Colorado woman deemed too drunk for the Nashville International Airport — Nicole Benallo

Police say 40-year-old Nicole Benallo was found sitting on the ground near a crosswalk at the Nashville International Airport. Callers reported she had stumbled and fallen onto the ground. As officers approached to assist, they could immediately smell alcohol coming from her and noted her extreme level of intoxication. Due to her inability to care for herself in public, she was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Drunk Milwaukee Nurse takes Nashville Police officer to the ground — Julie Elliot arrested

32-year-old Milwaukee Nurse Julie Elliot was causing a scene at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Nashville just after last-call Thursday morning. Police say she was extremely intoxicated and causing a commotion in the lobby. Police confirmed she was not a guest, but had been stumbling on Broadway and concerned citizens walked her to the Hilton lobby. She walked away as police encountered her, reeking of alcohol and barely able to walk. She told officers she was walking in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Due to her extreme intoxication and inability to care for herself, officers began to take her into custody for public intoxication. Elliot resisted, pulled away, and attempted to break free. Once cuffed, and as she was being escorted to the patrol car, she wrapped one of her legs around the front of MNPD Officer Blake Lutz’s right leg and then wrapped her other leg around the back of his right leg, causing them both to fall onto the ground, ripping his pants, and injuring his right knew. She continued to grapple as they attempted to place her into a patrol car.

Two can’t pay bar tab at Tin Roof on Broadway — David & Jaclyn Villareal arrested

42-year-old David Villareal & 42-year-old Jaclyn Villareal were booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after police say they were called after the two refused to pay a bar tab at the Tin Roof Bar at 316 Broadway in downtown Nashville. David kept repeating he “does not have any credits”, and Jaclyn was also without a way to pay, and they had no means of getting back to the hotel or to request a taxi or ride-share.

Unable to be left in public due to their level of intoxication, they were charged with public intoxication and transported to booking. David was reportedly extremely uncooperative with officers.

Woman refuses to pay bar tab at Hermitage Hotel — Julie Anne Burch arrested

Nashville Police 40-year-old Julie Anne Burch refused to pay her bar tab at the Hermitage Hotel in downtown Nashville Thursday. Security didn’t want to prosecute as long as she would agree to leave the property. They discovered her to be extremely intoxicated and attempted to assist her with an Uber, however, she wasn’t sober enough to properly operate the app. She was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Man arrested after being kicked out of three downtown Nashville bars — Michael Costello

23-year-old Michael Costello was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail at security at Kid Rock’s Bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville informed police that Costello had been kicked out of two bars prior to being removed from their venue, and he continued to attempt to come back inside. Officers gave him the chance to walk away and go anywhere else, however, he refused and continued to argue that he was allowed inside.

“Two beers” make another man too drunk for downtown Nashville — William Britt arrested

Metro Nasvhille Police say 23-year-old William Britt was leaning on a random car at 317 Broadway in downtown Nashville, and someone asked them to check on him. Upon arrival, officers found Britt to be extremely intoxicated, uneasy on his feet, and reeked of alcohol. He told the officer he only had two beers at Jason Aldean’s bar shortly before the interaction. He could not answer any questions about where he was going, where he was staying, and was without a phone, wallet, or transportation. He was transported to booking.

Drunk man charged after “cussing out a kid on the plane” — Thomas Hook arrested

Airport Police say k 28-year-old Tommy Hook was “cussing out a kid on the place” according to gate agents at Nashville International Airport. Hook was initially calm with officers but would sneak in an occasional “asshole” remark to the Southwest manager via a quick yell. He was removed from the plane so it could take off without him. When he realized he would not make the flight to Chicago that day, he started screaming expletives across the airport and became aggressive. He was taken into custody, despite his resistance, and transported to jail.

Trio charged after downtown Nashville brawl, including father & son from Alabama

Metro Police say a trio of folks were all fighting the streets of downtown Nashville last weekend, disrupting both traffic and citizens attempting to use the crosswalks. 18-year-old Brody Presnall, of Alabama, told officers 39-year-old David Castillo pushed him and called him names, and that’s why Brody pushed him back and punched him in the face and began to fight, despite officers giving multiple commands to stop. Brody’s father, 44-year-old Clint Presnall, also got involved when he observed his son getting pushed and engaged in the fight with his son against Castillo.

Mt. Juliet man charged after being drunk & disorderly in downtown Nashville — Justin Lopez

Metro Police say they were dealing with a separate incident at 310 Broadway in downtown Nashville when 29-year-old Justin Lopez inserted himself into the situation and became incredibly agitated and became aggressive toward one of the involved parties. Police attempted to stop him as he aggressively approached them, but he tried to force his way past officers. That’s when they realized how extremely intoxicated he was, and took Lopez into custody.