Debra Rankin jailed after calling son over 150 times & repeatedly showing up to his job

72-year-old Debra Rankin had a domestic incident with her son, Nicholas Rankin, at his residence on July 25th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Nicholas. He explained he was doing yard work when Debra startled him, showing up unannounced and uninvited. Then, Nicholas stated that he told Debra to leave immediately. However, she insisted on conversing with him, so he went inside and called 911. According to Nicholas, his garage door was left open, which allowed Debra to enter his garage. She repeatedly banged on the door, telling Nicholas she refused to leave until he talked to her. After no threats or assault, Debra left without issue. In January 2024, Nicholas obtained a cease-and-desist order against Debra. With the assistance of Nicholas’ attorney, Debra acknowledged to cease all communications with him. Nicholas added that Debra had since shown up to his job three separate times, asking for him and trying to talk. He also said she reportedly had sent over 150 phone calls, texts, and emails. Nicholas added that he only responded by telling her to stop contacting him. Nicholas told the police that Debra’s actions have caused him emotional distress, personally and financially. He further explained that he had trouble sleeping and had been seeing a therapist. Then, Nicholas said Debra threatened to interfere with his employment. He informed officers that he did not want a relationship with Debra due to past abuse and domestic incidents. A warrant was then issued for Debra’s arrest that day. Debra Rankin was later taken into custody for harassment on August 22nd.