“I didn’t do anything wrong”, yells man kicked out of Kid Rock’s bar — Isaac Paul Jordan, too drunk for Broadway

22-year-old Isaac Jordan was deemed to be too drunk for Kid Rock’s bar Saturday night when he became disorderly and refused to leave when asked by bar staff. When police arrived he continued to yell that he “didn’t do anything wrong!” and reeked of alcohol. He was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with public intoxication.

Man hides in stairwell & sprays bar employee with fire extinguisher — William Spielberg #LuckyBastardSaloon

Metro Nashville Police say highly intoxicated 30-year-old William Spielberg hid in the stairwell at Lucky Bastard Saloon in downtown Nashville, and when an employee was walking up the stairwell just before closing early Monday morning, Spielberg unleashed the spray of the extinguisher onto the employee. Spielberg was charged with public intoxication and booked into the Metro Nashville Jail.

James Payton: “I’m not going anywhere, walk away from me right now!”; #MNPD: Understood the assignment

36-year-old Philadelphia tourist James Payton was found “extremely intoxicated” and attempting to fight staff at the Moxy in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Saturday morning. He was immediately irritated with the arrival of officers and stated they should “walk away from him, right now!”. Despite attempts to get him to his room, he stated he wasn’t going anywhere. Officers understood the assignment and took Payton into custody, charging him with public intoxication and disorderly conduct. He is free on pre-trial release.

Dude, that’s not your friend’s car… Drunk man climbs inside stranger’s car — Tavis Cobb

21-year-old Tavis Cobb was leaning against a car in the Commerce St garage downtown Sunday night, believing it was his friend’s vehicle. When someone came up to the car and unlocked it, Tavis climbed inside, too intoxicated to realize it was neither his friend, nor his friend’s vehicle. He was unable to call anyone, he didn’t have a phone with him, and only knew he was “in Nashville”. Cobb was charged with public intoxication and taken to booking for the night.

Tourist says he was “wasted” when found inside of secured federal courthouse courtyard after hours — Callan Isley

21-year-old Callan Isley, from New York, says he was “wasted” and unsure how he ended up attempting to climb a fence to get out of the secured courtyard of a federal courthouse in downtown Nashville Wednesday night. He received “minor injuries” from federal protective service officers Jason Talbert and Christopher Bullock during the arrest. #VisitMusicCity