Too drunk for Tootsie’s — Kaleb Spence Clark

31-year-old Kaleb Spence Clark became aggressive toward bouncers when they told him he had to leave the downtown Nashville bar Saturday. Officers were flagged down and Clark says he only had “3 shots”, however, he was slurring his speech, and unsteady on his feet. He was taken into custody for public intoxication and transported to booking.

Man refuses to leave Nudie’s Honky Tonk — Brian Asplin

Bouncers at Nudie’s Honky Tonk told 43-yea-old Brian Asplin he had to leave after he was belligerent and disruptive to other patrons. Asplin refused to leave the venue, and MNPD officers responded to the scene. They found him to be heavily intoxicated and unable to care for himself. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication. 

Broadway brawl ends after long struggle; woman spits on 4 MNPD Officers

Eryanna Giles says she was walking on the sidewalk in front of Nudie’s on Broadway when 22-year-old Shawntranise Waller suddenly punched her and pushed her out of the way. A large brawl then broke out, and 22-year-old Roneqwua Hayes and 21-year-old Janeshia Leggs both joined in the fight. Leggs and Hayes were quickly apprehended by nearby officers who observed the fight, however, as they approached Waller to take her into custody she began to resist and fight the Metro Nashville Police Officers. It took nearly a half-dozen officers 5-7 minutes to get her into custody, according to their own report. She spit on 4 officers during the battle, including Arnold Ricket, Michael Waltz, Robert Leverick, and Lucas Thomas.. Once they put shackles on her and got her into the rear of a transport vehicle she stated “I am sorry for spitting on you; at least I don’t have HIV”.

Another tourist underestimates the power of Nashville alcohol — Isacc Kollock arrested

24-year-old Isacc Kollock was found passed out at the corner of 4th & Broadway in downtown Nashville early Friday morning. After he came to, medics attempted to transport him to the hospital for evaluation, however, he refused and attempted to stumble away, almost falling over. Police determined he was too intoxicated to be left on his own, and transported him to booking.

Aaron Shelby puts his hand in a bouncer’s mouth and pulls “like a fishhook” after a “what’s up blood” greeting

Jesse Culpepper was working as a security guard in downtown Nashville Thursday night when 33-year-old Aaron Shelby walked up behind him, said “what’s up blood”, then reached around and placed his finger in Culpepper’s mouth “in a fishhook manner” and began to pull. Culpepper used a foot sweep to take him to the ground, at which point Shelby bit the inside of the bouncer’s thigh twice, and spit in his face. Culpepper was missing some flesh after the wild attack. Shelby was cuffed and detained by Culpepper and transferred to the custody of officers, who he then pelted with racial slurs throughout his interaction.

Finance Bro charged after getting rough and rowdy on Broadway— Todd Feager arrested

Metro Nashville Police officers observed 40-year-old Top Flite Financial Division ManagerTodd Feager roughhousing and fighting on Broadway in downtown Nashville with a group of other individuals after a night of drinking described as “at a high rate of consumption for several hours”. Due to his level of intoxication and careless behavior on the streets in public he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication. 

NY Tourist Robert Mason screams “This is America!” before assaulting MNPD Officers: pre-trial release

22-year-old Robert Mason, of New York, is charged with the assault of two Metro Nashville Police Officers, disorderly conduct, public intoxication, and resisting arrest after employees flagged down police for assistance as he was being kicked out of Scoreboard Bar & Grill. Refusing to let officers call a friend to help him leave on his own, he clenched his fists, took a fighting stance, and screamed “THIS IS AMERICA!”. Officers tackled him as he began to resist arrest. He Grabbed Officer Joshua McGarvey’s ring finger while twisting and clenching it, which caused an injury to his finger and a hyperextended knee from the fight. He also caused scratch injuries to Officer Snyder from his fingernails.