Man charged after putting hands on MNPD officer at The Twelve Thirty Club — Brian Clements arrested

49-year-old Brian Clements was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail this week after putting his hands on a police officer who came to escort him out of The Twelve Thirty Club on Broadway in downtown Nashville. Clements had reportedly become disorderly and refused to leave when requested by club security.

Police arrived to find him extremely intoxicated and when they asked him to find a ride to leave the location on his own he reportedly placed his hands on the officer’s shoulders. Officers advised Clements to remove his hands, and he did so before once again putting his hands on the officer. Clements was charged with public intoxication and transported to booking.

Wife drags husband out of home to evict him, steps over his injured body to go back inside — Kristian Dukes

Metro Police say 49-year-old Kristian Dukes grabbed her sleeping husband, Brandon Burgett, under his arms and dragged him off the couch and out the door, dropping him onto the ground as she stepped over his injured body on her way back inside. Police documented multiple bruises and lacerations to the victim’s body, and blood on his left foot, which she had attempted to shut in the door. Dukes initially denied ever touching the victim, but later admitted to the struggle, adding she was intoxicated.

The victim states Dukes has been attempting to evict him from the property for a period of time.

Woman charged with threatening girlfriend with steak knife — Krystal Wallace

35-year-old Krystal Wallace was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with the aggravated assault with a deadly weapon of her ex-girlfriend, Ashten Stephenson. The victim says the pair still live together and were in an argument about Krystal being extremely intoxicated and belligerent in the home. After the victim retreated to her bedroom to remove herself from the situation, she says Krystal rushed into the bedroom holding a steak knife, declaring I’m going to kill you!”.

Police located the steak knife and charged Krystal Wallace with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. She is free on a $5,000 bond.

Oregon Tourist too drunk for Nashville on Christmas Eve — Brandon Bade arrested outside Rippy’s

27-year-old Oregon Tourist Brandon Bade was fighting with security outside of Rippy’s on Broadway in downtown Nashville on Christmas Eve as an onlooker flagged down police for assistance. Police Officer Christopher Cantrell says he used joint manipulation to subdue Bade, and once he was placed into handcuffs, appeared to be unconscious. The officer states he was going to let him go without charges, and called an ambulance to transport the unconscious man to the hospital, and uncuffed him so he could be loaded into the ambulance.

Moments later, Bade became conscious again and began to fight with the medics in the back of the ambulance, and attempted to bite one of them. Bade was re-cuffed and told he was under arrest. He then fought with the officer, who was now accompanying him on the ride to Metro General Hospital, and even landed a punch to the officer’s face, despite being cuffed. Bade was charged with assault, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication. He is free on pre-trial release.

DUI: Man found asleep behind wheel 100 yards off Briley Parkway — Gregory Chitwood

37-year-old Gregory Chitwood is charged with driving under the influence after multiple motorists called 911 to report a dark-colored pickup truck was off the roadway on Briley Parkway.

Officers canvassed the area, eventually locating the vehicle in a grassy field 100 years away from the road. Chitwood was found asleep behind the wheel of the vehicle, which was still running and still in drive. He admitted to drinking prior to driving. Chitwood blew a 0.141% BAC and was charged with DUI. He is free on pre-trial release.

Woman assaults & bites husband after he refuses to give her money, says she doesn’t work — Hadia Zkria

34-year-old Hadia Zkria is charged with the domestic assault of her husband after he showed police lacerations and injuries to his neck, wrist, and elbow, and a bite mark on his chest. Police were also able to view a video of the attack.

Her husband Elsadig Adam, states the argument happened after she asked him for money but he would not give her any, stating she did not work. Zkria is free on a $1,500 bond. When asked by an interpreter, Zkria stated ‘nothing happened’.

Georgia man charged after attempting to fight police outside Capitol Hotel downtown — David Phillip Messick

32-year-old David Phillip Messick, who was visiting Music City from Georgia, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after officers say he caused quite the disturbance at the Capitol Hotel in downtown Nashville. Management initially called police after he became extremely intoxicated and attempted to fight staff members. Officer arrived to find him yelling and screaming at staff and other patrons. As officers approached he wanted them to “don’t walk up on me!” and squared up with them while balling up his fists. Unimpressed with his chances at winning a fight, offices took Messick into custody against his will, while he kicked, screamed, pulled away from, and threatened violence toward, officers. Once in the patrol car, he had to be hobbled as he kept attempting to know out the windows of the unit. Messick is charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication. Messick is free on a $2,000 bond.

DUI: Nashville Content Creator ‘Funsize Velen’ blows double BAC limit — Velen Lemus arrested

24-year-old Velen Lemus, who is a Nasvhille area content creator for various platforms, including her ‘Funsize Velen’ persona, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail earlier this month, charged with DUI – driving under the influence. Police say she was speeding and driving erratically, and eventually ran a red light in Goodlettsville, where a traffic stop was conducted. She told police she was on her way home to Ashland City, but wasn’t sure where she was at, or a correct way to get to her destination. She performed poorly on field sobriety tests, and blew a 0.163 BAC on the breathalyzer, more than twice the legal limit in Tennessee. Officers also found she had a prior DUI in 2019 in Rutherford County and is required to have an alcohol interlock device on her vehicle, which she did not have. She was charged with DUI 2nd offense and is free on pre-trial release.

Police offer to help intoxicated man find a ride home, he chose jail instead — Ryan Baker arrested #VisitMusicCity

Metro Nashville Police say they attempted to help find 23-year-old Ryan Baker a ride home after he got into a fight with his brother near the pedestrian bridge late Saturday night, in an effort to avoid being arrested due to his extremely intoxicated state, but he wasn’t having any part in their assistance. They couldn’t leave him there, as he was unable to care for himself, so he was booked into custody, charged with public intoxication. He yelled, screamed, and caused a dramatic scene during his arrest.

Man threatens to ‘Ted Bundy’ girlfriend and send nudes to her ex-husband — Corey Roberts arrested

21-year-old Corey Roberts, of Louisville, is charged with domestic assault after he refused to leave his girlfriend’s Nashville apartment and the couple got into an argument, which led to him threatening to send adult photos which she was in to her ex-husband. His girlfriend, Kristin Sayad, reportedly took his phone and he grabbed her wrist, bending her fingers back, pulled her hair and said “I’m going to Ted Bundy you!”. She fled the apartment in fear and called police. Roberts is free on a $1,500 bond.