APSU Lab Manager Ronald Palmer caught masturbating in office by student

52-year-old APSU Chemistry Lab Manager Ronald Palmer was jailed Friday after a student said she walked in on him masturbating in his office with the door open to the hallway. Police made contact with Palmer, who refused to answer any questions. The student alerted another Chemistry to the incident, and she called campus police. The student says Palmer was reclined back in his chair with his head back, eyes closed, and aggressively pleasuring himself with his right hand.

MNPD arrests mime in downtown Nashville, strips clothing in 20-degree weather — Antonio Washington

51-year-old Antonio Washington was taken into custody Saturday morning in downtown Nashville after Metro Nashville Police said he was “obstructing a passageway” — which seems to be refuted by photos and videos from the scene. During the interaction, it was noted he was non-verbal and used a notepad to communicate with a large presence of officers who confronted him. Officers told him he could not be stationary or sit on the sidewalk and panhandle without a permit and that he would have to be in constant movement. He refused and communicated that he would not leave the edge of the sidewalk and dared them to arrest him. Officers then placed him into custody, but not before stripping clothing from his body in 20-degree weather, as officers wore winter coats. A statement from MNPD reads, in part, “The sweatshirt he was wearing needed to be temporarily taken off so other blankets underneath could be removed. It was quickly put back on.” The initial call came from Downtown Ambassadors, who believed him to have a knife, but it was only a lighter.

Tourist Ryon Buchman too rowdy for Union Station Hotel – arrested in Nashville

Security Staff at the Union Station Hotel in downtown Nashville were holding down 38-year-old Ryon Buchman on the lobby floor when Metro Nashville Police responded to their call for assistance late Sunday night. He was extremely intoxicated and became aggressive with security, which led to his detention. He was eventually taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

New Jersey Tourist Deanna Paul bites lover at hotel after night on Broadway

51-year-old Deanna Paul was jailed early Saturday morning after a fight with her lover, Zachariah Coker, at the Residence Inn by Marriott Nashville Vanderbilt. The two were out drinking on Broadway in downtown Nashville Friday night when Zachariah decided to return to the hotel while Deanna stayed downtown. Once she returned to the hotel, Zachariah says she began to hit him in the face and bit his finger until she pushed him out of the room and locked the door. Deanna says she only bit his finger because he stuck it in her mouth while they were physically fighting. Officers documented injuries to the victim’s face and finger and took Deanna into custody, charging her with domestic assault.

DUI Crash: Brayden Thrasher “just trying to get home” after night at Play Dance Bar

24-year-old Jeffrey Brayden Thrasher crashed his black Jeep Cherokee into a rock retaining wall on Gallatin Pike just before 5 a.m. Saturday and drove for a short distance before his vehicle became disabled in the roadway. Officers arrived to find damage to the front end of his vehicle, as well as a destroyed front right tire, leaving only the rim. Thrasher stated he had consumed alcohol throughout the night at Play Dance Bar on Church Street in Nashville, and he was “just trying to get home.” A search incident to arrest also revealed a metal flask containing alcohol.

DUI Crash: Alan Hurtado — “I just want to go home and sleep it off”

26-year-old Alan Hurtado told police he just wanted to “go home and sleep it off” when they found him crashed in his vehicle at the I-24 / I-440 entrance ramp in the pre-daylight hours of Saturday morning. He stated he did not know what happened and refused all medical assistance. He advised he had a “few drinks” with friends in downtown Nashville prior to driving. Hurtado performed poorly on field sobriety tests and later blew a 0.155% BAC on a breathalyzer.

Kaylee Gentry, 20, admits to drinking tequila prior to DUI injury crash

20-year-old Kaylee Gentry says she consumed “one and a half tequila drinks” prior to crashing her car near Marengo Ln & McNairy Ln in the early hours of Saturday morning, causing injuries to others. Gentry was sitting on the ground when officers arrived and was unsteady and had to brace herself to stand to speak to them. She performed poorly on field sobriety tests and later blew a 0.192& BAC, more than double the legal in Tennessee.