Downtown DUI: Destin Lovett muttered about “trees and vegetables” after crash

Officers say 27-year-old Destin Lovett continuously muttered under his breath bout “trees and vegetables” after he was involved in a minor traffic crash in downtown Nashville. He attempted to leave the scene but was detained by the other involved party. Police arrived to find a mostly-empty Miller High Life can inside his vehicle, and recall that Lovett reeked of alcohol. He admitted to drinking four 36oz High Life cans and stated he was a “6 or a 4” on the “How drunk are you on a scale of 1-10” question. A breathalyzer resulted in a 0.155% BAC.

Ashley Thomas charged after attacking boyfriend when he tries to leave during an argument

24-year-old Ashley Thomas was jailed on June 15th, charged with the domestic assault of her boyfriend, Allen Lewis. A bystander heard the assault happening and called police, who arrived to find the two had exited the residence and were now in a vehicle. The victim advised the two were arguing and he attempted to leave to de-escalate the situation. He says she then stepped in front of the door and place her hands around his neck, and when he broke her grip and continued on his way she backhanded him in the nose.

TSU dorm room tussle takes two lovers to jail — Juelle Walker & London Hutchings

TSU Police say they couldn’t determine who was the primary aggressor in a Rudolph Hall assault, so they took both parties to jail. Current TSU student, 20-year-old Juelle Rinae Walker, and her boyfriend and former TSU student, 21-year-old London Hutchings, were bother involved in a fight that caught the attention of 6th Floor RA Courtney Smalls. Hutchings was reportedly “in a jealous rage” because Walker went swimming without him. She says he pushed her and cornered her, and she sustained a cut to her hand and a bruise on her shoulder. He says she was throwing things at him and he was simply defending himself from further injury, as he sustained multiple scratches on his chest, neck, and wrist. TSU Police Officer Christopher Brooks says the judge can sort it out.

Andrew Murphey punched a woman in the face; she hit him back with a glass vase

Metro Nashville Police observed a fight on Broadway in front of The Stage, and as they attempted to intervene, 30-year-old Andrew Murphy remained irate and refused to calm down. Police say he was incredibly drunk and bleeding heavily from an injury he received when he punched a woman who then struck him in self-defense with a large glass vase she was carrying. As he was being taken into custody he fought and fled, and after a brief foot chase was cuffed after another struggle and several more officers had to assist in his apprehension. Patrons & staff of The Stage on Broadway told police Murphy was kicked out of the venue for disturbing others, and he had punched at least two patrons without provocation. During a search of Murphy, police found a small plastic baggy with a clear crystal substance and glass pipe inside.

Anthony Woods deemed too drunk for downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative (EDI) Thursday night observed 30-year-old Anthony Woods trying to fight with another downtown patron near 4th & Broadway. After the other party dispersed, Woods approached officers to ask for directions to another venue, but was already so intoxicated he could not walk and could barely stand upright without assistance. Due to his extreme level of intoxication and with no one to care for him, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Tourist David Gene tosses drink & throws a punch at bouncer; taken to the ground

Sam Gehrts was working security at a downtown bar Thursday when he encountered 32-year-old David Gene, who he says began to curse at him, stating “Fuck You” and walking away. As Gene moved down the steps and onto the landing between the 2nd and 3rd floors, he again started a verbal altercation and threw a liquor drink at Gehrts and attempted to provoke him into fighting. After throwing a punch at Gehrts, Gene was taken to the ground and placed in cuffs until MNPD Officers arrived to take him into custody for the assault.

Tyler Glass admits to using meth before crashing, fleeing, passing out in intersection

29-year-old Tyler Glass says he used meth one hour before a series of car crashes in South Nashville. On Thursday, Nashville Fire initially responded to a male passed out in a VW Jetta on nearby Clayton Street. EMS District Chief Chad Gilly says as they attempted to check on the man, later identified as Glass, he suddenly drove off from the scene and they found him again, passed out at the intersection of Vaulx Lane and Gale Lane, where Officer Stratton now attempted to speak with him. He refused to exit the vehicle, and would only repeat “I’m hot” when asked questions. He was eventually coaxed out of the vehicle and taken into custody, where he continued to nod off in the back of a patrol car. When asked basic questions he would simply stare forward. Inside a “colorful bag” in the vehicle, officers found snort straws, a small plunger, and crystal methamphetamine.

Ashley Hanes charged after drunken night at Double E Bar & Grill

Employees at the Double E Bar & Grill say 31-year-old Ashley Revel-Hanes was already heavily intoxicated when she appeared at the bar, where she stayed for several hours. At some point in the evening, she began harassing a tow truck driver who was assisting another patron in the parking lot. When police arrived, the tow truck driver was gone, however, employees stated she was still causing a disturbance. She had arranged for a friend to pick her up, but when they never showed up, Hanes eventually laid down on the sidewalk by the street and attempted to hitchhike her way home. Due to her level of intoxication, she was given a free ride… to jail.

Too drunk for Percy Priest Lake: Lucille Gonyea & Dominic Napolitan arrested on jet ski

TWRA Officers observed 42-year-old Lucille Gonyea & 58-year-old Dominic Napolitan on a jet ski near Hamilton Creek while visibly intoxicated. Dominic was operating the vessel with a half-worn life jacket while holding a styrofoam cup he attempted to hide when the officer approached. Both parties reportedly reeked of alcohol, and Dominic performed poorly on field sobriety tests. TWRA Officer Joshua Landrum took both parties into custody.