Richard Douglas violates conditions of release after refusing to leave his mother’s house

50-year-old Richard Douglas was seen violating his conditions of release on May 6th near Packard Drive. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Peggy Jackson, his mother, who stated that he was not supposed to be there and that she had an order of protection against Douglas. Jackson also claimed that he would not leave and that Douglass had already been served. Officers took Douglas into custody, and he was charged with a restraining order violation.

Liam Bailey tells ex-girlfriend “watching the life run out of your eyes will be the best feeling ever”

24-year-old Liam Bailey was taken into custody this week for aggravated stalking, order of protection violation, and aggravated assault. On April 15th, Mackenzie Snyder called the police and advised them that she and Bailey had been broken up for a year and a half. On April 14th, at the 7-Eleven on White Bridge Pike Road, Bailey followed Mackenzie from her home, pulled up next to her, and parked. When she tried to get out, he slid between their cars, pushed her door against her leg, smacked her, and punched her in the nose as she tried to get to her phone. During the struggle, she started hitting her horn, distracting him long enough for her to shut and lock her car door. Bailey began talking to her through her window, telling her to open the door, hitting and headbutting the window, causing him to have a bloody nose.

Mackenzie kept honking her horn until the cashier from the 7-Eleven came outside and told them to leave, during which she explained the situation and was allowed to stay until her roommate arrived to escort her home. Snyder said that once she returned home, she had 200 text messages from Bailey, stating, “I will fucking murder you,” “Just wait, you’re going to die tomorrow,” “Slapping you in the face was the best feeling ever,” “I can’t wait till I’m beating the fuck out of you tomorrow, “Can’t wait to fucking kill you,” “Watching the life run out of your eyes will be the best feeling ever,” “I have a gun, and I will kill every single one of you,” “Tomorrow is the day I shine,” “I’m going to kill so many of your family members. I can’t wait.” “Tomorrow is the last day you ever fucking live hahahah,” “Literally going to kill you and your entire family with my bare hands,” “You will die,” “Oh, so with Dakota instead? I will remember that when I am beating the fuck out of you tomorrow,” and “Can’t wait to kill you.”

Then he sent her a photo of himself with blood running down his nose, wearing the same shirt he wore at 7-Eleven, which officers had footage of. When officers spoke to Snyder, they noticed her vehicle had blood smears on the driver’s side window and door. They saw an active order of protection against him, valid until May 15th, 2024. Bailey was previously arrested for a COR violation on May 30th, 2023, and had three reports from April 7th, 2023, through June 11th, 2023, with him as the suspect. A warrant was issued for his arrest on April

Khalil Willis punches girlfriend in eye after making him get out of her car during argument

37-year-old Khalil Willis had a domestic incident with his girlfriend, Itzel Negron, in her car near Gallatin Avenue on April 7th. On April 8th, around 12:08 p.m., officers were dispatched to Skyline Medical Center, where they spoke with Itzel. Itzel stated that on April 7th, she and Willis had a verbal altercation, during which she stopped her car and asked him to get out. Then, he punched her in the right eye, leaving bruising and swelling around it. After officers investigated, a warrant was issued for his arrest. Willis was taken into custody for domestic assault on April 16th.

Jason Curtis violates order of protection by calling woman 20 times threatening to kill her

35-year-old Jason Curtis violated his order of protection on March 17th. Jennifer Rae Rudolph called the police, and when they arrived at her Tampa Drive apartment, she advised them of the temporary order of protection she got on March 17th against Curtis. Rudolph stated that she received the call from DCSO early March 18th saying Curtis had been notified of the temporary order of protection. Rudolph then stated she started getting calls from random, unknown numbers and Facebook messages a few minutes before DCSO called her, so she answered one of them believing it was law enforcement. When Rudolph picked up the call, Curtis answered and threatened to kill her for getting an order of protection. She added that he called about 20 times and messaged her via Facebook repeatedly, stating he did not care about going to prison, that there would be hell to pay if she ever set foot in Shelbyville, and that she should be r*ped. During this, Curtis sent an edited nude photograph of her, threatening to post it online. Curtis also tagged Rudolph in a social media post, calling her a whore. Detectives confirmed the order of protection and issued a warrant for his arrest. Curtis was taken into custody for two counts of harassment and an order of protection violation on March 20th.

