Man charged in brutal beating of neighbor who he says used derogatory slur — Bruce Kelly

28-year-old Bruce Kelly was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on December 23rd after he brutally beat up his neighbor who he says offended him by using derogatory slurs about sexual orientation.

Kelly reportedly overheard his neighbor, Zachary Rose, make statements he was uncomfortable with and followed him up the steps and into the victim’s apartment, where he allegedly pushed him to the ground, got on top of him, and repeatedly punched him in the face multiple times. When interviewed, Kelly stated: “I don’t really remember what happened, I beat him up though”. Kelly is charged with aggravated burglary and assault and is jailed in lieu of a $4,500 bond.

Woman assaults & bites husband after he refuses to give her money, says she doesn’t work — Hadia Zkria

34-year-old Hadia Zkria is charged with the domestic assault of her husband after he showed police lacerations and injuries to his neck, wrist, and elbow, and a bite mark on his chest. Police were also able to view a video of the attack.

Her husband Elsadig Adam, states the argument happened after she asked him for money but he would not give her any, stating she did not work. Zkria is free on a $1,500 bond. When asked by an interpreter, Zkria stated ‘nothing happened’.

Man who was denied sex attacks girlfriend with blow torch & mason jars — Jaime Aquino arrested

When 25-year-old Jaime Aquino was jailed this week for an assault on his co-worker when he smashed a glass mug over his head, he was also served with an outstanding warrant from March, charging him with the domestic assault of his girlfriend, which left her with severe injuries. Court records show Aquino came home at 4 a.m. and wanted to have sex, however, Kirsten Brasher told him no. Upset at the denial, he reportedly picked up a blowtorch and began to wave it around at her in a threatening manner. He then grabbed the victim and tossed her around the apartment, then hit her with several full mason jars, breaking them on her head, causing a 2-inch gash. The victim was able to knock over a television to distract him in order to escape. A commissioner set his bond for this charge, domestic assault with bodily injury, at $5,000, which he posted.

DUI: Man has 5 drinks at downtown bar before crashing car on way home — Bohlt Hamrick 0.166 BAC

23-year-old Bohlt Hamrick told police he had around 5 drinks at a #DowntownNashville bar Wednesday night, a mix of both beer and liquor, before he began the drive home. Police and medics would find him extremely intoxicated in a crashed car on Riverbank Drive, where a home security camera captured him speeding down Stone Hall Blvd, striking a curb, and coming to rest in the intersection. He told police he “was just driving home” in the neighborhood, however, he lives in a neighborhood approximately 8 miles away. After field sobriety tests, Hamrick submitted to a breathalyzer, where he blew a 0.166 BAC – over double the legal limit. He was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with DUI / driving under the influence. He is free on pre-trial release.

Police offer to help intoxicated man find a ride home, he chose jail instead — Ryan Baker arrested #VisitMusicCity

Metro Nashville Police say they attempted to help find 23-year-old Ryan Baker a ride home after he got into a fight with his brother near the pedestrian bridge late Saturday night, in an effort to avoid being arrested due to his extremely intoxicated state, but he wasn’t having any part in their assistance. They couldn’t leave him there, as he was unable to care for himself, so he was booked into custody, charged with public intoxication. He yelled, screamed, and caused a dramatic scene during his arrest.

DUI: Woman blows double BAC limit after Jell-O Shots & Mike’s Hard Tall Boy — Sarah Mays

21-year-old Sarah Mays says she had a “few Jell-O Shots” and a “Mike’s Hard Tall Boy” at a bar prior to driving Friday night. Once on the road, police say she told them she was just “following her GPS” after she was stopped for making a left turn from a right-turn-only lane. During the traffic stop, officers reportedly smelled alcohol and noticed her slurred speech. She agreed to perform field sobriety tests, all of which indicated intoxication. Her breathalyzer result was over twice the legal limit, a 0.169 BAC. She was transported to jail, charged with DUI, and is free on pre-trial release.

Man threatens to ‘Ted Bundy’ girlfriend and send nudes to her ex-husband — Corey Roberts arrested

21-year-old Corey Roberts, of Louisville, is charged with domestic assault after he refused to leave his girlfriend’s Nashville apartment and the couple got into an argument, which led to him threatening to send adult photos which she was in to her ex-husband. His girlfriend, Kristin Sayad, reportedly took his phone and he grabbed her wrist, bending her fingers back, pulled her hair and said “I’m going to Ted Bundy you!”. She fled the apartment in fear and called police. Roberts is free on a $1,500 bond.

Another tourist too drunk for Broadway in downtown Nashville — Holly Frye #VisitMusicCity

42-year-old Holly Frye was doing what all tourists do in downtown Nashville and was extremely intoxicated according to officers working the Entertainment District Initiative last weekend. Bystanders flagged down police after she had fallen and was stumbling around, unable to maintain her composure. Officer gave her opportunities to call a friend, order a rideshare, and even dispatched medics to the scene to offer her a trip to the hospital to get checked out, all in an effort to avoid an arrest. She declined all of the choices presented to her and stated she just wanted to go home, however, that was not one of the available options, as she had no way to safely get there. Officers transported her to the Metro Nashville Jail, where she was charged with public intoxication.

Tourist jailed after biting bouncer at Nudie’s Honky Tonk — Andrew Hunter Munden #VisitMusicCity

24-year-old Andrew ‘Hunter’ Munden was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Sunday morning after Metro Nashville Police responded to Nudie’s Honky Tonk after Munden had been kicked out of the bar and continued to cause a disturbance. Police say after being removed from the venue, Munden then attempted to run past the bouncers to re-enter the bar. As they stopped him, he latched his teeth onto one of the bouncers, biting him. The bouncer did not press charges for the assault, however, police took Munden into custody and charged him with public intoxication.

Man charged with DUI after night out with wife, who Ubers home, instead — Cameron Nichols

Police say 32-year-old Cameron Nichols was standing outside his crashed vehicle, which went through a utility pole, when they arrived at Edmonson Pike Saturday night and reeked of alcohol. He explained that he and his wife, Holly Nichols, had been out to dinner, and he consumed two beers and an “old-fashioned” cocktail. His wife had taken an Uber home, but he decided to drive. He provided his credit card when asked for his ID, showed signs of intoxication on all field sobriety tests, and then told officers he had not eaten for “several hours” despite claiming he had just had dinner. Nichols was transported to the Metro Nashville jail, and charged with DUI – driving under the influence. He is free on pre-trial release.