DUI: Tourist Scott Nobles crashes scooter into cop car in downtown Nashville

41-year-old California tourist Scott Nobles was jailed on April 13th after crashing his scooter into the back of an unmarked Metro Police vehicle near 5th and Demonbreun in downtown Nashville. Officers saw Nobles unsteady on his feet and smelled alcohol on him. They asked him if he had anything to drink, and he admitted to drinking a couple of beers and refused to answer any more questions. Nobles refused all testing, and was transported to booking.

Tyshon Bailey screams “I’m not going!” before punching and kicking officers during skirmish

19-year-old Tyshon Bailey was jailed on April 14th for trying to fight officers when they responded to a call for service on Zermatt Avenue. They witnessed Bailey being irate and aggressive in the house. He repeated to the police, “I’m not going,” and tied a purple bandana around his fist. He then approached officers aggressively and got into a fighting stance. The officer used his arms to create distance, and Bailey lunged forward. Another officer tried to grab Bailey, but he resisted, and they tussled on the couch. Bailey was swinging his arms, hitting one officer in the head and kicking the other. Finally, the officers were able to gain control of Bailey and place him in cuffs; he continued to resist while the officers put him in the patrol car.

Traffic stop turns into a whole ordeal as Rick Stellick isn’t going to cooperate today

48-year-old Rick Stellick was jailed on April 10th after refusing to comply with police commands during a traffic stop on Northgate Drive. Police pulled over Stellick driving his Lexus for failing to stop for a red light. Once they were able to identify him, they asked him to pull into Cracker Barrel so that he would be off the roadway, but Stellick said that he would not move his vehicle. Police then instructed him and the passenger to step out of the car. The passenger complied, but Stellick said he would not leave his vehicle. The officer approached the driver’s side, and Stellick started driving forward. An officer finally got him to stop his vehicle and reached into the driver’s side window to open the door; he took hold of Stellick’s arm to remove him from the car. Stellick pulled away, but the officer was able to place him in handcuffs and transport him to booking.

Tourist David Call kicked out of Losers Bar in Nashville

42-year-old David Call was jailed on April 6th after squaring up to fight at Losers Bar. The security guard told police that he was in the process of asking Call to leave the bar when he got out of his seat and quickly got into a fighting stance. He cocked his right arm back to throw a punch but was quickly detained by other security personnel. The manager had video evidence of the incident.

Jarrett Snipe jailed after multiple assaults on girlfriend

31-year-old Jarrett Snipe of BLK Rose Boxing was jailed early Wednesday on three outstanding warrants charging him with domestic and aggravated assaults. In January, his girlfriend Shelby Miller reported he picked her up by her shirt collar and slammed her against a door during an argument. She says he then twisted her shirt collar until she could no longer breathe and lost consciousness. Officers documented injuries from that assault. In March, the two were having another argument when she was looking over his shoulder as he sitting on the couch. When he realized she was looking, he slapped her in the face and then grabbed her, and pinned her against the wall until she fell to the floor. He then reportedly went outside and retrieved a gun case, and brought it inside, stating, “I have something for you. I will blow your head off.”

Terrie Sheppard was “feeling the rain” because Bob Marley told her to do it

42-year-old Terrie Sheppard was jailed on April 8th after police found her walking in the middle of Broadway, high on crystal methamphetamine. When police asked her what she was doing, she told them she was “feeling the rain” because Bob Marley said to do so. She told police she wanted to walk in the road to feel the rain better and would continue to do so. Police detained her and found a baggie of meth in her pants pocket. She was charged with disorderly conduct.

Justin Curlee: “I’m guilty; take me to jail”

27-year-old Justin Curlee was jailed on Easter Sunday after beating up his girlfriend in a drunken rage and locking her in a bedroom at an apartment complex on Cheyenne Blvd. Police responded after a person with a weapon call and saw Leanna McCombs running out of the apartment screaming for help. As the officer entered the apartment, he saw Curlee jump out of a window and run away. The officer ran after him, and he immediately complied with commands. He said, “I’m guilty; take me to jail.”

He refused to talk about the incident. Leanna told police they went on an Easter egg hunt where Curlee had a few drinks. When they returned to the apartment, he started acting irate and aggressive. Curlee put Leanna inside a bedroom and kept her there. She asked him why he was doing this to her, and he kept replying, “Nothing.” She tried to climb out of a window in the bedroom, but Curlee tackled her and pushed her through the bedroom door, causing it to fall off the hinges; the officer saw the door on the living room floor. Leanna told police that after Curlee tackled her, he punched her in the face multiple times, leaving her with a bloody nose, a busted lip, and a bruised forehead. He then forced her into the hall closet and pulled out a knife saying, “If you scream, I’ll kill you.”

Leanna eventually talked him into putting the knife down, and while he was looking away, she grabbed her cell phone and hid it until she could call the police. When they heard officers knocking on the door, Curlee told her, “Be quiet. You say anything, and I’ll kill you. You’ll die today.” Leanna convinced her she wouldn’t make any noise, and as soon as he looked away, she ran out the door for help.

DUI: Tranita McCullough charged after speeding through Belle Meade

34-year-old Tranita McCullough was jailed on April 9th after speeding and swerving in and out of lanes on Harding Pike. When Belle Meade Police police pulled her over, they could smell a distinct odor of alcohol coming from her body. She told police she was coming from a bar and that she had two drinks. McCullough agreed to sobriety tests and performed poorly. She then revised her statement and told police that she had 3-4 drinks. She blew a .15% BAC on a breathalyzer and was taken to booking.

Florida woman Deborah Dillon, 67, crashes car after “two margaritas” in Nashville

67-year-old Deborah Dillon was jailed on April 7th after crashing on Old Hickory Boulevard while drunk. When police spoke with her, she had no recollection of what caused the accident, but she did tell police she had two margaritas two hours before the accident. The officers noticed glassy, bloodshot eyes and alcohol coming from her breath. She agreed to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and was transported to jail after refusing any further testing.