Drunk man ends up on wrong East Nashville Porch — Benjamin Wilkinson arrested

Metro Police found 24-year-old Benjamin Wilkinson standing on a front porch of a Boscobel Street home in East Nashville this weekend. He was banging on the front door and asking to come inside, believing he was at the correct house. Police determined he was heavily intoxicated, and at the wrong house.

Wilkinson was transported to booking, and charged with public intoxication.

Titans fan arrested after attempting to bite hospital staff after ambulance ride from game — Luke Lacefield

27-year-old Luke Lacefield was transported from Nissan Stadium during the Titans Game, and upon arrival at St. Thomas Midtown, ED staff observed his extreme level of intoxication as he had to be restrained to a hospital bed due to his yelling, screaming, and making threats to of harm to hospital staff.

He reportedly attempted to bite a female member of the security staff who was attempting to restrain him. Lacefield told police he has no memory of the incident.

Titans Superfan wipes his hands on another man’s face in the restroom at Nissan Stadium — Preston Weatherby

Metro Nashville Police say 23-year-old Preston Blake Weatherby attempted to cut the line for the men’s restroom near section 321 at Nissan Stadium Saturday during the Titans playoff game. When another fan confronted him about it once they had been inside the restroom, he reportedly wiped his hands across the face of the other man in an attempt to escalate the situation.
Weatherby posted a $200 cash bond.

Man found sleeping off his intoxication on stranger’s East Nashville Porch— Zachary Yonts arrested

Metro Police arrived to find 28-year-old Zachary Tyler Yonts asleep in a chair on the front port of an East Nashville home on Marsden Ave just before daylight Sunday. The residents had initially called police to report a stranger knocking on their front door. Officers woke the man up and determined he was intoxicated to the point he was unable to care for himself, and it was unsafe to leave him in public.

He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Local drinks too much vodka on Broadway, charged with public intoxication — Mario Sardagna

Metro Nashville Police took 48-year-old Mario Sardagna into custody Saturday afternoon at 401 Broadway, Merchants Restaurant. Officer Sean Pulizzano says the local man was extremely intoxicated and was annoying people in the area of the restaurant, and could not stand up without swaying. Sardagna told police he drank too much vodka and apologized.

Sardagna was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Too drunk for downtown Nashville — Derrick Nelson deemed drunk and disorderly

30-year-old Derrick Nelson was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail this week after being deemed too drunk to remain on his own in downtown Nashville. Officers first encountered him while patrolling Broadway near 6th Ave South, as he was yelling at other bar patrons in the area and causing a disturbance.

He was having trouble standing steady and was unable to contact anyone that could care for him, or tell officers where he was staying so they could assist him back to that location. He was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Man accuses bar staff of stealing his wallet; it was in his pocket — Gregory Boatright arrested

36-year-old Gregory Boatright became extremely intoxicated at Bootlegger’s Inn on Broadway in downtown Nashville Saturday night and began to accuse employees and patrons of the bar of stealing his wallet. He eventually became a disruption and was asked to leave – a request which he refused.

Police responded to the bar, and after more drunken behavior he was placed into custody for public intoxication. A search incident to arrest determined his wallet was in his back pocket.

Local charged with public intoxication after downtown fight with girlfriend — Luke Countryman

26-year-old Luke Countryman was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Sunday morning after police encountered him arguing and cursing at his girlfriend, causing a drunken disturbance on Broadway in downtown Nashville. Police attempted to end the disturbance by getting each party to go their separate ways, with his girlfriend getting in a cab.

Countryman refused and continued to be a disturbance and was drunkenly stumbling near the road. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

California Tourist punches cop in face after being kicked out of Kid Rock’s Bar — Connor Brink-Sawyer

Metro Nashville Police offices say they repeatedly pleaded with 24-year-old Connor Lee Brink-Sawyer to go on about his night after he was kicked out of Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville for fighting inside the venue. Brink-Sawyer repeatedly tried to re-enter the bar and was extremely intoxicated. Despite attempts to let him walk away, he became aggressive toward officers, resulting in his initial arrest for public intoxication. As an officer began to take him into custody for a charge he would have walked away from after a sobering-up period, Brink-Sawyer began to swing his fists at officers, he landed a punch on the face of Officer Michael Jason Leon Hones.

Brink-Sawyer was transported to the Metro Nashville Jail, where he was charged with public intoxication, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and assault of an officer. Connor Brink-Sawyer, who is from Modesto, CA, is free on pre-trial release. Today is his 24th birthday.