Birthday boy calls police on his girlfriend when he is “unable to handle” her — Jada Smith arrested

Steven Gates told police he had his girlfriend, 22-year-old Jada Smith, to his home Tuesday night for his “birthday celebrations”. He says Jada became “belligerently drunk” and began to argue, and he felt he was “unable to handle” the situation and called police for assistance and asked them to remove Jada from his home. Officers offered Jada a ride home multiple times or to even arrange a ride for her if she was uncomfortable riding with the police. She refused all offers of assistance, refused to leave, and eventually had to be separated from Mr. Gates as she was coming at him. As officers decided to place her into custody for trespass she fought them and tried kicking officers in the face. She refused to walk to the patrol car and had t be essentially carried, and then placed inside as she refused to get in the car.

VIDEO: Man arrested after causing a disturbance at Roma’s Pizza — Jordan Wilkinson

24-year-old Jordan Wilkinson made a scene inside Roma’s Pizza (video included in story), accusing them of being human traffickers, and stealing his things, while wearing his socks without shoes early Sunday morning. Once police arrived, he began running back and forth across Bell Road, causing traffic to abruptly stop multiple times. He was eventually taken into custody for disorderly conduct, but not before a short tussle with officers who were trying to handcuff him.

Nashville Police jail Married Afghan refugee; take wife into DCS custody — Maseehullah Feda

Metro Nashville Police initially responded to a 3rd party call about a domestic dispute early Tuesday morning. They met with 25-year-old Maseehullah Feda and his wife, who explained they were a married couple and were recently-arrived refugees from Afghanistan. As police were reviewing their provided and valid Employment Authorization cards they found the wife’s age to be 15. While allowable with permission in the country in which they were married (and also in Hawaii, Missouri, Montana, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire), police were not going to allow it in Tennessee.

Officers inquired about the sexual activities of the married couple, and they admitted they had sex within the past day, as they were married. Officer Paul Hughes took Feda into custody and charged him with felony statutory rape of his wife. Feda remains in jail, while his wife was removed from their home and taken into the custody of DCS.

Nicole Catchpole charged in domestic assault of boyfriend, Art Joyce, in downtown Nashville spat

39-year-old Nicole ‘Nicki’ Catchpole called police to assist her with getting her belongings from the Icon in the Gulch apartment of her boyfriend, Nashville investor & guitarist Art Joyce. She met officers in the lobby early Monday morning and explained the couple had been arguing since 2:30 a.m., and it had only escalated. She stated that he got in ‘close proximity to her face at one point and she struck him in the face with her cell phone. Police interviewed the victim, Arthur Joyce, and noticed visible injuries. Instead of assisting Nicki Catchpole with retrieving her belongings as she had requested, officers took her into custody and charged her with domestic assault.

All he had to do was walk away — William Dutertredelmarcq, arrested

22-year-old William Dutertredelmarcq was reportedly trespassing at the Grand Hyatt Hotel at 1000 Broadway in downtown Nashville, and police responded to the scene. Security advised that William was in an altercation with two hotel guests and had been asked to leave, a request which he was refusing. Officers detained him in a patrol car while they further investigated, and neither guest wanted to prosecute for the assault. Hotel security also didn’t want to prosecute for the trespass, and since they didn’t have a waiver on file, police could not prosecute on their behalf. Officer released him and told him he could go absolutely anywhere in the city, other than the hotel from which he was just given notice of trespass. He exited the patrol car, stood on the sidewalk for a few moments, and went inside the hotel.

New York man kicked out of The Capitol Hotel in downtown Nashville — Jaime Idrovo

Metro Police responded to the Capitol Hotel in downtown Nashville early Monday morning after 31-year-old Jaime Idrovo was in some sort of disturbance with another guest. Due to all of the commotion in the middle of the night, hotel management asked Idrovo to leave the hotel, but he refused, stating he was going back to sleep. After management asked him a second time, with police present, and he still refused, he was charged with criminal trespass and disorderly conduct, and transported to booking.

Two lesbians walk into a bar… A #VisitMusicCity story, leaving 1 kissing a man, another in jail.

Cameron Robert Stefani says he met an engaged couple, 29-year-old Michell Hill and her fiancée, Sara Pickard, at Jason Aldean’s Bar in downtown Nashville Saturday night into Sunday morning. He says the trio got into an Uber and he was returning to their hotel room with them. As he kissed Sara inside the Uber, Michelle reportedly became upset and at first lightly punches Sara, then assaulted her with a full-on punch to the face. He says the Uber driver stopped the vehicle and the two men separated the two women, and after things calmed down, they all continued to the hotel. Security at the hotel noticed Sara’s freshly bruised eye and alerted police. Officers arrived and took Michelle to jail for 12 hours, charging her with domestic assault.

Woman crashes through fence, yard, car, after drinking on FB live — Shawntika McClain arrested

32-year-old Shawntika McClain faces multiple charges after police say she was driving this weekend and left the roadway, crashed through a fence, drove through a yard, and eventually wrecked into a vehicle parked in the driveway on Ocala Drive in Nashville. Police note she was “obviously intoxicated” and a glance at her social media shows her drinking shots on Facebook live before the crash. McClain has a prior DUI conviction in 2019.

Man found crashed, asleep behind wheel after ‘1 cup of wine’ — Tadarius Noel arrested

Police responded to a report of a traffic crash Sunday and found 22-year-old Tadarius Noel asleep behind the wheel with the vehicle still in drive, and crashed into another vehicle. Officers were able to place the vehicle in drive before waking Noel, who reeked of alcohol. He claimed he only had one cup of wine within the past couple of hours and told officers he wasn’t driving but just sitting in his vehicle parked. After performing poorly on field sobriety tests, Noel blew a 0.093 % BAC on a breathalyzer.