Professional Thief Erica Jones caught after stealing $1,200 worth of merchandise at Hair Global

44-year-old Erica Montricia Jones, Tyresh Carter, and Gloria Horner stole from the Clarksville Pike Hair Global store on the afternoon of August 4th. The police report stated that Jones, Horner, and Carter entered the establishment. Then, Carter is observed selecting a bag for sale and concealing various merchandise with Horner. Jones was seen selecting merchandise and shoving it into her pants to hide it. The store employee took clear pictures of the group’s faces before they left the location without paying for the items. Carter reportedly got into a gray Jeep with Horner and Jones. The Hair Global Store estimated they took around $900 worth of wigs and $300 worth of various clothing. On August 7th, Jones was arrested for stealing $947 worth of products from the Clarksville Pike Walgreens. During a recorded interview under Miranda, Jones stated that Carter was the driver of their vehicle, adding that she and Carter discussed plans to steal from Hair Global on the way there. Then, she identified herself in connection with five additional cases. Officers discovered she had been arrested for theft 20 times from 1998 to 2021. Jones was taken into custody for theft on August 8th.

Tyresh Carter & friends caught after stealing $1,200 worth of merchandise at Hair Global

20-year-old Tyresh Carter, Gloria Horner, and Erica Montricia Jones stole from the Clarksville Pike Hair Global store on the afternoon of August 4th. The police report stated that Carter, Horner, and Jones entered the establishment. Then, Carter is observed selecting a bag for sale and concealing various merchandise with Horner. Jones was seen selecting merchandise and shoving it into her pants to hide it. The store employee took clear pictures of the group’s faces before they left the location without paying for the items. Carter reportedly got into a gray Jeep with Horner and Jones. The Hair Global Store estimated they took around $900 worth of wigs and $300 worth of various clothing. On August 7th, Jones was arrested for stealing $947 worth of products from the Clarksville Pike Walgreens. During a recorded interview under Miranda, Jones stated that Carter was the driver of their vehicle, adding that she and Carter discussed plans to steal from Hair Global on the way there. On August 9th, an employee positively identified Carter in a photo lineup. A warrant was issued for his arrest on August 12th. Carter was later taken into custody for theft on August 21st.

Zalik Coleman throws girlfriend into wall, takes her to ground during argument

28-year-old Zalik Alfred Coleman had a domestic incident with his girlfriend, Symone Michael, at their Old Franklin Road apartment in the early hours of August 20th. On August 21st, Michael called the police to the residence, stating that she and Coleman had been having ongoing relationship issues. Michael explained that they had started arguing the morning prior. She further explained that she returned from work and fell asleep in her bedroom, adding that around 2 p.m., Coleman woke her up, sparking a verbal dispute. Michael said that during the argument, Coleman punched the bedroom wall multiple times before taking her phone and purse, refusing to return them. Michael stated that she attempted to get the items back, but Coleman grabbed her left wrist and would not let go.

Then, she told officers that he slung her against the bedroom wall. Michael stated that Coleman continued to ignore her commands to let her go. In response, Michael said she got on top of the bed, grabbing his torso from behind, trying to escape his grasp. Michael stated that as she did this, she stumbled. Coleman then used a takedown maneuver to get her onto the floor, leaving her with intense shoulder pain. Michael went into detail, saying that she continued to lie on the ground for several minutes while he stood over her and talked to his friend on the phone. After this, Coleman and Michael went to Century Farms Emergency Room. While there, medical staff advised Michael that she had sustained a fracture to her right shoulder. Michael told the police she did not report the incident at the time because she feared Coleman. Officers observed the medical paperwork and indentions to the bedroom wall, which were consistent with her statement. After this, officers were informed that Michael wanted to press charges. A warrant was then issued for Coleman’s arrest. Coleman was later taken into custody for aggravated assault on August 22nd.

