Roommate Rumble leaves one injured, one jailed — Anthony Barnes

A roommate rumble left ‘Dakota’ Caleb Hooks-Johnson bloody and with welts, and 20-year-old Anthony Barnes in jail, charged with domestic assault. On May 16th, the duo had an argument about paperwork required by the leasing office of their apartment complex, and at some point, Barnes believed that Hooks-Johnson disrespected his girlfriend. The two went outside, separated, and attempted to discuss the matter in an adult matter, however, Barnes was not being reasonable. Barnes eventually followed his roommate back up the steps to the landing where they tussled, and Barns struck him with his fists until Caleb-Hooks picked him up around the waist. During the eventual brawl, a neighbor’s window was broken out, and Hooks-Johnson ended up with welts and redness on his back and cuts from the broken glass.

Nashville man steals & crashes ambulance after taking an Ambien — Andre Scot Pfeiffer, remembers nothing

36-year-old Andre Scot Pfeiffer says he took an Ambien Monday night while in the living room of his apartment in the 1800 block of Church Street. Just after 2 a.m.Tuesday morning, video footage shows him walking across the street to St. Thomas Midtown Hospital, where he got into an ambulance and drove away. He then crashed into the scaffolding of a building just seven blocks away near 1100 Church Street. He exited the crashed ambulance and continued to walk toward downtown Nashville, where police apprehended him during his sidewalk stroll. He says the last thing he remembers before waking up in handcuffs is taking an Ambien in his living room.

Brett Hatch booked on outstanding theft citation from 2020 & ROR’d

23-year-old Brett Austin Hatch was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Friday on an outstanding citation for theft of property by possession. A 2020 citation details that police responded to a Nolensville Pike call in which Hatch was a suspect and found him parked partially on the street and partially on the sidewalk. A consent search of the vehicle produced a loaded Smith & Wesson handgun which had been reported as stolen from a Cheatham County residence in 2018.

Jason O’Brian deemed “too drunk for downtown Nashville”

Metro Nashville Police responded to Legends Corner at 428 Broadway for a disorderly person call on Saturday, where they found 43-year-old Jason O’Brian. They say he was so intoxicated he could not stand up straight, and when they told him this fact, he stated, “I am standing up straight!” — but he was not. When asked if he had someone who could care for him or come get him, he said “yes” but refused to provide any further information or point them out. Due to his extreme level of intoxication, he was transported to booking.

Kevaughn Russell charged in stabbing of co-worker at Holston House Nashville

22-year-old Kevaughn Russell is charged with stabbing his Holston House co-worker Deangelo Key in the face and torso. Police say Key was transported to Vanderbilt Hospital for treatment, and during an interview with police he stated that Russell had a knife in his sleeve and began to stab him with it. The felony aggravated assault was also witnessed by co-workers Tavoy Noicely and Macdolph Longmore and captured on video surveillance. During the investigation, Russell was located at St. Thomas Midtown after checking himself into the emergency department with a complaint of a knife injury to his right hand. He confessed to the stabbing and was transported to Central Precinct.

Sarah Foster Sutherland charged with DUI & cocaine possession after leaving bar

Metro Nashville Police say 29-year-old Sarah Foster Sutherland, of Brentwood, was traveling behind Officer Joseph Gonzales in East Nashville early Tuesday morning when she suddenly passed his police vehicle at a high rate of speed. He reached 80 mph on Gallatin Pike to catch up with her, while the speed limit is 40 mph in that area. She eventually made a U-turn, stopped parallel to his vehicle, and stared at him “as if confused as to what to do,” according to the officer. She claimed to be coming from a bar and was driving fast to get away from patrons who were “bothering her.” Inside the vehicle was a white powder, which she admitted was cocaine. She was charged with DUI and drug possession and transported to booking. 

Two charged in East Nashville DUI crash —Gretchen Mahugh & Kevin Sicc (Sichoumphonh)

29-year-old Gretchen Mahugh & 25-year-old Kevin Sichoumphonh (aka Kevin Sicc) were jailed early Sunday morning after a DUI crash in East Nashville with airbag deployment. Gretchen was driving a vehicle belonging to her friend, Kevin, at the time of the crash. She states she had two shots of tequila two hours before driving. When asked to perform field sobriety tests, she initially refused, stating she did not trust the police but eventually agreed. She performed poorly on those tests and eventually blew a 0.216% BAC on a breathalyzer. Kevin was in the passenger seat of the vehicle at the time of the crash and was charged with DUI owner per-se for knowingly allowing an intoxicated person to drive his vehicle.

Soldier Sean Puzewski was found drunk & unconscious in downtown Nashville

28-year-old Sean Puzewski was located unresponsive and heavily intoxicated in front of Bridgestone Arena in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Saturday morning. Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative arrived to assist, along with medics from the Nashville Fire Department. He was already loaded onto the medic’s cot when he came to and began to unbuckle the safety straps and then refused any and all medical assistance. Due to his level of intoxication and inability to care for himself, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Memphis man charged with BUI & reckless boating on Percy Priest Lake — Millard Byrd

TWRA Boating Officer Joshua Landrum says he noticed a pontoon boat traveling across Percy Priest Lake at 2-3 mph Saturday with no one at the steering wheel. He noticed the two occupants of the boat were seated at the very front of the pontoon boat talking, and 48-year-old Millard Byrd only returned to the driver’s console after the blue lights were activated on the TWRA boat, at which time he put the throttle in neutral and turned off the ignition. Landrum says the boat operator was obviously intoxicated, and when asked to put on a life jacket, he kept trying to put on a woman’s life jacket, which was much smaller and would not fit him. After performing poorly on field sobriety tests, he was taken into custody on multiple charges.