Ramona Lavender: racial slurs, spit, & urine — oh, what a night! #Arrested

Police say 26-year-old Ramona Lavender and her sister were coming home from a bar when they were involved in a crash in Antioch Friday night. She was yelling and screaming at her sibling when police arrived and then turned her outrage toward officers as they asked questions related to the investigation. She then threatened to shoot the other involved driver, Justin Mathias, and shoot up his house. Once in the rear of a patrol car, she screamed racial slurs at officers, covered the car in her spit, and tried to kick out the windows. Once at booking, she spits on several officers, one of them directly in the face, then stated she had to use the restroom, at which point she pulled her pants down and urinated across the seats in the booking area.

Tourist too drunk for Redneck Riviera; refused a ride by Uber — Jeremy Hency arrested

Early Sunday morning, Metro Nashville police responded to Redneck Riviera in downtown Nashville where they found 45-year-old tourist Jeremy Hency in the process of taking his shirt off and yelling obscenities as security staff at the location. He had been kicked out of the location for being too intoxicated and escorted to the door. Hency was with his son, who agreed to arrange an Uber ride to avoid his father being arrested, and officers began to walk away. Moments later they turned to see Hency laying flat on the sidewalk blocking the path of pedestrians. His son attempted to get off the ground, stating the Uber was nearby, and officers even assisted him to the Uber once it arrived. The Uber driver, however, refused service due to his level of intoxication. Left with no other options, Hency was charged with public intoxication and transported to booking.

Jacqueline Wolf found drunk & belligerent at Morgan Wallen concert in downtown Nashville

25-year-old Jacqueline Wolf was at the Morgan Wallen concert in downtown Nashville Friday and was in someone’s seat. When asked to produce her own ticket to verify where she was supposed to be seated she became extremely belligerent and yelled and swore at staff. She was heavily intoxicated and admitted she was “a little drunk”. She was turned over to MNPD who charged her with public intoxication.

Carlos Che Quej found drunk and injured, sleeping on a stranger’s lawn in Nashville

27-year-old Carlos Che Quej was found sleeping on a stranger’s lawn on Saturn Drive Saturday night just after 10 p.m. when officers made contact with Che Quej, he was unable to answer most questions, but was able to convey he had consumed “8 or 9 beers”. It was unclear how he sustained multiple facial injuries, but he refused all medical assistance. The homeowner wanted him off his lawn, so he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Casey Vordermark kicked out of Losers Bar in Nashville

25-year-old Casey Vordermark was told to leave Losers Bar in Nashville after becoming a disturbance to other guests, but refused to leave on his own. Security them escorted him outside, at which point he began to fight the security team. Officers arrived and asked the man if he would stop fighting and tell them what was happening, and he just began to yell and curse at officers with slurred words. Without hesitation, he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Dude, where’s my hotel? It’s not inside the Federal Courthouse — Demetrius Jones arrested

23-year-old Demetrius Jones was beating on the doors of the Federal Courthouse at 801 Broadway in downtown Nashville, determined to get inside, believing it was his hotel. Police were dispatched to the scene as a possible burglary call from security. When he explained to MNPD this was his hotel and he was trying to get back up to his room, he did so through a strong odor of alcohol while struggling to stand on his own. Federal officers advises they had no reason to prosecute and would not be responding, so he was taken into custody for public intoxication and transported to booking.

Nicholas Flores charged after starting fight on Broadway in downtown Nashville

26-year-old Nicholas Flores was detained by Metro Nashville Police on Broadway in downtown Nashville after noticing him fighting another bar patron in front of Acme Feed & Seed. As the fight spilled out onto the street, a crowd watched as Flores continued the fight which everyone agreed he initiated. Due to his extreme level of intoxication and inability to control himself in public, Flores was taken into custody, charged with public intoxication.