John Dixon caught with half ounce of marijuana during fishing compliance check

19-year-old John Dixon, a Davidson Co-Op employee, was pulled over for a fishing compliance check at Old Hickory Beach late August 2nd. When TWRA officers stopped Dixon and approached him, they noticed a strong odor of marijuana coming from his blue Chevy Cruze. Officers promptly asked him if he had any drugs or alcohol inside it. Dixon told the officers he had about a half ounce of marijuana and a bottle of Jim Beam Honey. He was then cited for the incident that day. Dixon was later booked on the citation of simple possession and charged with charged with possession, possession of alcohol under 21, and unlawful drug paraphernalia on August 19th.

DUI: Attorney Kristina Martin causes car accident on I-40 East after drinking 6 ounces of wine

39-year-old Kristina Martin had a single-vehicle accident on I-40 East near Mile Marker 202.2 late August 21st. Responding officers located Martin sitting on the guard rail beside her car, where she admitted to being the driver. During their interaction, officers noticed that she reeked of alcohol and showed signs of impairment. Martin later admitted to having six ounces of wine three hours before driving. When prompted, she consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. After being informed of implied consent, Martin refused to provide a breath sample. Martin was taken into custody for driving under the influence and an implied consent violation.

Cameron Lee drunkenly attempts to free woman from police car at Whiskey Row

23-year-old Cameron Nicole Lee had an altercation with Leah Garcia, an employee, at Dierks Bentley’s Whiskey Row in the early hours of August 22nd. When officers arrived, the establishment’s staff provided them with video footage showing another involved individual, identified as Ayesha Battle, hitting Garcia with a glass bottle twice. Then, the police placed Ayesha into custody for the incident. After this, Lee approached their patrol car and opened the door, attempting to let Ayesha out. Officers acquired video proof of Lee opening the door. Lee then admitted to opening the door, and officers were informed that employees witnessed it as well. When officers rewatched the video of the attack inside the bar, they noticed that Lee grabbed ahold of Garcia’s hair, trying to pull her off of Ayesha. During their interaction, officers noticed Lee reeked of alcohol and showed signs of intoxication, so they detained her for the occurrence. Lee was taken into custody for assault, facilitation to escape custody, public intoxication, and disorderly conduct.

Rafael Floogly covers sidewalk in trash to show people grass can grow on Broadway #LetItGrow!

22-year-old Rafael Floogly threw food and trash onto the sidewalk near 5th and Broadway late August 21st. Officers received a call regarding this and were informed that Floogly was obstructing the passageway for passersby with the litter. The police located Floogly, who was surrounded by garbage and acting erratically. He then admitted to throwing trash on the ground to show people that it could help grass grow on concrete. Floogly stated that he had taken drugs, and after they told him to pick up the litter, he dropped to the floor and started retrieving it with his mouth. Floogly was then taken into custody for public intoxication on August 22nd.

Jeriane Minor jailed after assaulting daughter & destroying her phone during altercation

34-year-old Jeriane Alexus Minor had a domestic altercation with her juvenile daughter at their 14th Avenue South residence shortly after midnight on August 17th. Jeriane called 911, stating her daughter was running around slamming doors inside the house because she had gotten her phone taken away. Officers arrived and spoke with Jeriane, who told them that she confiscated her daughter’s phone after she had been screaming and acting up for hours. Then, Jeriane further explained that she initially “whooped” her daughter with a belt and told her to go to bed. However, her daughter did not calm down and grabbed her sister’s phone despite not being allowed to. Jeriane stated that after her daughter grabbed her sister’s phone, her sister began crying. After this, Jeriane said she told her daughter to stop yelling several times and to sleep in the living room. Jeriane then grabbed a wrench and smashed her daughter’s phone as punishment. Jeriane told officers that this caused her daughter to become more upset and charge at her. Jeriane said she believed her daughter was attacking her, so she struck her once in the face. Her daughter responded by balling her fists up and acting as if she would fight Jeriane. Then, Jeriane stated that her son tried holding her daughter back to keep them from each other. After this, Jeriane mentioned that her boyfriend, Ronald Pillo, was present for the incident but was unclear about his actions. Pillo tried retrieving the phone from her daughter after she tried leaving the house with it. Jeriane added that she grabbed her daughter’s shirt as she was leaving the residence and attempted to get her cell phone. Then, after her daughter left, Jeriane locked the door so she could not return inside. Jeriane told the police that she eventually opened the door for her daughter because she was outside screaming and she was afraid of waking up their neighbors. Jeriane said that after this, she had called 911.

