Drunk man walks up to cops on Broadway, leans on an officer, refuses to leave — Dylan Cosner #PublicIntoxication

Metro Nashville Police say they were speaking to a group of citizens on Broadway in downtown Nashville when 23-year-old Dylan Scott Cosner walked up, stumbled around swaying, leans on an officer for balance, bumped into the other people, and was belligerent. Officers asked him to move along with his friends, but he refused and became verbally aggressive. He was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with public intoxication.

She walked out on her tab at Kid Rock’s bar & bit security. It then took 4 MNPD officers to subdue her — Alianna Mendoza

Metro Nashville Police say it took 4 of their officers to get 32-year-old Alianna Nevah Mikeila Mendoza into a patrol car after she bit a security guard at Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville, after attempting to walk out without paying her tab. Once at booking, it took three officers to get her inside, despite her being in hobble restraints. She is free on pre-trial release.

Man complains to police that he was kicked out of Kid Rock’s Bar — Bryan Moore arrested #PublicIntoxication

27-year-old Bryan Moore was charged with public intoxication after he was kicked out of Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville, then approached Nashville Police officers to make a complaint about his ouster. They advised him to leave the area, but he refused and began to bang on the door to the venue. During his arrest, a citizen also reported that Moore had assaulted him.

DUI Ridin’ Dirty: Man tosses beer bottle out window, lies about it, admits it; asks for lawyer, talks anyway — Jamie Levitt

Metro Police say 33-year-old Jamie Levitt was driving 83 in a 55 mph zone at 6:52 p.m. on Friday when he suddenly crossed four lanes of traffic while merging from I-440E onto I-40. As an officer attempted to conduct a traffic stop, Levitt reportedly tossed a beer bottle out the window, then denied it, then eventually admitted it. He asked for a lawyer but then continued telling the officer about how his intoxication. He blew a 0.103 BAC.