DUI: Man arrives at traffic light beside a cop, speeds away erratically — Jose Lucas Camaja Teletor

26-year-old Jose Lucas Camaja Teletor was stopped at a red light beside a Metro Nashville Police Officer. As the light turned green, he quickly accelerated to 60 mph in the 45 mph zone and began to weave through traffic and drive erratically. Police say he appeared to be intoxicated and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. He is charged with DUI and driving without a license. 

Johnny McGowan charged with attempted murder of his brother — shot him four times

48-year-old Johnny McGowan is charged with the attempted murder of his brother, Reginald Malone. Police say Malone called 911 to report he had been shot by his brother in February after an unspecified disagreement. Malone suffered four gunshot wounds… two on his right side, one in his gluteus maximus, and one in his right leg. McGowan was charged with 2nd-degree murder once before, however it was pleaded down to an aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. 

Joshua Lira-Sierra crashed car while on Fentanyl & Marijuana, injuring two passengers

19-year-old Joshua Lira-Sierra was jailed this week on several outstanding warrants stemming from an incident in September of 2021 during which police say he nearly struck a police car while traveling at a high rate of speed and then crashed with his two passengers inside. Everyone was treated at Vanderbilt for their injuries, and his blood tests came back positive for Lorazepam, marijuana, and Fentanyl. Warrants were signed for two counts of vehicular assault on his passengers, Jorge Centella & Hadolp Castillo-Vasquez, evading arrest in a motor vehicle, and driving on a suspended license.

67-year-old Vivian Crawford points unloaded weapon at ex-lover, pulls trigger repeatedly

67-year-old Vivian Crawford continues to constantly violate orders of protection, bond conditions, and no-contact orders issued by the Court. In her 2nd arrest this week, she continues to not understand her ex-boyfriend, Tony Smith, just isn’t into her and continues to appear at his home. Most recently she showed up just before midnight pounding on his door, and when he opened it, she pointed a pistol at him, threatened to kill him, and pulled the trigger on the unloaded weapon. She returned again just before 1 a.m. and repeated the same actions, repeated pulling the trigger while pointing the unloaded gun at him.

Another tourist underestimates the power of Nashville alcohol — Isacc Kollock arrested

24-year-old Isacc Kollock was found passed out at the corner of 4th & Broadway in downtown Nashville early Friday morning. After he came to, medics attempted to transport him to the hospital for evaluation, however, he refused and attempted to stumble away, almost falling over. Police determined he was too intoxicated to be left on his own, and transported him to booking.

Aaron Shelby puts his hand in a bouncer’s mouth and pulls “like a fishhook” after a “what’s up blood” greeting

Jesse Culpepper was working as a security guard in downtown Nashville Thursday night when 33-year-old Aaron Shelby walked up behind him, said “what’s up blood”, then reached around and placed his finger in Culpepper’s mouth “in a fishhook manner” and began to pull. Culpepper used a foot sweep to take him to the ground, at which point Shelby bit the inside of the bouncer’s thigh twice, and spit in his face. Culpepper was missing some flesh after the wild attack. Shelby was cuffed and detained by Culpepper and transferred to the custody of officers, who he then pelted with racial slurs throughout his interaction.

Tourist Devon Feager threatens to beat MNPD officers & “break them in half”

Metro Nashville Police responded to 416 Broadway for a fight involving another person. After that person was arrested for public intoxication, 35-year-old Top Flite Financial Sr. Sales Manager Devon Feager began to be verbally abusive to officers at the scene. When asked to calm down and move along, he made specific threats against officers. Officers gave him one last warning and chance to walk away, however, Devon Feager then told officers he was going to “beat them and break them in half”. As he was being arrested on multiple charges, he used all of his body weight to pull away and had to be taken to the ground to be taken into custody.