Osama Youssef strangles wife unconscious during during argument

48-year-old Osama Youssef was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Sherin Hakim, on July 27th. When officers arrived at the crime scene, they observed a white vehicle pulling out of the driveway and immediately driving off. Officers then noticed everybody in the residence’s front yard pointing toward the vehicle and claiming that the suspect was in the vehicle. After this, officers followed the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop, where they made contact with Youssef. While speaking with Youssef, they had him step out of the vehicle, and another officer had radioed him that Youssef allegedly had strangled Hakim. Youssef was then detained and placed in the back of the officer’s patrol vehicle. After a short amount of time, officers were advised that there were visible injuries to Hakim, so Youssef was informed that he was now in custody.

When asked what happened, Youssef admitted to officers that he had been in an argument with Hakim but denied ever getting physical. While Youssef was being questioned, another officer spoke with Hakim, and she claimed that they had been in an argument earlier in the day. Hakim informed officers that the argument had moved from a common room in the house to the bedroom, where things escalated. Hakim alleges that once they both were in the bedroom, Youssef locked the door and started getting physical with her. Hakim says that Youssef had grabbed her throat with one hand and began striking her in the face with his other hand. Hakim also claims that she lost the ability to breathe and had a moment of lost consciousness but does not know how their altercation ended due to her losing consciousness. Due to the statements made and injuries observed, Youssef was then taken into custody for aggravated assault on July 28th.