Poop covered tourist Alex Ray Hall fights cops & doctors after Nashville public intoxication arrest

Police found 29-year-old Alex Ray Hall, much as they would any other drunken tourist — staggering down the 400 block of Broadway, unable to maintain his balance. As they attempted to help him to the sidewalk for his safety, however, Hall threatened to assault the officers if they touched him. This began an arrest for public intoxication, which, once again, could have been a small dent in Mr. Hall’s night, however, he made other life choices. By the time Hall was being placed in the car due to his level of public intoxication, he had urinated and dedicated on himself and was described as a “large man of 6’3” stature, at least 250 pounds, and had consumed a “vast amount of alcohol”, much of which was now urine on his clothing as he exhibited escalating behavior.

During a medical clearance, Hall threatened medical staff and officers and headbutted Officer Caillouette. Officer had to trap and hold one of Hall’s legs, both of which were “covered in poop”, as he continued to kick at medical staff and officers using the exposed “poop”. Police reports note “it was only with multiple officers that he gave up and went into the vehicle with much effort… he continued to use his body weight and drunk strength to actively resist arrest efforts.

Another tourist who wasn’t prepared for Nashville’s liquor — Austin Joseph Barnes arrested

25-year-old Austin Barnes told Metro Nashville Police he was in Oklahoma City when they found him too drunk to stand up at the entrance to the Drury Plaza Hotel in downtown Nashville Thursday. He was unable to provide which actual hotel he was staying at and was deemed too intoxicated to remain safely by himself. With no friends to care for him, he was taken into custody and transported to booking.

Paul Tirado found “no so lucky” outside Lucky Bastard Saloon in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Enforcement Initiative this weekend encountered 35-year-old Paul Tirado outside the Lucky Bastard Saloon, barely able to stand on his own and causing an extreme disturbance to those around him. He was asked to leave multiples times and refused. Unable to locate anyone to care for him, he was charged with public intoxication and transported to booking.

Joshua Trott arrested in downtown Nashville after being too drunk to dodge a Nashville Fire vehicle.

Nashville Fire Medics were responding to a call in downtown Nashville just before midnight when they encountered 31–year-old Joshua Trott outside of Honky Tonk Central at 4th Avenue and Broadway crossing the street and refusing to yield for the emergency vehicles to pass. Eventually, and with great difficulty, he moved out of the way, causing a delay in the response time to the emergency. Police encountered him after the incident and found him to be heavily intoxicated and placed him into custody.

Police arrest intoxicated man who was enjoying the sprinklers at Home Depot — Antonio Cruz

20-year-old Antonio Cruz was found standing underneath the outside sprinklers at the Home Depot on Bell road, extremely intoxicated and enjoying the drops of water raining down on him. A store manager attempted to ask him to leave the property, but when he continued to remain under the sprinklers, police were alerted. When he was unable to tell him who he was or where he stayed, they took him into custody for public intoxication.

Christopher Riccio charged after brawl on Broadway in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police responded to Rippy’s Honky Tonk on Broadway in downtown Nashville just before midnight Saturday to a fight call. They found a beaten 31-year-old Christopher Riccio who did not want to press charges on the other person involved. He refused any medical treatment, but due to his extreme level of intoxication and inability to care for himself, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.