she then proceeded to damage both items. When officers spoke with Thompson, she said she and her brother started wrestling. While they were wrestling, her brother closed the door to his bedroom on her, resulting in a cut on her finger. Thompson and her brother’s mother was present during the incident. When officers interviewed her, she validated her son’s account of what happened. Officers deemed that Thompson was the primary aggressor, so she was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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