Brittany Chaffin squirts drink into ex-boyfriend’s face while he drove her home

29-year-old Brittany Marie Chaffin had a domestic incident with her former boyfriend, Nicholas Chowning, on August 7th. Chowning told the police he got into a verbal altercation with Chaffin while returning from the bar. Chowning explained that he was driving to Chaffin’s house to drop her off. During the drive, Chaffin told Chowning to let her out of the car and squirted a drink into his face. Chowning said he allowed her to exit the car near McGavock Pike and Briley Parkway. He added that after he started driving away, Chaffin called him to come pick her up. Chowning then picked her up and brought her to her house. A warrant was issued for her arrest on August 8th. When officers spoke with Chaffin, she admitted to squirting the drink into his face and that she was only doing it so he would let her out of the vehicle. Chaffin was taken into custody for domestic assault on August 13th.