Man charged in assault of ex-girlfriend, she bites him in self-defense — Kyler Shular arrested

25-year-old Kyler Vance Shular is charged with felony aggravated assault/strangulation and false imprisonment after his ex-girlfriend came over to get her things from their shared apartment, to which she still had a key, and he reportedly became upset, pinned her to the floor, threatened her, then covered her mouth when the screamed. A neighbor heard the commotion and knocked on the door, allowing the victim, Halle Strunk, to escape.

Both parties had injuries as she fought back and bit him at least once in self-defense, however, police determined Shular to be the primary aggressor due to the disparity in physical sizes and severity of injuries between the parties. Shular is free on an $8,000 bond.

Man drives wrong way on one-way street with two flat tires, blows 0.14 BAC — Austin Boyette

In the early hours of Saturday morning, police found 27-year-old Austin Shane Boyette driving in the wrong direction on a one-way street with two completely flat tires. Officers conducted a traffic stop, and Boyette acknowledged he was aware of the two tires, stating he had attempted to fill them up with air, unsuccessfully. After failing all three field sobriety tests, Boyette blew a 0.14% BAC on the breathalyzer and admits to drinking “five beers and some wine beverages” prior to driving. He is free on pre-trial release.

Woman deemed too drunk for Tin Roof Demonbreun — Katelyn Bowles arrested #VisitMusicCity

26-year-old Katelyn Abigail Bowles was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after security at Tin Roof Demonbreun alerted officers she had become too intoxicated and was refusing to leave. Officers attempted to assist her with finding who she was with, or to call a ride, however she stated she didn’t want any assistance while unable to stand on her own without leaning on people and fixtures.

She was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Pulaski man charged with brutal assault of girlfriend in downtown hotel $25K bond — Harry Brandon Russell

32-year-old Harry Brandon Russell, of Pulaski, is charged with felony aggravated assault/strangulation after police say grabbed his girlfriend, Shelbey Ebersole, inside a room of the downtown Holiday Inn Express in the early morning hours of New Year’s Day. The victim’s brother eventually had to pull Russell off of her after he slammed her into the wall of a bathroom and used both his hands to strangle her until she was unable to breathe and could no longer call for help.

The argument reportedly started after he felt she came back to the room late and wasn’t answering her phone. Russell is free on a $25,000 bond.

Woman says California visitor chugged beer & destroyed her kitchen — Justin Hickey arrested

Geri Michelle Robinson says she had 28-year-old Justin Hickey, of California, to her home this week, and he suddenly became verbally aggressive while chugging bottles of beer. He then began using the bottles to break things in the kitchen and used a Sharpie to write “disparaging remarks” on a door and vandalized her refrigerator.

When officers arrived he was still verbally berating the victim and admitted to his wrongdoings. He was charged with vandalism and is free on a $1,500 bond.

Man charged with threatening ex-girlfriend after she reported his crimes to police — Diante Wilkes

28-year-old Diante Wilkes is charged with breaking into his ex-girlfriend’s car and taking her speakers. Once he learned she had reported the incident and warrants had been issued for his arrest he reportedly began to text his ex, Jessica Carter, and make threats of physical violence if she didn’t “cancel the warrants”.

In addition to the open warrants for theft and auto burglary, Wilkes was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail earlier this week, also charged with coercion of a witness. He remains jailed in lieu of a $7,500 bond.

DUI: Woman blames crash on argument, breathalyzer determines that was a lie — Anna Bea Major arrested

25-year-old Anna Bea Major was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday night after she crashed her vehicle in downtown Nashville. When officers arrived on scene, she told them the cause of the wreck was because of an argument with her roommate. A breathalyzer determined that was a lie. She blew over double the legal limit, a .182 % BAC at booking. She is free on pre-trial release.

In 2019 Major was arrested after leaving the Exit Inn, where she was a bartender and was in a crash on the interstate in which she hit a wall and fled the scene. During that incident, she admitted to drinking prior to driving, and officers located marijuana and cocaine on her person incident to arrest.

After cocaine & beer, man calls 911 to have a tow truck take him home. He walked to the restaurant — Timothy Odom

54-year-old Timothy Odom went to an East Nashville restaurant Wednesday and drank “a lot” of beer and snorted cocaine. He then convinced employees to call 911 for him, stating he was experiencing an emergency. Once officers arrived he explained he had stubbed his toe, and his phone wasn’t charged, both of which he believed to be genuine emergencies. He told officers what he really needed was for them to call a tow truck for him, so he could get home. Mr. Odom arrived on foot and did not have a vehicle.

Odom was charged with making a non-emergency 911 call ($50 bond), drug paraphernalia for the cut straws in his backpack ($1,000 bond), and public intoxication ($50 bond). He is jailed in lieu of a $1,100 bond.

DUI: Man found with tequila, and a handgun in his pink handbag — Marvin Drew arrested

When police pulled him over for a traffic stop, an officer noticed a nearly empty bottle of Adictivo Tequila in the vehicle of 36-year-old Marvin Drew, and a 9mm handgun magazine in his lap. When asked where his gun was located, Drew pointed to his pink handbag, which is where officers retrieved a Taurus G2c and several rounds of ammo.

Drew was charged with DUI, open container, possession of a weapon under the influence, and violation of the implied consent law. He is free on pre-trial release.

19-year-old charged after found drunk & lying on the ground inside Nissan Stadium — Ian Sewell

19-year-old Ian Sewel was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after he was found lying on the ground inside Nissan Stadium during the Music City Bowl on Thursday. Police say he reeked of alcohol and was so intoxicated he was unable to care for himself.

Sewell admitted to consuming alcohol and was taken into custody. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.