Patrick Kinsley violates order of protection by threatening ex-wife over child custody via text

36-year-old Patrick William Kinsley was taken into custody for violating an order of protection on March 16th. On January 28th, Mr. Kinsley was issued an order of protection, hindering him from any communication with Kelly McDonald Kinsley, his ex-wife, stating, “The parties shall use a third party, either of the Petitioner’s sisters, to communicate with regarding the parties’ children and not for any other purpose.” On March 8th, Mr. Kinsley sent messages to Mrs. Kinsley’s sisters referencing a prior arrest, telling them he would be detained, but they let him go after he told them about her. Since then, Mr. Kinsley sent multiple texts regarding arrests, child custody, and demands he made for Mrs. Kinsley and her fiancé. Kinsley also sent messages about how he would call the sheriff’s office or MNPD to file reports as if he was using it to threaten Mrs. Kinsley for the exchange of the children. There were even multiple messages stating, “Fuck you,” that did not mention anything child related. Mr. Kinsley is fully aware of the order of protection, evidenced by the prior arrest for the last time he violated it. Kinsley was taken into custody for violating an order of protection on March 16th.

Edward Morena exposes intimate video to ex-girlfriend’s parents

27-year-old Edward Morena was taken into custody for unlawful exposure, violating an order of protection, and domestic assault on February 27th. On October 23rd, Genesis Jose Mendez Castellanos, Morena’s ex-girlfriend, told officers that she obtained an order of protection against him, which was served to him on September 25th, due to prior attacks that happened in Panama City, and then advised she came to Tennessee to get away from him. Castellanos told them that on October 1st, Morena sent an intimate video of them to her family and Jose Gonzalez before blocking him. She provided screenshots of her mother receiving the video and told officers that it was supposed to remain private. Then, she explained that on October 3rd, Morena threatened her via audio messages, saying he would shoot himself after shooting her and everyone else. Castellanos then told them that on October 7th, he messaged her through WhatsApp, which she uses to speak with their 7-year-old. She said it had to have been Morena because her child cannot spell in Spanish.

Harley King pretends to be maintenance to see ex-girlfriend, violates order of protection

41-year-old Harley King was taken into custody on November 7th for violating the conditions of his order of protection on October 25th. King’s ex-girlfriend, Irma Chacon, advised officers that she was in Hermitage, TN, looking for a new place to stay. She was there for about 15 minutes when she was informed that someone, later identified as King, was claiming to be her husband and knocking on doors pretending to be maintenance. Chacon stated that King did not live there and believed that he had been following her. King approached her and asked to talk, saying that he wanted to get back together, and tried to convince her to leave with him. Chacon was concerned for her safety and called the police.

Nashville songwriter Matt McGinn threatens to kill girlfriend and slit her dog’s throat while kidnapping her

35-year-old Matthew McGinn reportedly lied to his girlfriend of two years, Carly Strickland, about staying in a hotel while she was out of town. She wanted to confront him and asked him to meet her at his multi-million dollar estate, where she was located. He arrived and blocked her car in the driveway. The couple discussed the matter, and Strickland decided to leave. She says McGinn refused to let her leave until she sat down and talked to him more. During the continued discussion, he became irate and called her derogatory names. She gathered her dog and attempted to flee the residence when McGinn reportedly pushed her to the ground and stood in the doorway to block her exit. She says he then grabbed the dog and threatened to strangle it, and told her she needed to “sit the fuck down,” and he wanted her and her dog to die. He is overheard on a recording telling her he would kill her and slit her dog’s throat if she attempted to leave.  A copy of the order of protection is included in the linked story.

McGinn then reportedly removed his shirt and began to wrap it around her shoulders in an apparent attempt to strangle her with the shirt. She was able to call 911, and when she screamed that he would not let her leave, he finally allowed her to exit the residence. He followed her outside, got in his own car to unblock the driveway, and reportedly drove aggressively as if he was going to hit her vehicle with his own. Warrants, including felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and kidnapping, were issued, and McGinn was taken into custody.

Terry Eicher jailed for violating an order of protection; watching victim from empty apartment

32-year-old Terry Eicher has an active order of protection from a woman who called the police on September 29th, 2022. Kaylyn Aznavorian said that she came home to her apartment at Lincoya Bay Dr. that evening and saw Terry in the apartment above hers, looking through the window at her. He does not live there, and there is a video in the order of protection where Terry said that he squats in the apartment above her to harass or intimidate her. Police knocked on the above apartment, 810, after confirming the protection order with the Sheriff’s Department, and there was no contact. Kaylyn told police that she was sure it was Terry in the window and went downtown to swear a warrant out for the order of protection violation. He was arrested for the protection order violation on September 20th.