Officers then spoke with Jeriane’s son, who agreed with his mother’s version of events. He stated that he held his sister back from assaulting his mother. He added that Jeriane hit his sister with her fist and not the wrench she was holding. After this, the police spoke with Jeriane’s daughter, who stated that she and her brother were arguing but that Jeriane only scolded her. Then, Jeriane’s daughter said she went to her room following the dispute. She added that her mother entered her bedroom and started arguing with her before taking her phone away. Jeriane’s daughter said her mother told her to lie down, but she went outside for forty minutes instead. Then, Jeriane’s daughter told officers that after she returned from outside, she wanted to use the TV. However, she explained that she needed to use a phone as a remote since the TV’s remote did not work. Jeriane’s daughter stated she then used her sister’s phone, which made her sister cry and tell their mother about it. After this, she said that Jeriane hit her with a belt about four times. She noted that this left visible marks on her right wrist, left bicep, and right thigh. She added that Jeriane then told her to sleep on the couch. Jeriane’s daughter stated that she started arguing with her brother again, after which Jeriane damaged her cell phone as punishment. Then, Jeriane’s daughter said she went onto the porch for about three minutes. She stated that when she came back inside, Jeriane punched her in the face three times. Jeriane’s daughter added that her mother was holding something in her fist and that part of it was impacting her face during the strikes. She went into detail, stating that she was punched once in the left eye, once in the right eye, and then the mouth. Officers observed bruising, redness, and swelling consistent with her account of being struck by a belt and Jeriane’s fist. When NFD medics arrived to inspect Jeriane’s daughter, they determined it would be best if she went to the hospital. Then, Jeriane agreed to let her daughter go to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital and said she would rather sleep than accompany her. Officers were advised to arrest Minor and contact DCS to ensure a guardian was present for the juveniles. Minor was later taken into custody for child abuse on August 19th.

Maya Karwowska kicks man in the nuts after Loser’s Bar kicks her out

28-year-old Maya Karwowska was involved in an altercation with Anthony Couch outside Loser’s Bar on Broadway on August 20th. Once officers arrived and spoke with Couch, he stated that Karwowska had hit him with her bag after they kicked her out. Couch added that she kicked him in the groin as well. When officers met with Karwowska, she admitted to hitting Couch and stated that she did so because he was yelling at her. Officers reported that it seemed like Karwowska was on some narcotic and placed her in custody. Karwowska was later charged with assault on August 21st.

Joshua Nava punches girlfriend & throws her belongings during argument over car

22-year-old Joshua Nava was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Diane Wright, at their apartment on August 19th. When officers came into contact with Wright, she stated that the altercation stemmed from Nava being late for work and them having only one car. Wright told officers that after an argument, Nava drove away and left Wright and their child outside with no keys to their apartment. Once Nava came back, another argument started. Wright stated that during this argument, she began loading items into the vehicle as she also had to go to work. Seeing this, Nava picked up a tote bag belonging to Wright and threw it across the parking lot. In return, she threw an item belonging to Nava across the parking lot. Wright told officers that once she sat down in the car, Nava grabbed her out of it. Wright said as Nava did this, he was scratching and clawing her in the face and chest. A witness of the incident, Ms. Tabor, confirmed that there was an argument and said that she had observed Nava grabbing Wright. The witness also added that she had seen Nava balling up his fist and hitting Wright in her face. Nava was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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