Mt. Juliet man charged after being drunk & disorderly in downtown Nashville — Justin Lopez

Metro Police say they were dealing with a separate incident at 310 Broadway in downtown Nashville when 29-year-old Justin Lopez inserted himself into the situation and became incredibly agitated and became aggressive toward one of the involved parties. Police attempted to stop him as he aggressively approached them, but he tried to force his way past officers. That’s when they realized how extremely intoxicated he was, and took Lopez into custody.

76-year-old says a child he was babysitting stole $200, so he wouldn’t let him leave — John Collins

76-year-old John Collins was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on an outstanding citation charging him with the false imprisonment of a juvenile boy who he had befriended about six months prior. While he was babysitting the juvenile, Collins says the child stole $200 from his apartment, which is inside the Green Hills Retired Teachers Apartments Tower. After he called the child’s mother he refused to bring the child down from the secured complex for over two hours, stating he was afraid the boy would run off on him. The child said he was not allowed to leave.

DUI: “Do Thang” arrested after “doing his thing” outside a Nashville Home

Metro Police responded to Raywood Lane after a citizen called in to report a car with a person inside had been parked in front of their home for several hours. Police identified 35-year-old Do Thang inside the vehicle with the keys in the ignition, his belt undone, and his pants unzipped. Officer reported he had snot running down his face and was extremely intoxicated with three open Clubtails Sunny Margarita Cans visible in the car.

Intoxicated woman charged after spitting on police — Rebecca Wetherbee arrested

Police say 29-year-old Rebecca Wetherbee was being discharged from St. Thomas Midtown early Saturday after a brief visit and was causing a disturbance, refusing to leave. Officer offered to assist in getting her home, but she refused to tell them where she lived, and told them to”go f–k yourself”. Police determined she was still extremely intoxicated and since she refused to leave the property, she was taken into custody for criminal trespass. Wetherbee, however, wasn’t done. Once in the patrol car she began kicking the rear window, and spit on an officer who attempted to put her in hobble restraints.

Man charged with punching out $12K custom window in downtown Nashville — Justin Bolla

31-year-old tourist Justin Bolla faces a Class C felony vandalism charge after police say he was walking in downtown Nashville when he suddenly punched a hole through the front storefront window of Betty’s Boots on Broadway. Police reviewed security footage and charged the Massachusetts tourist with felony vandalism after the custom window was estimated at $12,000 to repair. His friend with him, Kevin Gately, was additionally charged with public intoxication.

Tourist too drunk for downtown Nashville — Brantley Niven arrested

25-year-old Brantley Niven was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after causing a disturbance at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Nashville. Police say he was inside the 4th Ave. S. hotel lobby insisting he had a room. Management assured him he had no room there and was at the wrong hotel. He began loudly cursing and causing a disturbance, and a disruption to the business. Officer offered to transport him to the correct hotel, he stated “F–k you” and asked twice to be taken to jail. Left with no other options, and no one to care for him, they obliged.